Discontinued The Grasshopper


I'll try no spacer next time .. it has kept debris off the front end screen.

Batteries are 3.7v and My xtar charges to 4.20.. :uhh::suspicious: Maybe it's a dumb question but why is this?

Still in :love: Hopefully they are figuring out how to keep these new in house hoppers alive. I have gotten blinking lights and the back end warming up..I just take the battery out and reinsert and it's good to go?


Well-Known Member
I'll try no spacer next time .. it has kept debris off the front end screen.

Batteries are 3.7v and My xtar charges to 4.20.. :uhh::suspicious: Maybe it's a dumb question but why is this?

Still in :love: Hopefully they are figuring out how to keep these new in house hoppers alive. I have gotten blinking lights and the back end warming up..I just take the battery out and reinsert and it's good to go?
Keeping the front end screen clean sounds decent, this is the only bit that builds up gunk quickly. I'm always blowing out crap from there after a chamber..

3.7V is the nominal voltage of the cell, 4.20 is correct for a fully charged cell. Theoretically the nominal voltage is halfway between fully charged and fully depleted. Basically the unit will draw power with the correct current until it reaches a limit. Some devices list 3.6V or 3.8V as the nominal voltage, depending on the end point of the charge cycle, which is dependant on the cells chemistry. Generally the distinction between them is arbitrary because 3.7V looks better and offers better specs on paper, so it's often chosen over 3.6V.

I'm pretty sure the GH cuts off well before 3.2V, so 3.7V is not really the devices nominal voltage, but is probably what the cell is actually rated for.
Theoretically you could pobably squeeze a couple more chambers out of a hopper cell once it gets to red lights. The GH is insanely power conservative compared to every other vape - even butane, probably.


Old & In the Way
Keeping the front end screen clean sounds decent, this is the only bit that builds up gunk quickly. I'm always blowing out crap from there after a chamber..

3.7V is the nominal voltage of the cell, 4.20 is correct for a fully charged cell. Theoretically the nominal voltage is halfway between fully charged and fully depleted. Basically the unit will draw power with the correct current until it reaches a limit. Some devices list 3.6V or 3.8V as the nominal voltage, depending on the end point of the charge cycle, which is dependant on the cells chemistry. Generally the distinction between them is arbitrary because 3.7V looks better and offers better specs on paper, so it's often chosen over 3.6V.

I'm pretty sure the GH cuts off well before 3.2V, so 3.7V is not really the devices nominal voltage, but is probably what the cell is actually rated for.
Theoretically you could pobably squeeze a couple more chambers out of a hopper cell once it gets to red lights. The GH is insanely power conservative compared to every other vape - even butane, probably.
Not sure what it means, but I think I like your new avatar.
Is that your newly engraved Hopper?


Well-Known Member
So, what is the consensus regarding water pipes and Hoppers? I love using mine with glass but I have heard speculation that extensive use at level 5 is the reason for the unit's high rate of failure and that back pressure from the water pipe forces vapor and small particles back into the heat sensor. I'm skeptical about use at level 5 being a problem, other than running your batteries down more quickly. The problem of back pressure seems more potentially damaging but Hopper Labs developed the PFE for use in water pipes and I doubt they'd want to encourage something which would lead to more RMAs. Opinions?
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Well-Known Member
I want to suggest that the Grasshopper be renamed the Boomerang :ko::ko:
haha, it is pretty deadly, and they do come back... allegedly!

Not sure what it means, but I think I like your new avatar.
Is that your newly engraved Hopper?
It is indeed, thanks mate :)

I am pretty damn happy with this hopper!
This is what I tried to get tatted on, it nearly worked. I really like the molecules, they came out awesome, though you have to look for them on the actual device..


It doesn't really mean anything beyond I got high and started drawing.
In one of the early HL emails about engraving, they left a blank canvas for custom designs. Perhaps 87x1087 resolution..
This was the full scope of the engraver, so I tried to pack as much in as I could.


Memorial day and the hopper from misthub came just now. It's got a ghb2 in it but the sleeve was white instead of black? Maybe just a ti vs SS color in packaging.

Weird how I haven't received my ht pfe directly from hopper yet... But a SS hopper I purchased days later made it already. Pretty sad on hopper labs part.

I did get an email saying they would look into it tommorow since today is a holiday and mail doesn't go out.. gotta love Amazon prime


Free Men Don't Ask
but I have heard speculation that extensive use at level 5 is the reason for the unit's high rate of failure and that back pressure from the water pipe forces vapor and small particles back into the heat sensor.
Pure speculation based on nothing. People have used their hopper every day for a year ripping it through water on 5 with no issues. Others have used theirs once native and had it fail. I don't believe it has anything at all to do with how it's used. Especially since that would be the FIRST thing hopper labs would blame if it were an actual concern.


