Hi could someone please tell me the correct size screens to fit ddavemod wand? 15, 16 or 17mm? I can't seem to figure it out lol. Thanks.
Dhgate bucket screens
Dhgate bucket screens
Sorry I have no Idea. I just got my SSV off their second-hand store on eBay. I'm blown away by it and I don't know how I could even handle the glass bead mod. What is the wand that you are using? Is the spherical cover the one to use if you do try the beads and is that spherical wand the best option?Anyone? Haha
Shoot @DDave a note and he will respond.Hi could someone please tell me the correct size screens to fit ddavemod wand? 15, 16 or 17mm? I can't seem to figure it out lol. Thanks.
Dhgate bucket screens
Sorry I have no Idea. I just got my SSV off their second-hand store on eBay. I'm blown away by it and I don't know how I could even handle the glass bead mod. What is the wand that you are using? Is the spherical cover the one to use if you do try the beads and is that spherical wand the best option?
What was the Ddave mod?
I have the spherical wand and I can't imagine being closer. So it is for micro dosing?
There's a 14mm wand and adapter as well but I don't use them.I guess the spherical wand with the different heater cover would be about the same distance from the heating element? Spherical wand still looks like it would be a pain in the ass the clean though!
Greetings @mr_shadyBasically they are wands created by ddave. He designed them so herb ends up being about an inch closer the the heater and utilizing bucket screens so no pain in the ass changing or cleaning like with regular screens haha. The mod is ingenious really and is a complete game changer. I would go as far as to say it's a must have accessory for dbv/ssv, like they should come with them stock. There was a big thread on here and many happy ddavemod owners, however, all info for ddavemod for dbv/ssv has mysteriously been scrubbed from the net. So odd!..
I am new to desktop vapes and have only used portables so far. Would the SSV43 be a good place to start? I am fairly hesitant with reports of dust/explosions/cracks/micro scratches. Could a user who has been using the SSV43 with success without any issues provide a link to where they got their beads/pearls?
This was a wave rider custom named Why, Piggie?! Why? #10 that the shop had ordered in in 2012 according to the paper work! I didn't see the date until now lol. There is a similar one on their Instagram with a different knob and a plain base http://instagr.am/p/B1uZWaDgjR8/Wow, that art is something else! Was it just a selection on their site or is it custom?
I recently got my hands on a pre-modded SSV in slightly rough condition, I'm considering holding onto the mod and upgrading to a fully custom SSV, it's a slick vape and if you go balls to the wall on customizing, it can look really great.
Once again, your Oracle, psychic premontion came true just as you had envisaged!Shoot @DDave a note and he will respond.
I used an RBT basket screen on the bottom hole and a similar shaped screen but without the hard rim at the top. It works for now but I'll change the top screen for sure so it's more secure and possibly the botton to allow for more room by the heater. Depends on what you have lying around. I had bought some larger screens for the top when I bought my SSV but then I couldn't find them and was impatient after I looked all over. They were in the back pocket of the SSV caseHey y'all. I just ordered an ssv from elev8's factory second market on ebay (200$ new after tax and shipping!) and i have some 3mm glass balls my friend used in his ditanium. But i don't have the screens not do i know where i may find the screens. Can someone with the ssv43 mod link me to the screens they used for theirs please?
What kind of beads are you using and where do I get them?
I just used the screen that came with the SSV wand. 20.8mm I think? Yellow pack. Works fine. You need to wedge it in against the balls so they don’t move around. If they do, it will choke the unit. For the smaller holeI just used a slightly smaller screen or you can use another one from the SSV kit. Just form a rim by hand and push the mushroom with a tool from behind after you place it in the hole.
If you want better fitting screens for looks thats cool but if someone is waiting I would use those.
The links people give out just get sold out. I got mine from ebay. 200 count Si3N4 SIN balls 3mm for $44. They are still available.
Thanks to Troy for this awesome mod!!! I crank it up and finally get those full vapor hits on much shorter pulls which is what I’ve been looking for.