Well-Known Member
Yep this would actually seem to be the matter of fact for quartz as the science above courtesy of @alex91 displays.
So what a clever and educated community of vaporists we must be to have shared this collective illusion not backed up at all by science or history- that quartz will hold heat for LONGER!!
Honestly I feel like we are combined like an Autobot to make one giant dummy!
I wonder were @7thFloorVapes aware of this reduced heat retention of quartz? Or did you guys get caught up ih the merry-go-round as well, just blindly accepting the idea that the opposite would hold true? Maybe you never gave it any real thought, and were motivated mainly from a durability point of view?
No need to answer that. I just find it a little funny how we all lived under this illusion without actually checking the facts. Not directing these apparent (insults) at anybody more than myself. Myself excluded, I thought we were cleverer than that right?
I’m absolutely sure 7th Floor Vapes knew it, it’s their specialty, it’s that they were just looking for the durability, since there has been some problems with the heater breaking and a new option is always appreciated. In my opinion, we don’t have to think about the heaters as better or worse.
It’s like the whole lot of different vapcap tips, each one brings one or another detail or characteristic that changes the experience a little bit. Nothing over the top that affects too much the overall performance or feeling, but enough for most enthusiastics to feel that something has changed, even If it’s almost insignificant. It’s all about the little details. Some people notice more, some notice less and some don’t notice at all, but that’s the beauty of it and this is why we have hundred of pages talking about our beloved vaporizers

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