Well-Known Member
auch! for how long have you been together with your fallen baddy?My grasshopper has just give up on meRed light goes straight to blue but doesn't heat up.
auch! for how long have you been together with your fallen baddy?My grasshopper has just give up on meRed light goes straight to blue but doesn't heat up.
Just over 4 weeks.auch! for how long have you been together with your fallen baddy?
@jamesuk9 The grasshopper that you mentioned above with the faulty charger, did it come supplied direct from Hopper Labs or was it purchased through Vapefiend originally? I'm asking as I am also in the UK and currently still waiting on my Feb 15 preorder direct from HL. Is Vapefiend doing all the warranty work for UK owners or just the ones purchased direct from themselves?
My grasshopper has just give up on meRed light goes straight to blue but doesn't heat up.
This is the portable too many of us are waiting for.This IS the portable you're waiting for.
OKay, obviously my questions from above have been written in too bad englishsorry for that
So, next try: one important question:
The flickering blue-light issue seems to stay a problem here - when the blue light start to flicker, the GH doesn't produce enough heat. And this can be the case even with a fresh battery.
Since I exclusively use the GH through a bubbler on (mostly, 99%) level 5 I am able to actually see the vapor getting thin when the lights start to flicker during a hit. Unfortunately the lights never flicker before i hit, it only starts during the hit. Usually, I stop inhaling and start again with a new battery but this is at least a little annoying. Happens in about 3 out of 10 hits. Anyone here who can confirm this kind of issue? Thanks!
Maybe i should add: I own 6 batteries and charge them with the D4 charger, I have never used the regular GH USB charger. And I have never let one battery die completely, I usually charge them after 4-5 big rips
And... not sure, if I have written it before but:
The FLAVOR is OUT OF THIS WORLD with the GrassHopper, even on 5 through my D020 . A true BLISS!
Perhaps the supreme 3.0, Zion, Milaana or Firewood 3 would be good choices?Greetings from Spain everyone. Discovered this page only a few of weeks ago in order to research my next vape purchase . About six months ago bought my first vape (for dried material) It was a Summit, and it totally sucked, as the battery has issues (24 hours and irregular charge times, battery drained after 1 session) the temp leds stopped working and vapour was minimal and frustrating, however the few times I managed to pull off decent had me convinced that this was the path to follow.
So after much ado, i narrowed down my choices to a the crafty, mighty, firefly2, and the GH. Its clear to me that albeit their numerous manufacturers defects and so forth that these are the clear reliable choices. Thanks to your comments and watching numerous videos of thick clouds, I could see that the GH was my first choice, albeit without the certain security that the s&B products deliver. and when I saw the opportunity to get 1 right away, I even paid the extra $130 without a doubt.
And indeed the last 10 days have made me combustion free after 30 years of regular smoking in all forms.
Until..the charger stopped charging and heated up..! So after speaking with the labs and submitting my warrant request I am faced with the possibility of having to send the body in as well.
So with no second vape at hand, and with a few days before i combust i need to decide on another GH, the mighty or crafty. I found the GH in another country but its at a fairer price and basically costs the same as the cost is the same..anyone can suggest another cheaper vape (albeit less stealthy) that has such dense clouds? Thanks!
Perhaps the supreme 3.0, Zion, Milaana or Firewood 3 would be good choices?
Although I'm not sure how difficult it would be to source those in Spain.
Have you considered getting an external charger for the hopper batteries?
You might be able to stretch some more time out of the device if you opt for external charging.
Greetings from Spain everyone. Discovered this page only a few of weeks ago in order to research my next vape purchase . About six months ago bought my first vape (for dried material) It was a Summit, and it totally sucked, as the battery has issues (24 hours and irregular charge times, battery drained after 1 session) the temp leds stopped working and vapour was minimal and frustrating, however the few times I managed to pull off decent had me convinced that this was the path to follow.
So after much ado, i narrowed down my choices to a the crafty, mighty, firefly2, and the GH. Its clear to me that albeit their numerous manufacturers defects and so forth that these are the clear reliable choices. Thanks to your comments and watching numerous videos of thick clouds, I could see that the GH was my first choice, albeit without the certain security that the s&B products deliver. and when I saw the opportunity to get 1 right away, I even paid the extra $130 without a doubt.
And indeed the last 10 days have made me combustion free after 30 years of regular smoking in all forms.
