Hey guys im sorry for another dumb question...
I ve been told that the loaded glass stem touches the bottom of the metal chamber, and there isnt supposed to be any space between the end of the stem and the metal, so the herb doesnt get out or the glass bowl.
How does the air get into the stem from the holes in metal chamber then? Lol
idk if it makes sense haha im still very new to vaping
Sorry mis read:
@Shit Snacks said
The 4 holes on the bottom are more on the bottom than in the ring I would say.
It works is all i know
You could lift the stem up just a touch a mm.
Also just pack lightly with pinky.
I love my AA the only 2 things I hate are
the top cap isnt the same material as the Solo rubber cap.

mine popped off twice and i found it
im going to drill one of the round holes one size bigger and put it on.
If it does pop off its easy to put back on with dental floss.
Im going to email Arizer for a new one and see before i do any drilling.
NO Fn batt meter?????


You have 5 different colors,you cant use them for a batt meter?

Even the Pinnacle Pro has a batt meter.
Speaking of which I have to try them both out together as
I also think the PnP almost on par with the Solo for me vapor wise IMO.
taste the Solo and the Air taste much better,not compare just observation.
I will say if the Pnp did any of what the Air is it would be a real winner IMO
This is what the PnP should/could have been.

But the Arizer Air also pumps out the vapor.
Definitely a mini Solo.
Id like to see the Solo with the Air bowl.
Ive used 3 times back to back and no shut off.
I also cut slits in my condom, I notice the difference.
Ive been getting 5 full sessions with the Air..
Easy to double now with an extra battery you have +2 sessions over the Solo on a single charge.
I use green,yellow and red ,green a yellow are really nice as been stated.
Really glad I got it for black friday.Worth the $199.
To me yes just for the battery swap alone. and i get double the life of my Pnp,
But no battery meter??
Ohh, the condom, without any access holes for buttons and charger port would be sweet.
I turn mine 1/4 turn so the buttons and the charger port are covered from anything.and can see the light through mine(white)
will have to see how the black one looks when i get it.
I also notice the the Air fits right inside a JyARz without the condom or glass,maybe stretch a jyarz ?????
If you do get an Air get at least one extra battery.
Oh also I like the Air stem in my Solo for 14 mm Gong connection sweet idea.
If you have a Solo,get a Air stem and your set. anyone with,or waiting for planet vape should have one for a back up
for $9.99 works really well.
you could always drill out the black mouth piece if you wish.
I use my bent stem mostly works well with the Air.
And maybe one flat side on the Air would have been nice to lay on side and not roll.
So thats my rambling review.
I give the Air a 4.5

Only because of the battery meter and the cap
(my 2 plus year old solo has the cap,all 3 of my Solos have the cap no problem)
Nice work Arizer.