You can make a thick paste out of baking soda and distilled water to soak your sapphire in, cleans much faster than simple green.
How did the first sapphire break? Share your shame![]()
I knew you would ask.....
Really wish I knew, went in when a larger dab, capped, and when the vapor cleared, noticed a piece of broken GEM. I’m as careful as possible, treat it like its radioactive. If this one breaks, I’ll try the SIC dish.
Hmm, thats interesting. No known cause. Damn. No shame there, but no learning really either. Hmm. I broke an obsidian dish, which I would imagine you read in the DCup thread, that was entirely down to me and a major dunderheaded move of SHAMEI'm overdue for another
One idiosyncrasy of the vapecode controller is the buttons go in singular steps or they fly by at a rate of knots. So... as usual, the TBucket has been heated for hours at 415f. Load up my dab on the dabber, and press the increase temp button until it starts speeding through time itself and take my finger off. It stops at 576f. Fuck it.
Then followed the same procedure as before. It was a pretty big dab but it still had a hint of carbon, a slight burnt taste, which I hadnt had until that dab. After that first inhale, I did the same thing on the controller but in reverse (hit down temp until it sent me travelling back to 1985 and then took my finger off, 405f this time). Dab went down in WAY fewer inhales than if I'd stayed at 415f. Controller obviously loses temp way slower than it gains temp, so there is a trade off going on there.
Clean up is noticeably darker in shade than the clean up last night from either 415f dabs or manual glob mode at 520f. Harder to clean up off the sapphire too, more stubborn and slightly caked.
All in all, 576f was a bit too high... unless I increase dab size againI was going to see what going up briefly into the 600's would be like, but I might leave that for a major dab size challenge!
EDIT TO ADD: There was a little coughing fit on the first terp heavy inhale, not from the rest of the dab tho, and no subsequent inhaler use needed. The experience was not so pleasant tho, obviously, carbon is not my favourite flavour.
EDIT 2: Same again, but with 0.23g dab, went up to 600f/down to 380f but with all the same method as before. Same results but with yet again a slightly even more darker clean up, no carbon that I noticed tho (slightly bigger dab size I assume)... but also there is more... -
How do you measure your dabs? I have a fairly accurate one I use for EJuice making.
I have had oil spill over a few times now. No longer bother with Terp balls, that’s one potential cause as well as larger dabs, and of course how hot you dab at. Once it migrates down the sides of the dish and eventually getting underneath, it can be hard to deal with. I can tell if the dish might be stuck, because I’m constantly swabbing after every dab, and if my sapphire disk moves/slides just a bit when I’m moving the QTip around, I know it’s not stuck.
If it is stuck, BUMMER... When the oil dries, it’s like GLUE! Since I don’t really want to disconnect my cover and coil every time this may happen, to attempt a ISO soak, I tried to find another, easier way. Besides, the other issue is the two surfaces, the bottom of the titanium cup and bottom of sapphire dish are manufactured extremely smooth, so even a tiny bit of oil, creates a kind of vacuum effect mating the two together, even after I warmed up my DCup to approximately 200f. I could move and slide the sapphire dish, it was loose do to my warming of the metal cup holder. Do to the “vacuum” effect even turning it upside down and light tapping, it would not release. I then had some success by finding a very small “suction cup”, the type in dollar stores that are usually part of some kind of note holder, etc. Found a small one that fits on the top of the sapphire dish (dish has to be ISO clean for suction cup to work). I had to do it a few times, while the cup was slightly warm, but it pulled out, and was far easier then taking the coil apart.
I’ve mentioned this in earlier posts, and I don’t usually hawk cleaning products, but after seeing folks recommended “Simply Green - CRYSTAL” formula for rig cleaning, and a gallon was cheap on Amazon, I gave it a try on the sapphire dish. It needs to sit submerged OVERNIGHT, next day you’ll see a bunch of brown crap floating in your cleaning container, I use a wide glass tiny dish. The sapphire will look like new, and no scrubbing. This is stuff that ISO doesn’t clean at all, which is really odd.
Curious, what is the highest temp you QTip dry swab your Sapphire dish at. When I’m done with a dab, I usually turn the temp down to 250f, to idle it till my next dab, as it reaches 400f, I go in with two QTips. I only ISO swab when surface is at or near room temperature. Thanks.
Maybe I'm lucky, but I think it might have taken something like less water, or something like alcohol, which boils off faster to provide a level of evaporation that causes a temp drop that's quick enough to produce a 300F delta.
I would say you're extremely lucky, flooding the insert with water is a sure fire way to thermally shock it, even if you don't see a crack yet it probably fissured in the lattices affecting the structural integrity of the dish.
Wondering for those using a DCup or TCup:
For dish reclaim swabbing, what is the HOTTEST temp you have used a DRY QTip at, on your “Sapphire” dish after a dab?
