yeah. Hopper is making unbelievable clouds considering its size. can't wait to compare it with Sublimator. if it is even near to that level of vapor density, i would sell that Sublimator bitch asap. i almost got my house burned down because of that damn thing. and it take a good 10 minutes to get that monster up to temperature.
You'll probably find it similar to me with my EQ, it's different enough to warrant both devices.
Though I would more often choose a GH bong hit over an EQ bong hit, they are subtly different and the latter is certainly worth having around too.
@newVaper420 it is so, so worth the wait

I would advise allowing 12 months from purchase date until delivery - just in case.
I'm very interested to see when the next lot of address confirmations are pushed and what date range they cover. I think that will give us all a much better idea of how much longer it will be.
I'm as keen as ever still. I can definitely incinerate buds atm but it's just not the same
Pre-orders have been running since Jan 2015, with early bird orders placed Dec 2014 as an invite/email-in deal for late comers to the campaign (which ran Nov-Dec 2013)
I'm a July 2015 pre-orderer #190XX (initial pre-orders were order no. #159XX around 4000 orders of difference, AV~20 orders/day) I placed an order for batteries March 18, order #257XX, making around 10,000 orders since Jan 2015, 6500 orders since my last, AV~27 orders/day over the span.
Keep in mind these are counts of every order placed on their system, so this number does not reflect the amount of GH units ordered. HL state they have "~5200 delayed orders" on April 14th and have an assembly capacity of 550 units per week.
So if device sales are sitting at a 20+/day and they are 10 weeks behind production..
This brings their shipping potential closer to 400/week, and with a 70% production rate 280/week.
So estimating if you order today, making 5500 units on back order, that could put them 20 weeks / 4.5 months behind production.
HL have stated they can easily reach this breaking point at 16 weeks (what current shipping estimates are based off, i.e. August). Unless rumours are true that chargers are bottlenecking production (which I think is extremely likely having being sent a faulty one March 18 before they were aware of this potential) - it's possible there could be a very large shipment this coming week which will finally give more data to estimate with. But they have stated they are ahead with unit production, so it's sounding promising.
TL;DR basically if you order today, even with normal production woes, you should receive it before the end of the year, by which time you should be able to buy one from ready to go stock.