Well-Known Member
Memorial day and the hopper from misthub came just now. It's got a ghb2 in it but the sleeve was white instead of black? Maybe just a ti vs SS color in packaging.

Weird how I haven't received my ht pfe directly from hopper yet... But a SS hopper I purchased days later made it already. Pretty sad on hopper labs part.

I did get an email saying they would look into it tommorow since today is a holiday and mail doesn't go out.. gotta love Amazon prime

Yes I am curious to see how the “MistHub Club” Grasshoppers fare. What is the sleeve you mention? Is it in reference to the packaging?


Active Member
Just wanted to add another data point for how HL has been with responsiveness. So far I've sent them at least half a dozen emails and always get replies in 2-3 days, even just got a reply today though it's a holiday, and thus far none of their promises have been incorrect. At this point it looks like my hopper that was cosmetically defective out of the box, should be back to me in a week or two.


Yes I am curious to see how the “MistHub Club” Grasshoppers fare. What is the sleeve you mention? Is it in reference to the packaging?

Yeah you pull it out of the box and it's what the grasshopper sits in.

There is soldier in the SS one. Thin silver film in the ti


Well-Known Member
Intriguing. Did you ever send them a message asking for your unit or did it just show up? I appreciate the reply!

It used to be the norm that HL would be awful at communications, and since January, they didn't seem to be much better. I had a late December RMA that I got back about 4 weeks ago. I had to ask for it - twice - but I was satisfied that they replied to me....

Helpful Hint: The Warranty message board isn't good for anything but sending the unit in and getting your confirmation that it arrived, and, getting the email saying to check your Warranty message board for the notice that your Hopper is shipping. An EMAIL to support, referencing the RMA number and begging nicely for some sign of life from them, seems to always elicit a response. In fact, it even worked to grease the skids on the process.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak", goes the wheel.


HL sent another email regarding my HT PFE I ordered on the 21st. (Shipped "same day" supposedly) was told that Monday it would ship that day. Now this morning another email. Like an echo. It will ship today... Told them nevermind and refund the PFE as well as my pre-ordered SS case and SS Charger. I can only imagine what these guys do logisics wise. If everything is in house now - and the pfe is pre made (I chose it from a picture) I was assume all that was to be done is package it up if it wasn't already and slap the lable on that I paid for ... What is the problem? I don't understand.:doh:

Thank goodness mine are working. I can't imagine being held hostage to these people...

HL if you need logistics assistance hit me up! Looking to move to CO soon anyways and I'll be looking for work:tup:


Old & In the Way
Todays' Grasshopper Update:

"Over the last 20 days, we are satisfied to report that the new production lines we recently installed have been operating smoothly. These production changes necessary to make the Hopper more reliable and robust caused the delays outlined in our May 1st blog update. We can now say that we are making strong progress on delivery of both outstanding units and Hoppers awaiting warranty. We have steadily increased throughput each week and we expect that trend to continue.

We are catching up on new orders quickly and we will see shipping times fall over the next 30 days. For warranty units, we are working on November 2017 through early March 2018 right now. Service depends on which parts your unit needs and the available stock of those parts. A tech has looked at most of the warranties in this time frame and put them on the appropriate track to getting fixed. We appreciate your patience with this. Hopper Labs is in good health and we are working long days to get your units back to you.


We have been using our Instagram to put out small shipping updates. Please check out our story to receive weekly information. @grasshoppervape

Thanks for checking in on our quick update.

10% off all in-stock accessories when you place an order in the next 5 days.
Code: GoldenGoat

Over the last 3 years, we have been improving our designs to provide the best experience possible.

Lots of new blog posts! Click here to check it out!"


Well-Known Member
Anyone using a J hook with their Hopper? Tough to handle?

Yes, and no...its super easy. Very nice accessory for a GH, IMO.

Todays' Grasshopper Update:

"Over the last 20 days, we are satisfied to report that the new production lines we recently installed have been operating smoothly. These production changes necessary to make the Hopper more reliable and robust caused the delays outlined in our May 1st blog update. We can now say that we are making strong progress on delivery of both outstanding units and Hoppers awaiting warranty. We have steadily increased throughput each week and we expect that trend to continue.

We are catching up on new orders quickly and we will see shipping times fall over the next 30 days. For warranty units, we are working on November 2017 through early March 2018 right now. Service depends on which parts your unit needs and the available stock of those parts. A tech has looked at most of the warranties in this time frame and put them on the appropriate track to getting fixed. We appreciate your patience with this. Hopper Labs is in good health and we are working long days to get your units back to you.


We have been using our Instagram to put out small shipping updates. Please check out our story to receive weekly information. @grasshoppervape

Thanks for checking in on our quick update.

10% off all in-stock accessories when you place an order in the next 5 days.
Code: GoldenGoat

Over the last 3 years, we have been improving our designs to provide the best experience possible.

Lots of new blog posts! Click here to check it out!"

