Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer


Out to lunch
Hennessy1414 said:
[quote max]So silicone tubing attached to polypropylene = glass quality taste? :huh:
i have head that and agree..its a close customer...
It makes no sense that adding tubing to the other end of polypropylene would improve taste. Silicone doesn't have purification properties.


Chief Vapor Officer
AofZ, you are partially correct. While I do think the taste of the vapor from the PD is indeed very good, I don't know if I would say it's as good as the all glass VRIP set up. Actually come to think of it, I would say it is just different versus which one is "better" I feel like the PD is more like taking a concentrated shot, whereas the VRIP set up is more diluter and the flavor comes thru in a different way. PD flavor is more robust and with the VRIP set up, I feel like I can separate the tastes better. I don't know if that is the best analogy but I think it somewhat works. The hits are so different too, much more restricted air flow with the PD and a different puffing style. So I guess I'm giving the politician's answer by saying that each has it's positive qualities and depending on mood and setting, one could be a better fit for the occasion than the other and vice versa

Acolyte of Zinglon

bongoman said:
Growing your own is indeed a wonderful thing. And if your daily driver is a PD, you don't actually need to be growing large crops to keep yourself going. A couple of ounces goes a long way in a PD.
indeed, when i move out and can finally start growing my own, i have the feeling that ill be giving a lot of it away to the dispensaries or unloading some on friends to recoup the cost of building and maintaining the grow
i dont particularly want to grow mountains of bud, but i want to grow many different strains so ill always have variety, plus, ill just enjoy growing it

sm, that truely was a politicians answer :lol:
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Does anybody here ever tried vapir oxygen ?

I know that vapir is a P.O.S (only now, after mines fault:disgust:)., but, as its the only one ive ever tried, I would like to know how restrict the PD airflow is, comparing to the vapir oxygens airflow.

Waiting my PD and wondering how I will adapt to It. :brow:

Acolyte of Zinglon

heres some unpacking pictures, i meant to include them with my review, but stupid me forgot

tim is preforming the all important action of preserving my secret identity :cool:

the "happy birthday" made me smile :lol:


tim is pleased! it took me a while to figure out that extra thing was to hold the stems, my first guess was that it was some sort of stand for the unit, which didnt make much sense :lol:
it looks like i got an extra tin of buzz butter as a present too

at home now (i had it shipped to my gfs due to nosy parents)
Acolyte of Zinglon,


bongoman said:
Growing your own is indeed a wonderful thing. And if your daily driver is a PD, you don't actually need to be growing large crops to keep yourself going. A couple of ounces goes a long way in a PD.
i disagree...grow as much as possible...make hash..have a more manageable personal stash(stealth)


max said:
Hennessy1414 said:
[quote max]So silicone tubing attached to polypropylene = glass quality taste? :huh:
i have head that and agree..its a close customer...
It makes no sense that adding tubing to the other end of polypropylene would improve taste. Silicone doesn't have purification properties.
no no no :disgust:

theres no taste added....you think glass adds taste :o im sayings using the good tubing will make for a more rich taste...my personal pref. :ninja:


combustion fucker
Tom, if I could make a suggestion, and I'll admit I could be completely wrong about this, however the heat of the vapour is a serious consideration for me. I was wondering if it is possible to offer a whip using silicone tubing as an option instead of the hard plastic straws. Some kind of mouthpiece could also be added for completeness, and the whole assembly could be easily dismantled for easy cleaning/replacement of the tubing. That way, the "band-aid" image could be avoided by providing a professionally made option. I appreciate that this might not fit in with your vision for the PD, but you might find the idea worth looking into.


vapor junkie
Staff member
^ Wouldn't adding some silicone tubing onto the existing vapor tube accomplish basically the same thing? You could stick an inexpensive glass mouthpiece on the other end of the tubing. I'm still a little surprised at recent surge of interest in this, the stock PD remains a smooth hitting vape for me and I have very sensitive lungs. Couple tips for a cooler hit: Let it preheat for 5 seconds, position the tube in your mouth so the vapor hits your tongue before entering your airway, hit slow, not too big of an inhale, and finish by taking a big cigarette style drag, filling your mouth with lots of thick vapor, it cools quickly in your mouth before you inhale it.

Especially after 3 months practice, I'm able to milk large amounts of vapor using very little breath with the PD-- If you're taking, say, 10 huge consecutive lungfuls I can definitely see that being irritating. Once your herb is brown, and all of the tasty stuff has been vaporized out, further hits will usually always produce vapor but now you're vaping more the plant matter itself rather than just the trichome resin heads and aromatic goodness, so it's not as smooth or clean (especially with bud that hasn't been properly flushed etc. :uhoh:). Of course it depends on the hit size and the herb, etc. etc. but 2 hits like this usually does it for me before a reload. Keep it fresh. :2c:

That said, I'd still love to see a custom glass vapor tube, no problem with the polypropylene (durable, safe, inert, low vapor condensation), but hey, who can argue the beauty of artistic glass. Something fancy like the picture below could really increase cooling, and seeing the vapor spiral through it could be neat to watch. Someone should make some, I'm pretty confident there's a market. :brow:

Hennessy1414 said:
i disagree...grow as much as possible...make hash..have a more manageable personal stash(stealth)
Please, let's stay on topic here.


