VAS strikes again. Triggered pulled!
I'm a Mighty lover, as I was weaned on a Crafty, but at some point (about a month ago), got my first AA. Took a while, not as easy as the Mighty to get just right, but a bit more "ritualistic" and "fun" to hit from due to it's awesome sleek style, ease of use, prepacked stems, pairing with WT, and more and more.
So... here I am VAS'ing like crazy, even though I have 2 great vapes that produce (with the AA getting better and more efficient every day, as I learn it). I'm thinkin' log, wood, and on and on... but Ed's TNT satisfies my wood cravings, and works awesome on the AA (as well as logs). Anyway, long story short, I pulled the trigger on AA #2... and here's why.
1. Already have a bunch of stems and batteries
2. Can have preloaded AA's / stems anywhere
3. Super stealth and fun to draw from
4. Light weight and durable
5. Not so expensive I'm terrified to drop it (esp now I'll have 2)
6. Can spare the life of both by not relying on just one
7. Maybe have one just for glass
8. Wanted black (want those black ones, anyone have the link?)
9. Already way into the learning curve
10. Lots of manufactures out there making stuff for AA
11. So easy to pair (any good suggestions?)
12. Tastes is sooooo awesome now that I learned to hit just right, I'll never be without an AA
13. Randy had it at $169, I know I'm protected
14. With the skin, my wife won't know I bought a new vape (might be biggest reason)
15. Over the last few days I've been solely AA, I've conserved a ton of material
16. Can't believe this $169 vape is taking me away from Mighty
17. Changeable batteries!!! Who does that? Just about nobody
18. I just doubled my stash with going AA as a daily driver (might be same as 15)
19. It will pay for itself in one month
20. I fucking love it with EVERY stem (old ones, Ed's, plastic tips)
Come on Randy, get that bad boy out!
Okay, now that I'm super rooted in the AA, is it possible to shut off the beep? Using it late night in bed, it'd be nice to shut er down.
PS: Thank you all who've helped me make this rather tough decision (relatively speaking, all decisions should be so "tough"), much easier, by teaching me how to get the absolute (and more to come) most out of this amazingly simple and effective device.