With all due respect back, I have found more than information on this forum. I've found a sort of friendship with many here. And, like we share the great movie we saw while we we're vaping, we share the fucked up world experiences we live while we're vaping as well.
So, if we treat this like a business lunch, where you can't write it off unless you talk shop, allow me:
The last thing I did last night was hit my hopper with some Deathstar indica, just before I realized how I will be spending the next several days dealing with the shame I feel for my country. Then I woke up at 3AM and took another hit and immediately got flashing red lights. So I changed the battery and then it worked again. Went back to sleep crying.
This morning packed my Feeder and loaded up some Bruce Banner for a jaunt into NYC to walk a trade show for business. This was the first "out in the big crowds" kind of thing I've done with the hopper where I'd see people I know who have no clue I'm a weed activist. But I was in such a fucking pissed and disappointed mood, that I just clipped to my pocket, with a pen along side it, and thought, "fuck all ya'll." It was beautiful knowing how stealthy this thing is. I'm so glad I brought it with me, because it was so depressing talking to nearly everyone... including the Uber driver who had tears in his eyes. I needed to vape and go into my own world of thought and keep connected to myself, what I was feeling, thinking about how the world might change. And the one joy I felt was in knowing that all the States that had a certain level of legalization proposed, passed them! But then I was depressed again when I realized the new Administration will take us back 30 years. Just trying to stay OT here, of course, but I'm an activist for weed, and between Trump, Giuliani and Christi, all who are against weed in the most severe terms, it doesn't look good that it will ever get off the Schedule 1 list.
And then, finally, I thought, could there have been anyone who loves weed as much as I do, who would have voted for a puss-filled Cheeto? I haven't met one yet. And, would a puss-filled Cheeto own a Grasshopper?
So, yeah,
@Office_Printer , we shouldn't talk politics... But we can talk Facts and the emotions that ensue, which in-turn pertain to how the Hopper might be instrumental in ministering to. And some of us are friends who may occasionally go OT.
To answer the other posts, as to be appropriately OT (that is, the topic we are on at the moment).
Moon, even though I was around lots of people today, none of them are pro-weed, and likewise,
I as well had no one but you folks to talk to all day. I don't know about anyone else, but weed balances my emotional system. I can express anger while laughing at it at the same time. Suffice to say, and as I assume weed does not mix with puss-filled Cheetos, we are, most of us, feeling quite the same, as we even take comfort from our overseas buddies.
EDIT: Thanks re those links that you're vacillating between. I'm going with the
this .
I feel you, Vap.
So fuckin' on the money.
I'm thinking Nero was on to something.
And finally, a note to Mods... Thank you. We sincerely respect your duties and, as I hope you might discern, are trying to be cool about what affects all of our lives.