Off course there is a smell, maybe users don't smell it but anyone with a nose for mj will recognize that smell. Just opening a jar of bud smells up the place.
yeah, they generate a smell for sure. It's nowhere near as strong or acrid as burning, but it gets pretty cooked at the two higher temp settings (yellow / red). Past green, I find the taste to be pretty lousy. Sure feels like the higher settings are for water tools.
I will admit that I haven't figured out how to consistently pack the bowl right. They higher settings really seem to chew through battery (and get the burnt popcorn odor if it's not fresh packed)
Are the mouthpiece and solo stems like the Planet Vape stem? can a bubbler be used with this little device.
(sorry if I mangled your quote, smartphone reply)
email response I recv'd from PlanetVape stated that their Turbo / Shorty / etc stems all work with the Air.
I'm prolly gonna order some high temp caps, silicone tubing, and a stem from them. Debating that I should prolly just get the f-bomb combo (compact and stashable fits my needs well)
the plastic MP on the stem is sized correctly to fit a 14mm GonG connector. Turn it over and stick it in any handy neighborhood WT and you've good.
WHAT? I never would've thought to try that! I feel like that's a bullet point feature that would sell more units! I can just use the 14mm male to male piece I picked up on a whim, figuring I'd need to wrangle tubing...
now I really wish I had never combusted out of the "affordable, what the hell" option bubbler as a ring in the New Year impulse. The smell is there

. Can I just ISO the shit out of the glass? prolly gonna gift wrap it up for some friends anyway as a belated whatever gift if I get the f-bomb / something similar.