Well-Known Member
Not having any expertise in the many subjects required to answer these questions for myself I am forced to either decide who I believe (as you have done, assuming you aren't an expert) or to remain cautious and treat it as an unknown. From my point of view it is one person's word against another and the chances are that neither is completely right.

Believe who you want, I'm happy to 'back up' what I say (within reason). Modesty requires I not classify myself as an expert, but I suspect I have experience and first hand knowledge in these areas that can match all save a few Members here?-

I would not say something was so if I didn't believe for solid reasons.

Can you show me any evidence of Li-ions leaking in normal service?

Think about how much air is in a room, anything you breathe in will be mostly diluted. When you use a vape 100% of the air that is passing through the vape is entering your lungs.

Just because you haven't been told that there is a problem doesn't mean there isn't one. Humans have made many mistakes in recognising hazards (asbestos? tobacco?). Breathing a lot of your air through hot electronics for many years is probably something that we currently have relatively little data on.

You act as if the small fraction of the imaginary evil vapors in a hit for a few seconds is different from a hazard standpoint than a lesser concentration for a longer time. That's not how it works. When hazards are identified (and there are LOTS of them) allowable limits are placed placed for both short term (acute) and long term (chronic) exposure. In some cases (like with radiation) there are quarterly, annual and lifetime limits as well. Health Physics is serious business at many levels. Rest assured this part has been very well studied from many sides. Money is spent, carriers dedicated to this. OSHA is not just about counting labels on ladders (there should be 7......).

Many years experience in this (I was Department Safety Rep to our division in a National Lab for a lot of years for instance) not only supports this 'no dangerous fumes' opinion but also long experience in using this sort of stuff in vacuum systems (after cleaning fingerprints and such off of course) proves to me that no vapor of note is emitted. You simply can't hold a serious vacuum if they are.

Believe what you want but I think you're chasing ghosts.



Backwoods Rated
Hi, this has probably been asked too many times here but I just can't seem to find it. Is there any way to check battery level on the Arizer Air? Thanks

Some units, the newer ones, have a battery indicator built in that shows by different color lights as soon as you start the unit or plug it in. Older units do not have the indicator though.

Turn your unit on and then check what the lights do before they start flashing to warm up to level. Or plug it in and see if a color flashes before the light flashes indicating its charging...

I read that back and while it makes sense in my head im not sure if i worded it well...

My new log has me faded lol


Well-Known Member
Hi, this has probably been asked too many times here but I just can't seem to find it. Is there any way to check battery level on the Arizer Air? Thanks

It depends. Doesn't it always?

The original ones did not, later production (say starting in March?) do give a clue at least. On them the first flash after startup is not blue (like the old model and following flashes) but color coded. IIRC Green, White, and Red. Not only is it 'pretty crude' in resolution but the last range (Red?) is half the charge (above 75%, 75 to 50% and below 50%) so it's not very useful where you really need it?

I'm color blind, but when it's not white any more I think about charging.......



Well-Known Member
I just realized that I need a claisen adapter so my friend and I can run both of ours through water at the same time for some large and super tasty low temp hits.

Should have ordered a GonG for the air. Have one for my Solo that will work, but if we want to use both at once I am gonna need another GonG.

I think I might put my silicon sleeve on mine for pocketing so it doesn't slide out, but it looks like the silicon could cover up the top of the vape where I am sure it will build up heat. So I was thinking about cutting it with an x-acto knife or something.

Haven't tried mine yet but I am sure it is great like my Solo. Can't wait till I get home tonight.


Well-Known Member
I read that back and while it makes sense in my head im not sure if i worded it well...

Made sense to me, for what it's worth. If it gets to red, you want to be planning your next recharge. It should take a three or four decent sessions before you sneak up on red, and I've gotten a couple of brief sessions on red when I've needed to but haven't I pushed it past that.

Should have ordered a GonG for the air.

I don't use a water tool, so I haven't done this, but all indication on this forum are that the short plastic tip AA stem works fine as a 14mm adapter.

I think I might put my silicon sleeve on mine for pocketing so it doesn't slide out, but it looks like the silicon could cover up the top of the vape where I am sure it will build up heat. So I was thinking about cutting it with an x-acto knife or something

Yeah, having that silicone sleeve over the heater is probably not a good idea due to heat build up. But they are nice for grip control, so slicing it down to below the heater sounds like a good idea to me.


Well-Known Member
I know the plastic tip will work, but not sure it will stay perched on top of a claisen adapter hands free? Actually we could probably brace that one with one hand and the other vape would stay in place.

So glad I got another vape and passed one on to a friend.

Anyone ever dropped their air onto concrete? That's the only thing I really worry about - but that's another good reason to at least use some of the silicon sleeve.

The removable batteries are a game changer though. Big time. This way I will always have two batteries on deck. Hopefully the threads won't wear out like they did on my nemesis mech.

Looks kinda like a newfangled 26650 mod. I like it.

I like the case as well, but need to find a better way to strap a belt through it, rather than using the provided clip.

I always carry a multi tool, so when I saw the carrier I was pretty happy. Tried fitting it into my multi tool pouch, but it's slightly too big. Maybe I could just find a new pouch for a flashlight that a belt loops through.


