If by, "Rocks a little," you mean the "bowl" end is loose in the oven, that's a good thing.its not the best fit for the the oven. Rocks a little
Looks like you're using a flush adapter.will get stuck in joint.
Very nice video. Now please report to the "Bump this thread" aisle…
Q1: That's the D020-D, correct?
Q2: If so, is that a WonG or the straight up Eds AA stem?
A few thing to share:
If by, "Rocks a little," you mean the "bowl" end is loose in the oven, that's a good thing.
If you rock the Unit on the WonG while you're drawing from it, it will let pockets of air in which can in turn runs through your material and forms vapor. Not just twisting it but actually rocking it slightly.
Looks like you're using a flush adapter.
Here's what I do when using my 14mm WonG with my 18mm glass connection:
take the adapter and fit it snug on your WonG. Don't twist, just press. It's wood, it till be ok.
Then, take some Teflon tape and put a couple rounds on your adapter and connect to WP. Should be nothing wobbly and will be smooth action when clearing.
Also, for the open airflow on the WonG, draw slower as the WP you're using in the video has a lot of diffusion combined with the WonGs open airflow will overwhelm the heater and drop temp. I tend to draw slower on all my portables. With my LSV thought water, I draw a little more rapidly, but its a plug in so it can keep up.
Any takers?
viva la revolución de la combustión y de los vaporizadores portatiles!![]()
I was wondering what we know about the air path in the Arizer Air?
I have a Solo but have stopped using it because I'm not happy about the air path; I can feel the air moving through the battery with my hand as I draw.
I'm looking for a new portable and I liked most things about the Solo other than this problem so I thought I should look at the Air. Does the Air suffer from the same/similar issues? Is the air path properly isolated from all wires/electronics?
Thanks for the help!
I know @OF has taken his air to bits (took one for the team to save anyone else destroying theirs) and I'm sure if there were any concerns he would not be still using it
Hey everybody, new user, loving my Air so far.
I was wondering if Id be able to use my Air through a waterpiece with the stock stems, or do I have to buy a separate GOnG stem?
the plastic topped Air stem will mate just fine with 14mm GonG fitting. You should get a bubbler/WT with a 14mm Female fitting, if you already have a different scheme, an adapter seems in order?
I don't own a solo but from what I understand they are very similar in design (which IMO is part of the reason the air has proved one of the most problem free new vapes) personally I don't have any worries about the vapour path as anything before the bowl is not heated air, so IMO safe, heat happens in the oven then passes through the glass stem, to me this is the vapour path and IMO anything before the heat shouldn't cause any problems.
I know @OF has taken his air to bits (took one for the team to save anyone else destroying theirs) and I'm sure if there were any concerns he would not be still using it
I'm not blessed with the ability such that I could "feel the air moving through the battery with my hand as I draw" on Solo. Amazing (and potentially very useful) skill, that. Someone so blessed might come to a different conclusion with Air?
And in all honesty I don't fear 'evil battery/electronics' vapor. Anymore than those coming from the computer (television, laptop, ...) I'm no using. They typically defy detection by scientific means (let alone by me personally) and in much much higher concentrations are not considered a health issue in the conventional sense.
Thanks for the info. I have been told that li-ion batteries produce a small amount of gas. I have no idea if this is true but I can believe it and it is enough to make me feel a bit uneasy about using my Solo regularly.
Can you not feel air moving? I'm sure anyone can feel the air flow if they hold it in the right way.
I think I would care about any gasses that my tv/computer were producing if I spend as much time breathing through them as I do my vape.
I'm sure these things are entirely harmless in small doses but what if you are breathing it in many times per day for years?
What's up guys, first time poster here. I'm looking to buy my first vape and a good amount of research has me leaning towards the Air. I never vaped before, but have heard good things, so ease of use is important to me as I am a beginner.
For the most part, I will use it at home with my wife, but might take it on an occasional road trip/vacation. So stealth isn't really a big deal to me, but it seems portable enough for what I'm using it for. I just wanted to ask you guys if this was a good investment for a first timer. And if you have any tips for when I do eventually get it, that would be greatly appreciated. I'm currently used to joints and pipes and really like the idea of saving my lungs.
The $149 price is very attractive too compared to the Pax2 and a few others. Thanks in advance.
The Solo was a 12 minute time-out and that was bad enough. Now, it IS called a Solo, so I'll give them that, but I spend a lot of time around bonfires, or at cookouts and campfires, etc. Every time it comes back round my way, it has to be turned back on.
The one thing that does disappoint me is the auto shut-off after 10 minutes. The Solo was a 12 minute time-out and that was bad enough. Now, it IS called a Solo, so I'll give them that, but I spend a lot of time around bonfires, or at cookouts and campfires, etc. Every time it comes back round my way, it has to be turned back on.
Two possible solutions here. Get the person on your right to start it off and pass the other way. Then you get the last go before it needs turning on.
Or invite one less to the fun.....
Enjoy, it's a fun device.
Yep, all those nylon and brass gears in your head are starting to slip!I used to LOVE sniffing the raw ozone off the motors at the back of my slot-car racers as a kid. Am I doomed? LOL
Hey everybody, new user, loving my Air so far.
I was wondering if Id be able to use my Air through a waterpiece with the stock stems, or do I have to buy a separate GOnG stem?
Rest assured that is not true for this class of batteries. During normal cycling they build pressure at times, leaks would mean slow death. They are very well sealed with a destructive vent (it punches a hole in a diaphragm before enough pressure to burst the case can happen. In fact they can be used in vacuum. This information is 'out there'.
But if you care about long term low level exposure that's exactly the time to worry about living in the same house, especially in the UK where houses tend to be much better sealed than most US houses?
Consider, if you will, guys who work in busy computer and server centers. Working in rooms with LOTS of hot electronics 40 hours a week, 2088 hours a year. Or guys making and testing that same sort of equipment? They too are exposed much much more.......if it was real.
IMO it's just not a realistic threat. You (and everyone else) gets to make that call personally but a very aggressive Hazards Control industry doesn't share the fear........
You call, but IMO you were over concerned with Solo and Air is a tiny fraction of that.