This is awesome. Just took the punt and ordered a second one. I feel insecure/vulnerable if I don't have two of everything I consider indispensable.
A comment back to complimenting Stealth/stash containers.
I had figured a working stash lighter was the way to go but the available $5-$9 lighters I found will cost $40-$50 for shipping to NZ

so I played around with other ideas. i.e I pulled the wadding out of one of my old Zippo lighters to make one stash that should hold around 4 oven loads and took the AAA battery out of an old scuffed up key-chain Maglite torch (3" x .6") that I haven't used in years and voila!.. another estimated 4 oven fills!
(edit) here's a link to a small working key-chain torch/Stash
Still looking for a better shipping deal on a working Bic or Clipper type stash lighter (the zippo won't work with weed) but with the Maglite on keychain and the lighter (8? oven loads), all I need is the GH's, a pocket protector................... and maybe a bib
