Man that pic is beautiful. I want one.
Hey folks ... thanks for all the support during the NFC sale!
Those that ordered Mi3 should have received the email body below. The www now has a drop down to select a high or low output unit. Still need to update the pics as they still the Beta unit. This is simply drawing a line in the sand to separate in-spec units to a high and low category. This means that both a high and a low unit could be nearly identical if they where "on the line". This change is subtle and might not even be detectable to some.
RBT has just finished the full visual and electrical inspection of the latest batch of Mi3. The Milaana is an unregulated device which means that the resistance of the heater determines the amount of heat that a unit will output. There is a natural variation of the resistance of the heater as well as the other resistance contributing components. With Mi3 we have classified units as either low or high output. A high output unit has more heat and will provide rapid extraction and is good for heavy hitting through water. The high output unit is like a Corvette in that you need to be attentive and modulate the button more to get lower temperatures. The low output unit provides a more controllable temperature with a fresh battery but will not get as much battery life as a high temp unit. The low output unit is like a Maibu... good for terp chasing. The Low output unit basically acts like a high output unit with the battery slightly drained (temperature drops as the battery is drained).
This change is subtle and not very noticeable but since we tested every unit we thought we would make the designation so that customers could select this nuance to better pair them with a Mi3 that is more suited for they vaping style.
Sorry for the short delay this may cause shipping this week but we wanted to take a few minutes to reachout to you in attempts to make your Mi3 experience the best it can be.
Just wanted to express my extreme disappointment in relation to my Mi3 preorder -I still have not received it. I realise I'm not in the U.S, but I am in Australia which has first world logistics and supply chains.
Have been extremely patient throughout this process but am now really starting to get the shits. I contacted Ryan and he told me to check tracking -I did so and found out it is still in the US. Was not even dispatched until the end of April.
Then I read on this forum all about how everyone has been taken care of, new Mi3's on sale in shop, free Mi3 giveaway etc.
My unit was ordered and paid for in August 2019 -that is shocking customer service in anyone's language....
Now I'm just praying that when it does arrive, I won't have a problem with button.......
(It says first post but was also a member of old FC)
Just wanted to express my extreme disappointment in relation to my Mi3 preorder -I still have not received it. I realise I'm not in the U.S, but I am in Australia which has first world logistics and supply chains.
Have been extremely patient throughout this process but am now really starting to get the shits. I contacted Ryan and he told me to check tracking -I did so and found out it is still in the US. Was not even dispatched until the end of April.
Then I read on this forum all about how everyone has been taken care of, new Mi3's on sale in shop, free Mi3 giveaway etc.
My unit was ordered and paid for in August 2019 -that is shocking customer service in anyone's language....
Now I'm just praying that when it does arrive, I won't have a problem with button.......
(It says first post but was also a member of old FC)
I can only speak to your shipping woes....I definitely feel your frustration, I've had so many issues with shipping across different vendors and it can be infuriating as sometimes we are completely at their mercy. Who has the shipment, currently? Have you tried to contact them? Even in the first world, logistics have suffered and been unpredictable. I hope your shipment hasn't been lost!
I feel for you. I'm also a non-US customer and I may have been the first, if not definitely one of the first few pre-orders. I actually ordered on August 9, a day before Ryan posted to FC asking people to check their email.
I was also able to order back when non-US orders weren't been taken due to a US mailing address I had access to, but I later changed this to ship to Canada with Cole when they opened it up to international orders.
I'm still waiting on two units myself, and mine weren't mailed out until early May. I will say though, I've gone through all of the RBT threads from the Zion to the Mi3, and yeah, there are some hard feelings and some contentious exchanges, but from what I saw/read, Ryan does make good on things with his customers. You might have to prod him a little, but he'll get there eventually.
Having said that, I'm definitely feeling the frustration too. I convinced a friend to order one and he placed his order the day after me. He got his order a few months back, had a faulty button, returned it, got it repaired and sent back to him, while mine still haven't arrived,.
I mailed Ryan a few days ago and had pretty much the exact same exchange you did. Really though, there isn't much that can be done outside of waiting on the postal service. Delays with Covid, and now the civil unrest in America are just compounding the issue.
For what it's worth, mine were mailed out on May 6, they didn't have any movement until May 12 to another in-state facility, then again no movement until May 25 where it said the package was dispatched to Canada. It's been in that state since then, and Canada Post has not yet received it.
We're experiencing some pretty extraordinary circumstances and it sucks, but I think our only option is to be patient. It might take a bit more time, but I'm confident we'll get sorted out eventually, one way or another.
Apologies if posting shipping info here is inappropriate, the old FC shipping thread is pretty dead, and there is no new thread here as far as I can tell. I wasn't sure if I should request creating one given the state of things currently.
Trust in MoochCheers for the responses guys, makes me feel a little better seeing as I am not the only one still waiting. I understand the constraints that Covid-19 and BLM have placed on shipping but honestly I did expect product to be dispatched well before they became an issue -but as you say all I can do is wait.
While I'm here, does anyone have any recommendations in regards to batteries? This is the first electric/electronic vape that I have bought -have only ever used the Sticky Brick OG and vapcaps since I switched from smoking -so not so battery savvy. Am leaning towards the Sony and LG brands, tossing up between the VTC5/VTC5A/VTC6/VTC6A or HG 2. The VTC6A is the most expensive -but not sure if it's the best in relation to the Mi3 though. I assume flat tops are the go, as opposed to nipples. Finally, how many batteries would you guys recommend to enjoy long sessions with the Mi3?
Much appreciated.
Can you explain the aforementioned paranoia? I use HG2 cells for pretty much everything these days, including my Milaana 2 and 3.I wouldn't use a VTC6/HG2/30Q in an unregulated mod myself as I'm paranoid as hell when it comes to liion cells
Can you explain the aforementioned paranoia? I use HG2 cells for pretty much everything these days, including my Milaana 2 and 3.
Can you explain the aforementioned paranoia? I use HG2 cells for pretty much everything these days, including my Milaana 2 and 3.
Perhaps @SquirrelMaster is just worried about the lower rated amps (30Q and HG2 are only 18A instead of the recommended 20A of 25R and HE4) but they are definitely fine to use in Milaana as RBT even used to sell/include an HG2 with them...
Makes me crave an Mi2 big time! Does anyone know if they are available anywhere???