Old & In the Way
I keep hearing how the warranty times are lower, but, here I am at 5 months as of today
Can you tell me, in general terms, how soon my warranty request from Nov. '18 (for a replacement ss body) might be fulfilled?
I have to assume that @JeffD 's warranty and mine (replacement body) both involve heating assemblies. While you did say the replacement body would be ready shortly (thank you), can you tell us, how do these 2 wait-time illustrations represent 'almost all caught up'? Do you have an anticipated date that is hoped to be the, "all caught up with everything, and repair times down to a couple of weeks, tops?"Warranty Times:
They are dropping fast and almost entirely eliminated for most issues at this time. The exception is heating assemblies, which there is still a wait for.
Hate to say it, but I do have yet another to send in, just not a priority atm, with others working well.
Unfortunately for you, we here at FC are perpetually curious...