Would the GH cell size of 750mAh (though GHB1s measured average was closer to 600mAh) be more susceptible to degradation induced performance loss than the average battery? 750mAh seems quite small for a rechargeable Li-ion
I did say amongst my spiels that high-rate charging isn't problematic but more so an undesirable thing to do, especially given that HL have reported improper use with a third party charger prematurely killed an allotment of batteries
Well, Li-ion continues to discharge even when it's not in use. So very long term storage can induce deep cycles on batteries and extended storage can cause deep discharge which is very unhealthy for a battery.
60% (flashing red lights on the hopper) is an acceptable level for long term storage, though it will be using up finite charge cycles
I think this is the best way to go; guarantees the biggest and best hits, and reduces the charge cycle taken up in the charging process. It works out for the user and is good practice for memory free Li-ion