Yeah, more spin.

I don't give a flying f*ck what they say, I want to see what they do and that result is not in yet. To me, we have still seen some reported quick failures with recently RMA returns and I still haven't see my GH since Feb.

So please forgive me if I'm just not ecstatic because they say everything is coming up roses. Not sure these guys would know the truth if it ran them over.
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Oldest boy alive
Whatever people bitch about hopper labs and their customer relations

This new update is refreshing and tells me they are still sticking to their guns

Good on them and I am glad to be their customer

Ps: haters can suck my

PPs: yes I just mailed in my hopper for the 4 time in 2,5 years :rofl:

PPPs: total price of 40 dollars that is literally peanuts compared what it costs hopper labs to service it.

Most warranty for electronics is around 1-2 years

I miss my hopper :ugh:


Well-Known Member
I am glad to be their customer

Good for you. :wave:

By the by, labeling people with whom you do not share a view or opinion a "hater" is just name calling, no?

Now if you would like to discuss the facts about HL performance and actions that inform opinions contrary to your own, I would be glad to participate. But arguing over who is/isn't a "hater"? Nah.


Oldest boy alive
Good for you. :wave:

By the by, labeling people with whom you do not share a view or opinion a "hater" is just name calling.
Just so you know @Baron23

I was writing that at the same time as you and not as an answer to your post

Mostly just wanted to post a picture of some nuts

Dont be thinned skinned over this as your already on the hopper thread where we are having a one way conversation with a company greatly lagging in customer relations

At least they have not just folded and given up

Put yourself in their shoes


Well-Known Member
I was writing that at the same time as you and not as an answer to your post

We are all good, mate. :tup:

Mostly just wanted to post a picture of some nuts

And very nice nuts, they are! haha

Dont be thinned skinned over this

Oh, I don't think I was being thin skinned necessarily. While it seems like I was in error and you were not referring to my last post, the error was understandable since I was the only post after the posting of their recent email.. Besides, I think my response was measured, no? :brow:;)

Put yourself in their shoes

I have been in there shoes or ones very much like it. I spent an entire career as a Program Manager in some very tech industries including start ups.

That they designed their vape with insufficient margin and tolerances, that they designed their vape with insufficient testability and fault isolation ability (which they frakin' admitted to in one of their recent instagram posts when they mentioned the significant time to find the fault with RMAs) is clearly and definitely on them.

They also seem to have designed components of their vape that have some serious producibility and yield issues. On them also.

Their failure to adequately communicate with their customer community and their tendency to hide behind glossy email broadcast about how swimmingly well things are going and their customers reacting negatively toward them about this...well, this is on them too.

I have been in their shoes which is why I feel rather confident in criticizing them roundly.

Have a great day. :rockon:
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Well-Known Member
Updating a post here from last Friday - I sent two e-mails that day, one to the warranty address that they'd sent me correspondence from one of the several other times it was in for repair, and one to the 'orders' address, AND posted yet another message on the warranty page on their site, each asking for an estimate on when I might get my unit back. They've had it since January, and haven't responded to any of my inquiries since the beginning of April. Not a fucking peep in response from anyone there as of this moment. Nada.

However I did a generic update e-mail from them today, promoting their new and improved blah blah blah.

So when I read that people are getting quick responses and good service from them, I wonder what the hell is going on. The inconsistency really adds to my frustration. I'd almost feel better if everone was getting the same terrible customer service that I am. I've been nothing but polite and diplomatic in all of my contacts with them. I don't think I've done anything that would cause anyone there to want to 'punish' me for being a dick. Did my unit fall behind a filing cabinet and get lost or something? Is it unfixable? Are they waiting on some special part? I have no idea, because they aren't responding to any of my inquiries, no matter which method I've used to try to contact them.

UPDATE: before coming here today to vent :), I sent yet another e-mail, this time to support@grasshoppervape.com, and just got a generic auto-reply response. Better than nothing I guess, but just barely...


Well-Known Member
Yes, and no...its super easy. Very nice accessory for a GH, IMO.

Yeah, more spin.

I don't give a flying f*ck what they say, I want to see what they do and that result is not in yet. To me, we have still seen some reported quick failures with recently RMA returns and I still haven't see my GH since Feb.

So please forgive me if I'm just not ecstatic because they say everything is coming up roses. Not sure these guys would know the truth if it ran them over.

Of those who have received a Hopper with the new in-house parts, who has had theirs fail? I haven't seen anyone post here about RMAing an updated Hopper.


Well-Known Member
Of those who have received a Hopper with the new in-house parts, who has had theirs fail? I haven't seen anyone post here about RMAing an updated Hopper.

I'm pretty sure that I have indeed seen that in this thread. Well, don't know about RMA'ing an updated GH, but there were reports of recently received repair units failing again.

I may well be wrong in this.


maybe this

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