Either a PID or surface temperature will do, I can convert temp either way.
Just curious, as after a dab, I like to dial PID down to a “surface” temp of 400f, before dry QTip swabbing, but if it was safe to swab at a higher temp, I wouldn’t have to wait as long, not a big deal.
You mean just general wipe after a dab? I do all clean up at the same temp I dab at. I gave up qtips tho and just use and scrunched up bit of tissue, because I am a classy bird.
Had to take a 12hr nap after the 0.5 attemptJust woke up.
You “nap” like a BEAR!
You like low temps, wondering what the HIGHEST temp anyone may have touched a QTip to the sapphire dish?
Interesting.0.2g down in 3 inhales.
No cough at all.
EDIT: Got it.
Its that first inhale with all the low temp terps that does it! Same thing I was getting with flower, it expectorant terps, mixed with shit loads of vapour = me coughing.
So, I low temp the first inhale at my usual set temp of 415f, without the carb cap, while turning the controller up to ~550f (or whatever is appropriate for the size of dab) with one random press, pop on the carb cap and do two long inhales, then turn the controller back down to 350f/(random low number with one press of the vapecode controller) before anything gets a chance to get too hot and burn. Its a little bit of a faff, but only a little and saves me a LOT of irritation, and means Im doing bigger dabs at last instead of loads of tiny ones
Big dab. No cough. All the irritant terps vaped off at low temp, the rest is cloudy, eye watering, sweaty, but not irritating, vapour madness.
EDIT 2: Experiment repeated with 0.23g. Same result. Down in three, no carbon flavour, no cough. No expectorant cough, no coughing fit, no asthma spasms, no inhaler use, no seared lungs. Easy low temp clean upThis is marvelous
I know how to refine this slightly further now.
Got my sapphire dish cleaned up from the other nights experiments. Last night was on cruise control temp wise as just let it sit at 420 but I let it heat soak. Found possibly the reason why the oil went over the sides of the dish...Terp pearls was the cause. Going to try the adapt-tech semi-sphere ruby I got and see how that goes. Loving the chadbro v2 Terp Trunk cap as it feels to have the most airflow and creates bigger clouds. Best $60 I have spent on a cap. The bonus is the cap is clear glass so you can see the action in the dish and the chadbro Terp Trunk has a gold or platinum armor indicator showing the direction of air flow snout that goes into the dish.
More testing coming with semi sphere and tweaks to my preferred start and end temp curves.
Kind of off topic since I have a quartz enail banger.
But, I have been starting low, like 380, and then after I drop the shatter in I move it up to 530ish and hit as it heats. (I prime the banger before hand, heat at like 430 then back down to 380 to start my hit)
I'm still kind of new to dabbing. Sometimes I up the temp 610 or 710 and take a few remaining draws. I'm not sure this is necessary. Typically there's concentrate left in my banger but I am not sure if there's anything goodies in it.
@RustyOldNail I tried last night no pearls and just using the ChadBro v2 cap. It was all good. No splash over the walls and down the sides. Next morning no stuck dish. Dish is clean and clear.
Downsized the size of the oil used but just 25% less. But can say the cap doesn’t blow oil up the sides. It appears to blow the oil to the center. And move it around the center. The cap flow is the most in the set of caps I got.
@RustyOldNail I tried last night no pearls and just using the ChadBro v2 cap. It was all good. No splash over the walls and down the sides. Next morning no stuck dish. Dish is clean and clear.
Downsized the size of the oil used but just 25% less. But can say the cap doesn’t blow oil up the sides. It appears to blow the oil to the center. And move it around the center. The cap flow is the most in the set of caps I got.
Just to add, the NV carb cap, with one angled hole, blows oil more towards the centre too, something I've noticed but not mentioned I think. Correct inhale speed plus a twist of the cap gets that oil out of the edges of the dish and into the centre
@kyshxo Oh Im getting thick clouds alrightRead back thru all this and the dcup thread and see if you can find more info, and more specific questions to ask than 'what is your exact technique?'
I feel like I post too lengthy and too much detail as it is!
I just woke up, so I'll have coffee and come back to see if I can be more useful to you
EDIT: Just a quick edit to say, I think I've gone thru about 3g in less than two days and my lungs feel fine. I didnt wake up with an asthma attack as I should be after this much consumption.
Major step forward.
Don’t you EVER say “I feel like I post too lengthy and too much detail as it is!”. That’s BULLCRAP, while I may not agree with anyone 100% of the time, anyone coming here for DCup/TCup knowledge should be forced to read ALL your posts. I did, and learned a ton. You actually USE these products and take your own time to write and report back to this community, as well as fast responses when a question is asked. Besides doing dabs you are not all that comfortable doing, for science. That alone deserves appreciation! And for your own health, cut down on the big dab or high temp experiments, we all need YOU here!