Well-Known Member
Try at 50W after stirring
it works, I just want to tweak it a bit more and also had the chance to try TCR so I can compare
Try at 50W after stirring
TCR 120it works, I just want to tweak it a bit more and also had the chance to try TCR so I can compare
TCR 120
Temp starting from 185C and go above when needed
Stir it when you reach 200
**ohms should be around 0.4
thank you so much! I’m really enjoying this vape, still playing with it but so far it has become my daily driver
Is it possible to put a screen at the end of the glass mouthpiece and then full the whole glass tip?
You can, but in my experience it requires; stirring every few hits and a slight bump in power, due to the greater distance from heater
I just ordered a V2 Blackwood Splinter Z. I was planning on using my existing box mod (Itaste MVP) at the beginning, but I learned that it is not powerful enough, 11 W max. So I have been reading the FC threads about the z and box mods. It looks like you either go with a Wismec (Reuleaux, Sinuous p80) or Istick Pico, Joytech, Eleaf. Then there's DNA and TC. I'm a little confused and am asking for some help. I would like someone to recommend a specific box mod, available from a US supplier, thats not too complicated and expensive . I already have 18650 batteries and charger. TIA
I’m a noob too waiting on my first Splinter. I went with the Reuleaux gen3 dual based on recommendations here. I found it for under $40 + shipping and it got to me fast. I’m not worried about tc to start. I figure I’ll get my feet wet with wattage settings. Even though I haven’t used it yet, I’m very happy with the look, feel, and build quality.I just ordered a V2 Blackwood Splinter Z. I was planning on using my existing box mod (Itaste MVP) at the beginning, but I learned that it is not powerful enough, 11 W max. So I have been reading the FC threads about the z and box mods. It looks like you either go with a Wismec (Reuleaux, Sinuous p80) or Istick Pico, Joytech, Eleaf. Then there's DNA and TC. I'm a little confused and am asking for some help. I would like someone to recommend a specific box mod, available from a US supplier, thats not too complicated and expensive . I already have 18650 batteries and charger. TIA
I’m a noob too waiting on my first Splinter. I went with the Reuleaux gen3 dual based on recommendations here. I found it for under $40 + shipping and it got to me fast. I’m not worried about tc to start. I figure I’ll get my feet wet with wattage settings. Even though I haven’t used it yet, I’m very happy with the look, feel, and build quality.
Good shout... IV got a regular splinter and a z, and also have a DNA mod with TCR all setup, but I only ever use wattage mode
Something I'm noticing, alot of 510 mod userd keep asking about tcr and all these extra modes but in the end I see the same users just using wattage. When I had my splinter I used it in wattage at 30 watts and it was excellent. I'm going to set up my splinter Z when it comes in with a wismec dna 200 to see what the hoopla is all about. What exactly are the benefits of using these other modes and settings?
A p80 if you don't need alot of battery life, or if you don't mind carrying spare batteries, or a Rx Gen 3 dual (2 battery device for more battery life)
Both are compact, widely available, very reasonably priced, allow for custom firmware and most importantly; are very widely used, and therefore you can "copy" others' settings.
If you do go with the dual, bare in mind; twin battery devices, the batteries should be "married"; bought, charged and used as a pair... Batteries that aren't married, will discharge at different rates, causing potential safety issues.
I’m a noob too waiting on my first Splinter. I went with the Reuleaux gen3 dual based on recommendations here. I found it for under $40 + shipping and it got to me fast. I’m not worried about tc to start. I figure I’ll get my feet wet with wattage settings. Even though I haven’t used it yet, I’m very happy with the look, feel, and build quality.
Good shout... IV got a regular splinter and a z, and also have a DNA mod with TCR all setup, but I only ever use wattage mode
I currently have a p80 and it works great but I want to get a reuleaux gen 3 or a dna
Something I'm noticing, alot of 510 mod userd keep asking about tcr and all these extra modes but in the end I see the same users just using wattage. When I had my splinter I used it in wattage at 30 watts and it was excellent. I'm going to set up my splinter Z when it comes in with a wismec dna 200 to see what the hoopla is all about. What exactly are the benefits of using these other modes and settings?
I don't understand all this talk about pulsing. AFAIK, most using tcr don't pulse, just draw straight through the firing time. After all, unlike a Milaana, the mod is a regulated device. And apart from very low wattage cruise use, 25 seconds is usually the max length of a draw, so no need to pulse.![]()
Someone said because coils are supposed to be working TCR so it's easier to control other than mesh SS (splinters) or even double mesh (sZ)The Tubo for example has a perfect working TCR mode. But here the whole device and the software on the box mod are made by funkyjunky. Each Tubo is measured separately and the software is tweaked with this exact numbers for this device. As far as I know, you need quite some good and expensive hardware to measure resistance accurate.
Each coil, or the mesh in the Splinters, has different resistance numbers and these numbers are not linear, so each device will need different TCR settings. This makes it very hard to find settings for your Splinter that really fit your needs.
That's why the recommended TCR value for Splinter is 120-140 altough simple SS Coil requires the value of 92? and the Tubo Evic is around 185 because it has 3/4 coils?Because meshes are woven. So with every strand you get hundreds of different contact points, each having it own contact resistance with the other strands. Then all strands form a very complex parallel circuit network.
Add to that the fact current is not flowing completely uniformly through it, especially around the edges. Then there is also the metal expansion and contraction that will make all the above vary in real-time.
So basically it's a very complex dynamic system, much harder to predict by just measuring the global resistance change.
In a similar way, it's easier to perform TC on a single classic ecig coil vs dual or quadruple coils designs.
Really, to keep the high surface area and increase TC ability what we would need is a perforated SS sheet, not a woven mesh. Said sheets are rather easy to source with various perforation patters and you can roll them easily (removing the need for insulator plates)
Not so much. With any new Splinter you can just accept the cold ohms reading from whatever mod you put it on and tweak from there if it's a little hot or cold for your purposes. Or if you'd rather start from the typical ranges for a V1, V2, or Z that also works really well.Each coil, or the mesh in the Splinters, has different resistance numbers and these numbers are not linear, so each device will need different TCR settings. This makes it very hard to find settings for your Splinter that really fit your needs.
But, but , but, who doesn't love Unicorns? Aren't we ALL on a search for Unicorns?In theory then, TCR mode should result in better battery life. In practice, I have not observed enough difference to matter. As far as I can tell, this isn't why most people want TCR anyway. The popular reason seems to be accurate temperature control.
Now, repeat after me: accurate temperature control is a unicorn; you just need to be in the ballpark.