Well-Known Member
I think there's a simple solution for that, assuming the drilled holes idea works. Ghl could just offer a drilled holes mouthpiece as an accessory. That way you'd have 2 to swap out depending on your use of choice.
they could start by selling extra mouthpieces like they are in original shape and form. i asked Caroline if i can add extra mouthpiece to my order, so that i can use one while other is soaking in ISO. that was my civilized excuse. the real reason is that i want extra mouthpiece so i can open it, taking that plastic thing out and use it for bong hits only. so latter i could torch it up and take a reclaim dab trough a rig.

but anywayz, she said NO. we can't add extra mouthpiece at this point in time. if it was possible i see no problem to drill a holes as much as you like.
BIG TIME EDIT: i just asked a same question again. see what she answered
Hi There,
We can certainly sell you an extra Front End. The cost is $25. If you wish to proceed, let me know and I will send you an invoice via PayPal.
fuck yeah i wanna proceed.

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