I have been using the adapter with an ELB in the elbow. It last a long time but I can't get the ABV as brown as an elbow pack with the cyclone. Dave I will try the elbow pack in the wand trick. I don't have a large enough screen in my adapter. Will it hurt anything if some small stuff gets past the screen? I have a one inch screen and it fits but wiggles around. The new adapter I ordered is a different shape than I have seen before. It works the same though.
No, the product that manages to slip by the middle screen will land on the heater screen. When I had that with mine from using the original cyclone bowl, I just turned the unit upside down and hit the heater lightly with compressed air. Now, however, with a tight/fine screen I find nothing slips by.
Hey guys just ordered my q from aroma-tek! I was just wondering a couple things.
1. Is it ready to go right out of the box? Any tests I should run?
2. What temperature range does everyone agree works the best?
3. How well does this work with concentrates?
1. Do a burnoff to remove manufacturing residue. Highest heat setting for approx 15 minutes (no fan). Then follow by a couple minutes of fan on high.
2) have always heard the magic number for cannibas was 392F. For me, I low temp vape in the daytime (170-175C), then save the partially extracted herbs for evening. then when it's time to call it a night, I revape the herbs from the daytime sessions higher temp (200-230C, dependent on strain), and really get knocked out.
3. I only got it to work with really clean Wax. Still a bit messy. Any other concentrate-only was messy and difficult to process. I've heard, however, that a little concentrate mixed with flowers works out well.
Welcome & check my signature for some Modding ideas...
I had pretty uneven AVB when I elbow packed my SSV wand. How was yours?
Only did it once as an experiment, since so many had wanted even better performance from the SSV Wand/Adapter setup... and it performed really well for me.... but got "blasted" and didn't even look at the ABV, just tossed in a jar.
I will give it another Go tonight and report back.... In the name of Science!!