Until..the charger stopped charging and heated up..! So after speaking with the labs and submitting my warrant request I am faced with the possibility of having to send the body in as well.
So with no second vape at hand, and with a few days before i combust i need to decide on another GH, the mighty or crafty. I found the GH in another country but its at a fairer price and basically costs the same as the cost is the same..anyone can suggest another cheaper vape (albeit less stealthy) that has such dense clouds? Thanks!
I am not too sure of their availabilities tbh, I just thought I'd list what seem to be the more popular choices at the moment.Wow had not considered these..i will check if i can get them..but i thought the milaana and zion were new and backordered? are they all pure convection?
Yes I am checking out some charger on amazon as we speak, by recommendation of the threads here I'm checking the the nitecore d2 and the xtar vc2, however i noticed that although excellent they don't include a reading for the mAh, which i assume indicated battery life. Im checking if there are any other that do..
I am not too sure of their availabilities tbh, I just thought I'd list what seem to be the more popular choices at the moment.
The FocusVape that @Vaperist looks quite good too, though perhaps an Arizer Air would be better again?
In terms of the charger, I have had success with a generic Li-ion cylinder charger that I got from a local electronics store.
It is simply a 2x 3.7V upto 1000mAh set up.
You may have more luck finding something like this rather than the brands recommended. I couldn't find them locally myself.
turn your sights on FocusVape man, if you need a strong substitution for aHopper! that also is one naughty heavy hitter. ceramic conduction chamber with 20 sec heat up time. it requires 40 sec heat soak, but you can do some awesome bong hits after that. as well as using it natively. puffing like a cigar, is nice.reminds me of an blunt smoking times.
i bought it for $100 as an substitute while i wait for a Hopper. to use it on a go. but lately i noticed that it became my go to vape. even as a desktop when at home. and after a month of a tolerance brake i first used my Focus, not Arizer.
yes, flavor goes away quickly. after two big hits already. but cloud density is something great! GrassHopper will have to show me that it is worth twice a money when i finally get it.
i think this vape is more than it costs.
No worries! Muchos thank yous!@tristanstravels I only vape nicotine based e-liquid in ecig vapes and dry herb in herbal vapes so have zero knowledge of concentrates so am probably not the right person to ask.
Speak to the lads at for concentrate and dabbing advice, they have a facebook page and are very responsive to messages and offer second to none customer service. I'm sure they or many others on here can steer you in the right direction.
Sorry I couldn't help more.
No worries! Muchos thank yous!
When the Hopper comes (?) and the dust has settled I'll be selling one of the vapes, and unless the hopper has some ASTOUNDING tricks up it's sleeve it will almost certainly be the one to go.
You may want to check out the boundless cf or cfx. Not convection (may have some, though) but not expensive and people seem to love them.@Copacetic Thanks I am checking them further and have read the forum with your comments and others, who raved about the GH in this forum as well. I haven't tried many vapes. but I had little doubt that GH would be quality paid a bit more, but Im really really happy with it in every way. The negatives are few, I will be very interested to see your reactions and if it becomes your daily go to- id be very surprised if you get rid of it, but if you do I will acquire a milaana.
It does, as portable vapes go, nothing gets close. You will not be disappointed. With a bubbler it is sublime. Most efficient vape I've ever used, so good I will be buying another as soon as I can source one in London again.
I agree - But in your case- Why buy another? In case one breaks?
I bought mine off eBay uk for about 235 sterling- considering if i ordered it from colorado it would cost the 180 plus shipping plus customs processing fee + vat- wouldn't be far off that price- plus i had it right away. There is a last one for sale there at 245. sterling (320 euros)- but I've sourced another in Germany for 270 euros shipping and tax included..and they confirmed by email that its in stock-which as we know is unusual... although there salso a crafty on amazon europe for 240 euros- considerably less than usual.
I really don't see the need for anything else but the GH, thats why im considering buying another if mine has to be sent off to boulder.
however once i get it back a second one will be redundant and serve as an expensive (but does what it's designed to do) backup case one breaks? then again don't want toby a vape that doesn't cut it for me, and leave it in the bottom drawer. there are certainly worse dilemmas in any case.
oh well at least the charger is on its way! as i await hopper labs instructions..
Has anyone found a good alternative to the SS carrying case that HL has been working on? I don't trust carrying my hopper in my pocket at work with dust and actual physical harm possible. Just looking for something to keep it in while moving around, preferably air tight-ish... Lots of dust around here...