Being the thrifty (cheap?) guy that I am I like to get as much out of my goods as possible and it always hurts a little to see all of that oil deposited in glass wasted. Like
@tonuzzi I have a tendency to clean my glass by soaking it in ISO and it IS possible to evaporate that ISO and scrape up the goodness. However, that goodness is not so good, I'd even say it's kinda nasty and I find the taste so bad that vaping it by normal means is somewhat unpleasant. So it normally does get wasted here.
I have seen others recommend what
@mucsusn has suggested, heating something high fat like whole cows milk or coconut milk to melt the oil and then drinking it and have thought that is worth trying but I haven't tried it yet. The milk around here is always fat free. (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it)