Easy buddy. He means 0.4 not 0.04. You covered it all as always just wanted to touch on this.I would say .04 is ok, but you get a more full taste and medication using a larger load....say .09
@alex91 yes mate 0.4 is fine. So is 0.25 to 0.35. Maybe even more depending on material consistency.
And even less can work well too. At least 0.1 IMO but 0.15 to 0.3 or just above is probably my typical but variable load range. You just dont want to overload it. I do think it is best to keep the top of the load level with or just below the frosted glass line. Too high and it can ovrheat the top a little, sacrificing flavour and uneven extraction. Also can be too bunched up to shake and will def need a stir quite early in the load to keep the top from going brown and vapor gradually declining.
And yeah sure thing, @LabPong is right- THAT AIN'T NO CARB HOLE!

Lol, feel free to have a play with it if you like and let us know if you learn anything (like, "Kids- Dont play with fire!)

@alex91 keep asking bro if you have any curiosities we will try and help.
@LabPong i have been brainstorming on what best to do with my incoming quartz rigs. This needing to re-shape my coil was really bothering me. I dont think it will be possible to reduce tge inner ID now, I did try before after I overstretched it and it wont go back in any more now. Even if you can push it there it just springs back up and is no longer compressible in anyway. Much easier going the other direction.
And I really dont wanna mess my coil up. But actually in the long run I see this as being a good thing. We wont need to widen the coils so much in future for a big start.
So, my thinking- rather than risk messing up my coil which is working perfectly with my glass heater and risk not being able to use it with the glass again and still not get a satisfactory fit on the quartz for all I can guarantee.....
To me it makes more sense to just keep that coil as a back up which I know will work with glass and get another coil from China which will be another 20 odd quid, but it should be easier to get it to fit the quartz that way round and I would like to start afresh as not over stretch it in the first place.
Then I have the best of both worlds- hopefully a coil which works perfectly with the quartz heaters and the glass one as a backup without having to take risks and gambles and potentially be without.
What do you think bro? I think it makes sense but you are a very helpful sounding board so maybe you can let me know if I'm missing some vital logic here. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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