Arizer Air Guide V1.1
I hosted the PDF on one of my websites, you can download it to your phone, computer. Links are live and will lead you to places in doc, and external accessories. And damn those battery lights (orange and red too close).
Great work man
How about an extra section, accessory's? Or was your aim to keep more focused on the air its self?
I'm thinking details about cases, USB charger cables, battery chargers and after-market stems could all be in there?
I know I've read this somewhere somewhere in the last 298 pages but don't want to go n search again.
could anyone kindly share a link as tp where to buy a good car charger ??
Arizer offers the only 'stand alone' car charger known. PIU and PV being recommended sources. Otherwise please at least check the posts on this page (that's a hint, I just answered it a few posts above, 12 hours ago......). If you can't figure it out, PM me?
Used the Air and new bubbler with some friends over the weekend, and they were all very much impressed!
My one somewhat recently made friend is a heavy smoker and I was wondering what sort of opinion he would have on vaping, whether the effects would be as strong as what he gets from the big blunts he normally smokes. Having been mostly vapor-only for the past half a decade or more, I sometimes forget how the two compare, and I know some people just need to have that extra, sedating sensation from the combustion. So, deciding to err on the side of caution, I decided that we would vape 3 stems back to back, starting on red each time and taking 3 hits each before loading the next stem.
He started feeling it pretty good by the time we started on the second stem, and by the time we started on the third, he was starting to express doubt in his ability to drive home.So a couch was offered. He was pretty amazed by just how much different/better the herb tastes, and that the amount we vaped was still less than what he usually rolls.
I think this is how I will often use the Air with the bubbler, on max temp only. I load stem and stick it on bubbler, heat the vape up separate and stick it on the stem when I'm ready to hit it. On the first hit or two, I dont push the stem in quite all the way, and take faster hits, pulling it off in between to reduce conduction and preserve flavor as long as possible. Towards the end, I fully insert stem into vape, reduce hitspeed, and leave vape on between hits to get every bit I can out of it with the help of conduction. I've also like to load two half stems back to back instead of one almost full stems, to get that fresh green taste twice. I just find that this results in a more enjoyable experience than the way i was doing it (loading full stem, leaving vape on it the whole time and temp ramping from white or green up).![]()
Arizer Air Guide V1.1
I hosted the PDF on one of my websites, you can download it to your phone, computer. Links are live and will lead you to places in doc, and external accessories. And damn those battery lights (orange and red too close).
Quick summary of differences compared to my regular pack:
- Drier herbs
- Finer Grind (due to drier herbs)
- Finer grind makes herb fill in the cracks of the domed screen better
- Drier herbs produce visible vapor faster and more reliantly
- Stem goes a little bit faster as a result of less moisture
- Better overall extraction (although the air seems to get everything out of your herb either way)
One IMO important point left off your list is 'Greatly lessens/eliminates fouling'. I'm convinced condensed water vapor is the kiss of death here. If you're really good about being dry your MFLB doesn't foul. Otherwise, the area under the screen which can't be reached klags up at an alarming rate.
Also not listed is the lesser advantage that battery charges last longer. You can vape more good stuff out if you're not wasting time and energy vaping water as well.
Is there a switch on the side of the charger? My 2 cell battery charger has a switch on the side that changes it between 3.2v and 3.6v (which turns out to charging the batteries to 3.7v and 4.2v respectively). I had accidentally flipped it to the 3.2 setting and it would only charge up to 3.7 volts instead of the usual 4.2. Had some fun figuring out why my ecig kept dying faster than normalI seem to be having some trouble with my batteries, or rather the charger I got for the spare batteries. It had been working great and charging them up right. Now it will have the green light light as its fully charged but when I put it in the Air and turn it on it will be Orange. If the battery is in the Air they seem to charge up fine. Any ideas on what may be going on here.
I made a serious omission here. I forgot to mention the positive to the heat up time. The Air, and Solo for that matter, maintain the selected temperature accurately. It is very precise. And I would say this attests to the quality of materials used and software programming.I too find the Air under powered. Let me clarify, the battery + heater combo do the job well but heat up time is slow by today's standards.
So just a little voice out there letting folks know that they don't have to be overly concerned with dryness. I'm sure it has its pros (and obviously you can't vape soggy weed), but my AA has handled some pretty sweet and sticky buds and shake without pre-drying. And its handled them quite well.....
You betcha! Try it! ;-)Considering AA, would it handle this scissor cut into very tiny nugs like 1/2 the size of a small raisin? Vaped at low temps and THEN stirred/ made into really fine pieces for higher temps?