Old & In the Way
Yes, your math confirms the definite suckiness of the situation. I used to joke that if it all got unbearable I would just put the units in a drawer for a year or two then pull them out and warranty exchange for much improved Hoppers. The Time Capsule approach.I'm imagining you don't pay what we do then ... @ $25 per trip back to HL and a 3 week downtime, it can get steep. For example, for 1.5 weeks of use of my SS (some not working at 100%), I'm out $50 CAD. So I've spent about 20% on top of my purchase cost on RMA (after you account for currency exchange). Pretty steep repair costs for 1.5 weeks of use ... and it'll have been out of my hands in RMA land for 6 weeks (~75% of my total time of ownership) ... so although I do expect to have to RMA, and I do accept the nature of the reliability of the GH ... this severely sucks! I, as well, have not applied the highest standards, but I do expect to get more than 25% of the time of ownership where it can actually be used and be in my hands ... if you reverse those numbers at 75/25 then it's not so bad(still not great though!)
There have also been some humorous attempts here to come up with one's Hopper Dependability Ratio (rma's per month/per hopper owned and such...). You, unfortunately, would have an impressive score whatever the metric!
You're doing well to not freak too much! so, vent on!
We can hope for some new international plan for more service options to emerge 'cause it sure seems to be needed.
I guess I was generalizing on the 'lowered expectations of reliabilty' observation. And it's easier for me all around, as I'm one of the lucky guys it costs less than 3 bucks and two weeks' per. Only once in 7 months' time have both Hoppers been down! at the same time, so having 2 has worked out well in my case, which is pretty heavy use (2 people).
To all this I add yet again that we really, really like this vape!