Thanks stickstones. What Tom decides to carry is up to him. Poster tacks like that are in just about every house, but purple ones can be rare.
Well, some of you may have read a while back I busted out one of the screens on my tubes.... I replaced it with some metal screens I got for my VaporWarez (cutting it to size). After having it for some time, that tube is always the last one to get clogged. To be honest, my only, minor, complaint about the PD is how often you have to clean the screens (after about 4-5 bowls) to get maximum airflow. My hypothesis is the different mesh on the screens (thinner metal, larger holes) slows down clogging.
Here is a picture, best macro I could do, the stock screens on the left, the 'new' ones on the right. Half of a screen of the 'new' stuff below. I went ahead and replaced 3 out of my 5 tubes screens with this stuff... so far tonight I've been using 1 tube and have gone through about 4-5 bowls and their is absolutely minimal clogging occurring, especially compared to before.
shrug* It might seem negligible difference, but in my opinion, little things make the big picture more enjoyable. Just some food for thought I guess... (idk, please don't throw any tomatoes at me.