Well-Known Member
Love my air, hate the stems breaking lol. Goin to research Eds as I havent been on this forum in a while! Wheres the best place to get all the AA gear?
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Well-Known Member
Hi Airists,

After having used and greatly enjoyed my friend's Solo, I decided I wanted an Air based on the assumption that it will taste just as good and work just as well while also being a little smaller and more portable (I understand the battery is also smaller, but I would get an extra or two).

However, I am concerned about the temperature settings. It looks like the Air has five out of the seven settings that the Solo has. It is missing the lowest setting from the Solo, which is fine with me, but it also is missing setting #4 on the Solo, which is 195 C (374 F). I feel like that is the very temperature I would want to use, but the Air skips from 190 C straight to 200 C.

How are you Air users dealing with having to chose between 190 and 200 C, and not having anywhere to go in between those two?


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I missed that temp point too. I usually use the 1st and 2nd heat settings on the Air. With the Solo I use heat setting 4 and 5. If you use an extended Airpath you can use the higher temps. I have the Vortex PVHE stem from Planetvape it helps to cool the vapor for me. It's not as stealth though.

The Air is pretty similar to the Solo but in a smaller package. It's true it misses one of my fav temps but it is a great little vaporizer and quite stealth with the short mouthpiece. It's made with the same care and excellent materials as the Solo.

Try out a WT with the Air, it works really great with the D020 bubbler.


Well-Known Member
Hi Airists,

After having used and greatly enjoyed my friend's Solo, I decided I wanted an Air based on the assumption that it will taste just as good and work just as well while also being a little smaller and more portable (I understand the battery is also smaller, but I would get an extra or two).

However, I am concerned about the temperature settings. It looks like the Air has five out of the seven settings that the Solo has. It is missing the lowest setting from the Solo, which is fine with me, but it also is missing setting #4 on the Solo, which is 195 C (374 F). I feel like that is the very temperature I would want to use, but the Air skips from 190 C straight to 200 C.

How are you Air users dealing with having to chose between 190 and 200 C, and not having anywhere to go in between those two?

Please see my response on the Solo thread where you asked the exact same question.




Vapoleon Bonaparte
thx im on it, with tinypics also works as it looks like.

And this is what many of us was thinking to do, but i havent see it in pictures yet :)




DIY ventillation through silicone sleeve :)
Its not perfect as you see, i made it with a good knife in 10 minutes, im not good in things like this so if you are good in this kind of DiY stuff, i'm sure u will have better results. :)
But all in all it works, my unit is protected with its condom and it cools like without the sleeve, so it does the job.
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Well-Known Member
DIY ventillation through silicone sleeve :)
Its not perfect as you see, i made it with a good knife in 10 minutes, im not good in things like this so if you are good in this kind of DiY stuff, its sure u will have better results. :)
But all in all it works, my unit is protected with its condom and it cools like without the sleeve, so it does the job.

Brilliant! Protects and ventilates at the same time. Cool.

And it gives it that 'old school microphone' look. If the cops come up, pull out the stem and start singing.....

A tip for next time is you can make neat slots by connecting two holes. For instance punch small holes with sharpened brass tube. You can 'back up' the rubber by slipping a broomstick (or even rolled up newspaper) in as you 'twist and push' and make a circular cut though to the wood (or paper......but not your finger.....). Or flatten the tube and punch both sides at once. Then slice (or snip) along a sharpie line to 'connect the dots'. Or not.

Anyway, 'love your work' as they say, keep it up.



Lonesome Planet
Nice Concept, tho.

Alternatively, the "condom" sleeve could be "circumcised" at the top, for venting....:uhoh:

Or, partially....

Hole punched? With a hole puncher. For venting.

A bit "Haze"-d, ATM.

(Arizer should consider sleeves with vents. QED?)
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Vapoleon Bonaparte
A tip for next time is you can make neat slots by connecting two holes. For instance punch small holes with sharpened brass tube. You can 'back up' the rubber by slipping a broomstick (or even rolled up newspaper) in as you 'twist and push' and make a circular cut though to the wood (or paper......but not your finger.....). Or flatten the tube and punch both sides at once. Then slice (or snip) along a sharpie line to 'connect the dots'. Or not.

It would be better with your idea OF, thank you for the tip, maybe next time, if i buy another sleeve, I'll do like you said! ;)

But for now i'm fine with this one. Now i only have the 2 original stems, i used both, and really like for the Plastic tipped one for stealth and also is comforatble, and doesnt taste differently on the lower temps which i like to use. Maybe with longer stems i'd like the other temps too :)
I always keeping clean my stems, after 2-4 use, I washin them out for the best taste.


Well-Known Member
Maybe with longer stems i'd like the other temps too :)
I always keeping clean my stems, after 2-4 use, I washin them out for the best taste.

You're welcome.

For longer stems, you can try the Solo stems for ten bucks each. I like the straight one, some might like the bent......I did at one point.

For washing them have you tried Powdered Brewery Wash?

If not you should. Cheaper, safer, and IMO superior cleaning to ISO.



Well-Known Member
DIY ventillation through silicone sleeve :)
Its not perfect as you see, i made it with a good knife in 10 minutes, im not good in things like this so if you are good in this kind of DiY stuff, i'm sure u will have better results. :)
But all in all it works, my unit is protected with its condom and it cools like without the sleeve, so it does the job.

Far out. Thanks for that man. With those cuts it cools down well? I'll be doing it to mine tonight.
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