Ok so i have a bit of a tip for fellow mini-wand users out there who are goin for minimally-sized yet effective bowl loads. I drew up this quick sketch to show what im talking about, since taking a picture while doing it just wasnt turning out well due to my lack of a third hand:
What you do is take a wire coat hanger (the thicker the better really, as long as it fit in that narrow bottom hole of the wand) and cut the bottom so you have a straight long piece of it.
Then stick it up the bottom of the wand and push up on the very center of the bottom of the screen gently until the screen bubbles up. Before you do this, make sure the end you are pushing the screen with doesnt have a sharp edge, if it does file it down or find something else to use for this, otherwise you might fuck your screen up.
Then take something with a flat end, something thats as wide as you can fit in the bowl, and gently and slightly push the upwards bubble until it's somewhat flattened.
Then take the coat hanger and go along the outside edges of the screen (where black arrows are) and try pushing them up so that there are no gaps between the glass and the edges of the screen for the herb to get into. The red arrows show the areas where the gaps i'm talking about would be.
After doing this i've found that i can load even smaller bowls into the miniwand and still get good hits. This is because the herb isnt sitting down in that dip and collecting around that rim that the screen sit in, it all sits in the skinny part above the screen now. I dumped out the bowl that i vaped in it today after doing this and you can see it in the picture (its only partially vaped in that picture, hadnt really lost any mass yet), its about as big as a log vape stem load. It vaped well and provided more satisfying hits than i thought, and it seemed like less got past the screen, which i've had problems with using these mini wands. Give it a try, but dont blame me if you're reckless and mess your screen up