Hello all, this is my first post, but I've been lurking for a while. It was actually this thread that convinced me to get the SSV instead of the Extreme-Q. I liked the simplicity of the design, very elegant and analog. Look, I love computers and digital displays and stuff, but the experience of consuming herb should have a classic vibe, I think. A nice glass bong or a glass pipe gave me that feel. The Silver Surfer does too.
I had VapeWorld replace the GG hands free with the standard wand, and I'm glad I did. I love holding the wand in my right hand, the bong in my left, the tube connecting them like a twirly straw, and kinda dancing the wand around the glass cover to get a good hit. It's like an art, and the whole experience is like art fused with a 1600s chemistry (or alchemy) lab experiment.
I got my SSV (custom burgandy) about a week ago, and that was the first vape hit I ever took. I couldn't believe it. I was laughing to myself at how cool it was. I told my friend it was a like a ghost was getting me high. I couldn't see or barely feel anything during like, a 30 second draw with a nice deep inhale at the end. Then I exhaled and there was this huge vapor cloud. I was like, how the hell did that get there?!! And it barely even smelled like MJ. Great for me 'cause I live in an apartment.
It was like getting high off fog or something. Weird and also awesome. I couldn't believe how good my lungs felt. I do a lot of work with the breath and breathing, and it was obvious that my lungs were wide open and my diaphragm was completely relaxed. It felt great. You get that effect with combustion (great site name, btw

) but unfortunately it's kinda offset by all the smoke and coughing. With this, though...man I am completely sold on vaping, and very glad I got the SSV.
OK, so one thing I noticed is that when I would hold up a wand filled with ground bud to the glass cover and then start to draw, little pieces of bud went swirling around inside the wand. I was worried it would blow into the hole, maybe touch the heating element and cause a problem. Since I didn't want any plant material to get inside the glass cover, I started packing the wand tighter. Of course, this wasn't good for vaping. I went back to fluffing and stirring, and just decided not to worry about it. But it still bugged me a little, until I found an easy solution by accident: Start drawing air over the herb
before you seal the mouth of the wand to the glass heating cover, and the herb will stay put.
In fact, for as long as you keep drawing, you can even tilt the wand at more of a downwards angle relative to the glass heating cover and not worry about the herb falling. Your air flow is pinning the herb to the screen.
Great forum, ppl here seems very chill and civil but also very knowledgable. I'm glad I found this place before I made my first vape purchase.