I got mine in today. First impressions are:
- It's really visually striking when you see it in person
- w/ sapphire - definitely more flavor and far (far) smoother than a SiC dish on a Vrod
- needs glass that doesn't tip easily
- angled joints require a bit of a balancing act to get the Tbucket to stay level and stay put.
- This thing is a BEAST. Auber RDK300A set to 525F, IR thermometer puts the dish at about 420F, and it is smooth sailing.
- Mine came with a one hole carb cap, which I'm happy about.
I'm digging the ergonomics and slightly more refined appearance of the Auber controller. No NewVape logo on my dial though

. If a stand were to come out for this I think it would make sense to have it angle the controller(s) towards the user at like 30*-45* and then have a shelf/storage on top to hide the cables.
Also wish the top of the new universal carb cap was threaded to accept tools other than the scoop. I don't want to give up the nice wooden grip in order to switch to my shovel tool.
While I’m a DCup user they share the coil, in my case same Auber 300 PID and 30mm Sapphire dish as you have. So the major difference is the Titanium metal cup/dish holder and how similar or different, I suspect as far as final “in dish” surface temperature measurements, they are probably extremely close for our science. So based on that I’ll share my rather in-depth temperature testing results, won’t bore with too many of the details on control points etc. This of course is assuming you want as accurate a temperature reading as you can obtain. I came to the DCup, from a torch and nail, and having accurate TP was the main reason I bought the best gear and made the move.
First off, I don’t know of any IR gun that is accurate at a close distance, and I own a decent Fluke model that has two laser type beams that show the general target area, and imagine that area being like the coverage of a water hose, the further away, the wider the area covered. But on the close end, it’s not narrow enough to cover a small 30mm disk. That’s why you will find similar advise from experienced users here and elsewhere, that IR guns are “inaccurate”, they are not with their intended use, which also considers the surfaces material makeup, and there are adjustments you can set as the model I have allows. Unfortunately, I didn’t know any of that, and was disappointed since I bought it to measure my torched nail. I didn’t go any further back then, and just used the inaccurate timing system.
So quickly, I have several DMM’s (digital multi meters), so that eliminates one variable. Two hand held temperature probes connect to DMM, and one separate battery operated temp gauge. That’s 3 sources, one less variable. Consistent warm up times 10 minutes. The PID in many cases shows your set point in 3 minutes, but as we all know, the dabbing surface is no where near that just yet. But even after 10 minutes or even longer, the surface is not going to get to your desired “set temp”. This is because the thermocouple sensor that’s built into the end of the coil sends the message back to the PID, “I’m up to your temp master”, but the temperature of your surface is insulated by the titanium metal cup holder that absorbs some of the coils heat.
So good news, is on a PID like the Auber 300a, you can adjust that temperature difference or “delta”, in the unit. There are 2 or 3 PDF manuals on the Auber site that detail how to do it, seems complicated when reading it, but distilled down it’s actually a few button presses and dial twists. Look for changing the PSL value if you want to play with that, it’s one of the main reasons besides the superior dial/button, being able to a temp on the PID and getting that same temp measured on the surface. Originally, I was hoping to be within +/- 5f, but with further temperature range and offset charting, then averaging their PSL differences I came up with a PSL: 1.16. Now I’m within 1-2 degrees and often spot on. I find it fun to check the surface right before I dab, with the battery hand held bell probe. Oh, and don’t forget to adjust the auto OFF feature if you want. I like that it goes off when you want, I upped the time from the default to 3 hours which suits me as a backup, since I turn my PID on and off for each use as I just think of it 10 minutes before I’d like to do a dab, and it’s ready, unless you crank up to 700 or more for scorch time, then give it closer to 15 minutes.
When my quick vape is done I turn down to 250f if I think I’m doing another within an hour, otherwise I turn the power button off, either way when the temperature gets to 400f and below I swab out left over oil, 1-2 dry QTIPS, never WET. So I leave it at the lower temp if I think I’m going back to it shortly, as it will get back up to temp faster. When I walk by the rig later and it’s cooled down I QTip the Sapphire dish, so almost every dab is super fresh, but even the in between ones only cleaned well with the dry QTips is the same, even to my OCD, taste wise I leave up to the taste experts.
Now you may read some they leave their hot coils on all day, or 24/7, and claim it’s better for the longevity of the coil. This didn’t make sense to me, as heat is the enemy of many materials using decreasing their effective life span. So I called the and spoke to an Auber tech support person, and he confirmed my suspicion, turning the coil on and off is better for them as well as fire safety. Now I don’t mean on and off every two minutes, that’s why I chose about an hour window for myself. In the end we are talking about 10 minutes in time, something I can live with, and I get to keep my dish super clean for the next dab.
And.... for those that boast they NEED to turn on their HEATER remotely before then get home to save 10 minutes. I’ll just say have a nice “fire sale”.......
Sorry to be so brief, I’m sure I left a lot out!
Yeah, forgot to add, as noted at the beginning, though very similar to a DCup, I don’t have a TCup, so my findings may not match anyone’s settings exactly.
For the “set temp” in your post of 525f, my surface readings were about -55f. Your IR gun read 420f, that’s a 50 degree difference between the way we measure. I’d bet you were actually at a higher temp. Now one could always bypass all this OCD stuff, and just remember what temps you liked on your PID dial. Only problem with that is many here post their dab temps, but without a standard or baseline, it almost seems not worth mentioning exact temps, and just saying, low, medium, high. As the materials can react differently to various temps.
I’ll find the link to the probe I trust in the most now for surface reading if anyone is interested.