Well-Known Member
Here is my take after 5+ years with the system/

VTAC's post ^^^ is right on in my view.

Extra tubing is not needed, it's a hangover from whip vape use. Large volumes of hot air needed cooling and the whip was a good thing for that style.

The PD relies on high vapor to air ratio and a short vapor path.

Ever see anybody attach a whip to a cigarette, come on, and that's a hot ass coal. Or how about a whip on a hand pipe.

Any extra tubing adds extra air to what was supposed to be a high vapor/air ratio. The extra tubing adds ectra surface for condensation loss and another thing to clean.

The current tube size was selected for comfort and stealth. It's cigarette size for a reason. Shirt pocket size.

As far as material choice, the polypropylene is ideal. It is #5 PP. (For those that don't know #1-4 are polyethylene PE). Both are food safe and FDA approved, but the #5 is a much better choice for several reasons. The 'glass' I drink out of everyday is #5PP. It has no taste or odor. Period.

The vapor tubes are made from 1/2" rod. You can attach any kind of tubing or roller-coaster you like from there. I think you are heading in the wrong direction. But, it's you and your PD... :cool:

I think VTAC compared it to an instrument...

Maybe, try the basic guitar first, before you add the Fuzz-box, Wah-Wah
and double stack Marshall amps. :2c:


What if I let the PD on overnight, inside my car?
Will its energy consumption drain out all my battery car load?


lurking kiwi
Purple-Days said:
Ever see anybody attach a whip to a cigarette, come on, and that's a hot ass coal. Or how about a whip on a hand pipe.
Maybe not a whip on a cig but have seen them placed in long plastic holders which would have cooled down the smoke (albiet they were for asthetic value not functional means). And I added a length of whip tubing to a VG which IMO improved the design (but spoiled the asthetics :uhoh: )

vtac said:
I'm still a little surprised at recent surge of interest in this,
I think is a pretty simple answer really. Its due to its popularity. I'm sure Toms happy to admit that sales of his great little vape have surged thanks to this forum and because of this people are going to try different ways of using the PD. I was sceptical about the extra tubing as well. Never had a problem with the standard vapor tubes but I do really like the mod. It does cool the vapor down ... not that it was too hot before but there is still an extra level of cooling achieved with this mod and that can't be bad. I also haven't noticed any dilution in the vapor due to extra air.



Well-Known Member
Thanks to everybody for your input. :) But as you can see there are lots of ideas on how to do it right. Mine sure aren't for everyone.

I think added tubing is a personal choice and don't mean to say don't do it. I even consider carrying some tubing for those that might want some, but find it hard to get quality tubing in small quantities.

I'm not one to say 'don't try'. And a short length can make some sense. That's why I asked for input from tubing users, but that didn't seem to fly, and got off track as forums sometimes do.

No doubt this thread is a large contributor to our success, VC. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this thread. And all the loyal customers too.

UrutuBsb, I would not test that. Several hours on most batteries would be fine but conditions and battery condition are factors.


Purple-Days said:
I think added tubing is a personal choice and don't mean to say don't do it. I even consider carrying some tubing for those that might want some, but find it hard to get quality tubing in small quantities.

I'm not one to say 'don't try'. And a short length can make some sense. That's why I asked for input from tubing users, but that didn't seem to fly, and got off track as forums sometimes do.
it would really please most people who buy it

also an option for extra length on the stems :brow:


Out to lunch
Hennessy1414 said:
max said:
Hennessy1414 said:
[quote max]So silicone tubing attached to polypropylene = glass quality taste? :huh:
i have head that and agree..its a close customer...
It makes no sense that adding tubing to the other end of polypropylene would improve taste. Silicone doesn't have purification properties.
no no no :disgust:

theres no taste added....you think glass adds taste :o im sayings using the good tubing will make for a more rich taste...my personal pref. :ninja:
No, glass doesn't add taste. You're saying that two different types of plastic added together approaches the taste of glass. And like I said, that makes no sense. :)

vtac said:
Wouldn't adding some silicone tubing onto the existing vapor tube accomplish basically the same thing? You could stick an inexpensive glass mouthpiece on the other end of the tubing.
This is what I did for my wife-added 4" of SSV tubing and one of their custom mouthpieces (3") for an additional 7". She likes this setup much better than just using the vapor tube itself, and never coughs after a hit now. However, she never did complain about the heat when just using the tube. It was after she got the hit into her lungs where she sometimes had trouble holding it. As for me, I find that the added tubing costs me some control, and the heat or hits have never been a problem. I'd love to try a vapor tube that was 1.5-2" longer, just to experiment, but I'll pass on the 'tubing add on'.


