Ah, I see a mistake I have been making already. Quetzalcoatl. I assumed that to get any vapor out of my Airizer, deep and prolonged draws were absolutely necessary. When I took small sips, my exhalation contained very little vapor, which led me to assume that the device required a prolonged and uninterrupted flow of air, to produce adequate vapor.
From first hand experience I can tell you a small-medium grind and a packing of ~0.05g grams (a full stem) with the bud I use gets me the best results. I do like to use a bubbler as well. Try adding a couple of lemon juice drops to the bubbler. Keeps the water fresh tasting for longer.
Ok folks I have a rant to share today, and it is that the Airizer, and possibly most portable vaporizers, should be sold with a bubbler as a package deal, and should be sold with an explicit health warning that use of portable vaporizers without a water bubbler COULD incinerate the user's tonsils, throat and lungs.
Using myself as a guinea pig, I decided to try some of the lower temperature settings on the Airizer, in the hopes that by so doing, I would avoid, or at least reduce the drying and burning effect of the vapor on my breathing passages that I experienced on the highest two temperature settings. What I discovered to my utter dismay is that regardless of how low I set the Airizer temperature, the incineration of my throat and tonsils occurred after vaping just a couple of bowls full.
As I type these words, I am suffering from by far the absolute worst sore throat of my entire life, simply as a result of using the Airizer in the manner prescribed by the user instructions that came with the unit. Now I have smoked weed in joints, but NEVER in bongs, for literally decades, and during that time have NEVER experienced such an intense scorching of my throat, and so I am certain that my organically grown weed, cultivated by yours truly, is NOT to blame for my injury.
Prior to acquiring my Airizer, I read up on vaping extensively, and besides a few passing mentions about the cooling and humidifying effect of a bubbler when used with a vaporizer, there was no direct reference to the medical danger of NOT using a bubbler at all. The total absence of any warnings about the heat and dryness of vaporized weed led me to believe that I was on pretty safe ground using my new Airizer without any water tool attached.
Boy was I wrong ! With my current experience in mind, I therefore offer this caveat emptor to all vape noobs about to take the plunge with a new portable vaporizer. NEVER use a portable vaporizer of ANY make or model, UNLESS it is connected to a bubbler. Failure to take this simple precaution COULD fry your throat and lungs. Apologies for the emotional tone of my write-up today, but my breathing is labored right now, as a result of my experiment to quantify the danger of vaping with no water in line.
/rant over
I weighed a stem yesterday and then added bud and weighed it again. Got about .05 or .06. Scale doesn't go to any more digits. I'll have to reweigh tonight.
It can be a tough transition for sure. Blazing skills don't always transfer well. In blazing honking on it raises the fire so the vapor happens Most all vapes, OTOH make vapor on their own, sipping also transfers all the available into vapor (just at a lower rate). True convection is a possible exception here, but Air/Solo isn't in that class.
Unlike smoking, seeing a lot of vapor in the exhale is not important. I get it it's reassuring to see, but the useful effects come later.
There's also an argument that smaller sips allow you to capture more, clearly useful vapor you see on exhale is lost. You paid dearly for it, and just blew it out into the air.
Another point to consider is we're not all recreational users. Many of us are MMJ types and have compromised (some severely) ability to 'smoke' (or take in vapor) and yet manage to vape as needed. Just by taking many smaller hits rather than one big one?
I rather suggest you consider tuning your technique on effects (after the fact, of course) rather than the obvious feedback of lots of visible vapor in the exhale. Try something then wait until it's had a chance to effect you (say 20 minutes?) before you decide how effective that approach is?
Don't look to 'buy your way out' of this with a bubbler or some other hardware change, as has been said, Air/Solo has a proven ability to deliver as shipped. You already have the hardware necessary to succeed, you can probably improve it with accessories but that's not necessary?
Hang in there, it's worth getting figured out.
Best wishes,
Yeah, the key is to reduce the volume & temp of hot air/vapor taken in. I enjoy a 20-40 degree(F) temp drop with a fraction of air volume(over stock unit) by redirecting & throttling inlet air with modifications.Ah, I see a mistake I have been making already. Quetzalcoatl. I assumed that to get any vapor out of my Airizer, deep and prolonged draws were absolutely necessary. When I took small sips, my exhalation contained very little vapor, which led me to assume that the device required a prolonged and uninterrupted flow of air, to produce adequate vapor.
This post has really cleared up several misconceptions that I have held about vaping, and I can't wait till I am back in shape to try the small sips technique, which actually feels a whole lot more like tokin' on a good ole joint.
I sure appreciate the pointers offered in the above quote, OF, and I am certain that adopting this far easier and natural approach will put an end to my bumbling misadventures into the vape realm.
Once again I thank you much for this educative post. I knew I had to be doing something wrong to be just about the only person reporting to this forum about cooking my innards during vaping, and now I can see exactly what it was that I was doing in error.
Don't look for that familiar 'head rush', that's mostly a function of that nasty junk in smoke. THC takes time to enter the blood, find and block the receptors. However, you're brain long ago connected that repulsive stuff (remember how you reacted when you first tried inhaling smoke?) with getting high. You can get folks off smoking ABV that gives nasty smoke stuff but no THC if they believe.
To get into vaping you need to lay off blazing and vape only for enough sessions to break that mental link. Your brain needs to learn you don't have to stick your face in the campfire to get off. That takes time/experience. Once that link is broken (average a week? Two?), smoking reverts to being as repulsive as it ever was.
Big up to OF for being so concise and accurate.
Thank you.
does anyone of know of an external battery charger other than the one arizer sells that is compatiable? also, is there a battery level indicator on this vape i cant quite tell what the color it displays on startup means.
Sometimes when trying something new enthusiasm can take over in the process.
green, red, white, yellow? blue-green? orange? : )
Most external chargers should work as long as they cut off at 4.2v, some good options are nitecore i2 or d2, xtar vp2 or the luc v4, the xtar and luc have more/better options on them.
The battery level indicator is when you turn your air on, if it has it, first there will be a blue'ish flash then either green, yellow, white or red depending on the charge level.
Edit: i normally get the colours mixed up so it might be green, white, yellow then red.
And all these chargers come in 2 or 4 bay versions
Thank you! As a follow up question, any aftermarket that you guys recommend? Anything that might give me some more run time or should I just stick to the arizer batts
The battery thinghas been ongoing for a while now and i think to sum it up, it depends on how you feel about it, if you understand how these kind of batteries can vary and what effect that could have and want to save a few £/$ then shop around, if your new to Li-Ion batteries and want to play it safe and use something thats been tested to work with the Air then stick with OEM Arizer.
Hello. I'm new here but have been reading from this site and learning from everyones advice to one another but had to register in order to quote this as it's so very true!!
Sorry to jump in and hijack the discussion but i've had my arizer air for one month now and haven't touched and other utensils since!
I am totally on board and don't have any desire to go back! FC INDEED
Big up to OF for being so concise and accurate.
Thank you.