@kyshxo so...
What variables can you swap out to check what the problem is? Do you have other ways of checking whatever you're vaping in other devices to see if its the concentrates at fault? What concentrates are you using? (Im using very clean rosin, which helps with the lower temps I think, it burns easy).
Are you turning the cap? Its a one hole NV universal carb cap, yes? If you aint spinning, you aint winning (where is @steama these days?).
Have you got the kit to be able to take the tbucket out of the tsunami and to try it in a different rig? Maybe there is something up with the glass? What glass are you using? Hollowimhigh on instagram was saying he wasnt happy with the function on one of the pieces of glass he had paired with the Tsunami (either the carta or the peak glass, I forget which he wasnt happy with).
How big are your dabs?
Do you have any way of checking dish temp?
(forget uptemping until just standard dabs are resolvedUptemping is just me preventing coughing, it doesnt help achieve clouds tho)
I have switched between crumble and shatter and received similar results. I do turn the cap and that helps! I don't think I can take the T-bucket out/Tsu apart without voiding some warranty so I may hold off on that. I am using Carta glass which he liked. Dabs are regularly 0.1+. I have an IR temp gun but IR is trash.
If you give me a starting temp, I can calibrate and try to shoot a video over!