I'm almost certain that micro usb will be obsolete in a year or two.....maybe we will see pico-usb !
...or no cable at all, induction charging seems to be the future.
Hard to say what the future will hold of course, but Micro USB is electrically just a different connector. You can use adapters to get whatever you want mechanically, but the same electrical issues will persist.
If you are driven to use USB with this constraint, no need to wait or wish for anything more. Cables to do this exist, I've posted a couple of different links for a few dollars each as have others. If you want to use a Micro USB rather than the more common USB A connector on most computers for some strange reason, there's adapters to fix that.
Induction has long been experimented with (a two piece transformer basically in most cases) for many such applications (including electric car charging in fact), but success at high current levels and small size with high efficiency (low heating) has remained out of reach thus far. Cables are widely used for a reason I think. Pacemakers at one point depended on this, for instance.
Dude the first person to successfully create wireless power will be a billionaire! I don't mean induction, I mean without any contact whatsoever. It kind of, sort of exists but nothing for the consumer as far as I know.
Actually (magnetic) induction doesn't require contact, examples of this are around right now. Range and efficiency are issues, but it's a proven technology on an old theme (as Sinclue points out, Tesla was obsessed with it......but he's dead now). It made more sense I think in the days before we understood the impact of power distribution. In 'the battle of the currents' Edison used DC (not AC like Westinghouse) and therefore condemned himself to short distribution lines. He had a power station
every few blocks in early NY......obviously a disadvantage.
IMO there's little to invent until we change those pesky rules of science. We can, for instance convert to microwave energy and 'beam' that were we want and convert the generated heat back to useful current but a cable seems a better solution for now.
Those measurements help but I'd also need the thread size (basically the thickness of the threads and separation between each one. It's usually standardized). No worries, I can wait til Monday. If it works out maybe I'll sell some for cheap

. This will be my first time using a 3D printer so I'm excited but learning.
I think you'll find it's not a simple matter of major and minor diameters and pitch like with conventional threads because you're not dealing with threads with well controlled profile like in most cases. The male is molded in hot glass, it will vary widely. A couple I just checked have considerable out of round as well.
Instead the atypical thread (profile wise) of the female part is made to match the pitch and be extremely loose (notice that part?). The threads are instead used as a wedge (what they really are in classical mechanics terms) to draw the gasket down tight. My advice would be to section off (carefully slice in half cross wise) the cap and copy the profile of those threads and match the pitch and bottom profile.
Good luck with it. Not an easy thing I think to get right, but 'close enough' should carry the day. I'd also be worried about 3D printing that part, the materials used tend to be soft when hot, easily melted and not necessarily the safest to use at the temperatures we are?
Nikola Tesla"
Wonder where we'd be if he'd received more recognition and support?
Fun guy, for sure. I once worked with a relative named 'Teslich', he claimed the correct spelling?
I think he was recognized in a way, the 'power brokers' of the day clearly feared him, respected his work with AC early on, tried to 'buy him out and shut him up' viewed from some perspectives.
Unfortunately IMO he didn't understand all the rules of the game as we do today (like everyone else), or he might not have carried on so. Today the idea of dotting the countryside with such towers would give the bunny huggers conniption fits for sure. Decapitating the odd eagle in windmills, or roasting the odd bird flying by your solar farms is hard enough for them to ignore at present where basically nobody sees, but if it was common place from coast to coast I fear 'the little old ladies in tennis shoes' would be marching?
Nothing preventing a modern guy from picking up the flag and running with it, except technical and social problems now in sharper focus? Today, we know technically why he failed in his later experiments and could avoid some of the pitfalls he couldn't.
Today the pressure is to bury power lines so we don't have to look at them. We object to cell towers for heaven's sake (and IMO rightly so).
Besides which do you think 'they' will really let us have unregulated power they can't charge us for? Not to mention all those lovely taxes.......