Vapor Enthusiast
Holy shit, when did the batteries go up almost 100% from $7 bucks to $12 bucks... LOL
Few months now. Heard from someone the stock seemed good so I'm planning on getting a few soon.wouldn't mind the increase so much if it was for a gb3 lol. Not that they exist...yet.Holy shit, when did the batteries go up almost 100% from $7 bucks to $12 bucks... LOL
Few months now. Heard from someone the stock seemed good so I'm planning on getting a few soon.wouldn't mind the increase so much if it was for a gb3 lol. Not that they exist...yet.
Price of lithium is continually on the rise as it's a finite resource. I'm guessing that's one of the reasons. Probably not cheap to order custom batteries either. The quality has definitely improved over time so maybe they switched factories and opted for a better manufacturer(higher costs).I must've got the last 3 at $7 bucks LOL... Yeah I have 4 GHB2's so i don't need any. But just wondering why they went up. I wonder if they switched the quality of the battery manufacturing.
I do not follow your instructions properly....what do you mean exactly?
Still not sure what you are saying that is not normal use anyway?
Keep on blue light?
You turn unit on it has a red light then blue when is supposed to be at temp and it stays blue
I do not know what else you do?
Also the heater on mine will not get hot at all anymore, the back end does though - I am sure you and I are not the only ones who tried giving it more time to heat up?
Have you read through this thread to see all the different experiences and faults?
I have left a couple of long posts with ways I "fixed" mine previously too
As of now mine is dead.....
Relax my friend, let’s blame it on my bad English and move on...Gotta love edited comments......
Edited comments to look less attitude - then turns my telling you to chill into you telling me....
switch and bait and more shite - a lot of effort yet none in trying to explain to ppl what you actually meant....
I did not complain - I asked you to explain what you mean
You would rather a pissing contest and keep editing the smart mouth comments to look less of a #$%
You could explain what you mean by keep on the blue lights
Does yours change colour from blue?
Do you have purple lights
Coz mine goes from red to blue and stays blue until you either turn it off or the battery dies
with your super powers of communication - how does your unit work and wtf do you mean by keep the blue light on?
If of course you are trying to help ppl as you say....
Thank you
Now I understand what you are saying
You did not mention that you meant to keep the unit on as opposed to turning it off in between draws to save battery power
Now I understand you I can say that I have tried this method a while back and was getting results similar to what you describe
No longer does this work for me sadly, hopefully my new body fixes my issues or I will have to send my back end in also, which will mean a much longer wait to get my hopper back
See how much nicer and easier things are when we just communicate and not become offended?
A simple back and forth and everyone starts to understand each other with no animosity and we also actually share knowledge
Again - I thank you for your input and hope this helps someone else - but unfortunately for me it is not the fixer
Happy vaping all and good luck to everyone dealing with these frustrating yet temporarily great units.....
Sorry friend we’re cool, It was just a conversation gone wrong. We are all here for the same reason, trying to help each other.
I know that the “solution” I gave may be temporary but if it revived my unit for some more time I’m happy to share the info.
Edit: one more thing I noticed is that a fully charged battery will perform better then the 2nd use of the same battery.
Good luck with the new units!
Yes we are all good from my end too bud
I was happy when I did get temporary fix from different options
I will be properly happy if I get a working and reliable unit though
Any time I read this sort of statement I fail to see the logic behind it. This only means you will wait even longer than if you just sent it in the moment they invite you to open an RMA. It's a first in/first out thing, so I don't really get the motivation behind that.
What temp are you running it at? I ask because my "repaired" GHs have to be run at max temp...and even then, they are cooler than OG at 4.2.Ok guys I’m about a week in with my v5 Grasshopper. So far knock on wood everything is working great.
- I have not turned on my Cloud Evo once since I got the Hopper back (I have two Evo’s which shows how much I love that thing.)
- The Hopper is enabling me to use less material surprisingly.
- I have 4 GHB2’s that I cycle through. I use about 1.5g a day (medical user)
- I brought it outside the past two days and used with regular mouthpiece with silicon tip.
- I dread the day it’s not going to work. Hopefully that day never comes.
New v5 body received today. Lasted one second... turned on, red LEDs, then black. Tried 5 batteries, 2 different backends. At least they are consistent.
What temp are you running it at? I ask because my "repaired" GHs have to be run at max temp...and even then, they are cooler than OG at 4.2.