? & beyond
So I had a genius breakthru.....

The perfect stir tool for the Purple-Days.... I brought the PD over to a friends and this tack was laying on the ground (I almost stepped on it).... it caught my eye because it was purple... :D

The 'poker' is the perfect length to reach right up to the screen, so you can 'stir' up a bowl, without having any worries about dislodging the screen. It scrapes gently right up next to it, and because of the 'pin' part, you don't have to worry about spilling, it's kind of like it's own little lid... I've been using it for the past few days and honestly find it perfect.


Vapor concierge
Cool SA...I love tips like that!

Anyone think Tom should include this with the tubing he's going to add? :lol:


Well-Known Member
i was trying to think why the PD is so efficient and then i realized that it's not exaclty a convection vaporizer rathar a convection/conduction vap and that makes the diffrance, becuase the bowl is so small and there is more metal then herbs, the metal gets warm as you couple it with the heater and stays warm, so its actully more like an oven that heats the inside (the heat goes all the way to the center of the bowl) even when you stopped vaping but the temperture stays in the vap zone so nothin gets burnt.
its sortha like a turbo oven when you think about it.

other vaps dont have that dual feature (or 18 holes) so you need to grind your herbs to make more surface area.

the supreme uses the same idea (but not as good).
i think the reson the herbal aire is efficient is it has so meny holes (18) and a pulse pump, so the air goes thrugh so meny holes slowly (the more holes the less stream) and that slow stream is in pulses so, the air is actually standing inside the chamber and then moves again.

bottem line:
i love my PD


? & beyond
Thanks stickstones. What Tom decides to carry is up to him. Poster tacks like that are in just about every house, but purple ones can be rare. :lol:

Well, some of you may have read a while back I busted out one of the screens on my tubes.... I replaced it with some metal screens I got for my VaporWarez (cutting it to size). After having it for some time, that tube is always the last one to get clogged. To be honest, my only, minor, complaint about the PD is how often you have to clean the screens (after about 4-5 bowls) to get maximum airflow. My hypothesis is the different mesh on the screens (thinner metal, larger holes) slows down clogging.

Here is a picture, best macro I could do, the stock screens on the left, the 'new' ones on the right. Half of a screen of the 'new' stuff below. I went ahead and replaced 3 out of my 5 tubes screens with this stuff... so far tonight I've been using 1 tube and have gone through about 4-5 bowls and their is absolutely minimal clogging occurring, especially compared to before.

*shrug* It might seem negligible difference, but in my opinion, little things make the big picture more enjoyable. Just some food for thought I guess... (idk, please don't throw any tomatoes at me. :uhoh: )


Well-Known Member
i totaly understand you, but i would just get some more tubes and just put the ones im done with straight in the iso. that way you sortha rotate them.


SpiralArchitect said:
Thanks stickstones. What Tom decides to carry is up to him. Poster tacks like that are in just about every house, but purple ones can be rare. :lol:

Well, some of you may have read a while back I busted out one of the screens on my tubes.... I replaced it with some metal screens I got for my VaporWarez (cutting it to size). After having it for some time, that tube is always the last one to get clogged. To be honest, my only, minor, complaint about the PD is how often you have to clean the screens (after about 4-5 bowls) to get maximum airflow. My hypothesis is the different mesh on the screens (thinner metal, larger holes) slows down clogging.

Here is a picture, best macro I could do, the stock screens on the left, the 'new' ones on the right. Half of a screen of the 'new' stuff below. I went ahead and replaced 3 out of my 5 tubes screens with this stuff... so far tonight I've been using 1 tube and have gone through about 4-5 bowls and their is absolutely minimal clogging occurring, especially compared to before.


*shrug* It might seem negligible difference, but in my opinion, little things make the big picture more enjoyable. Just some food for thought I guess... (idk, please don't throw any tomatoes at me. :uhoh: )
hmmmm good idea there....bet really...look at how new and fresh the screen on the left looks..they have about the same size holes and the PD screen just looks more used

thank you for posting that tho....:)


? & beyond
I do rotate the tubes, and I admit, that one in the picture isn't 100% clean. Upon closer inspection with a magnifying glass, I can tell you, their is a noticeable difference in both the size of the metal mesh and holes. This is about keeping the tubes cleaner, longer. It takes less than a minute. Try it out for yourself. :)


SpiralArchitect said:
I do rotate the tubes, and I admit, that one in the picture isn't 100% clean. Upon closer inspection with a magnifying glass, I can tell you, their is a noticeable difference in both the size of the metal mesh and holes. This is about keeping the tubes cleaner, longer. It takes less than a minute. Try it out for yourself. :)
ill order some titanium screens soon! shits is $$$$$ tho


look at dem holes!


vapor junkie
Staff member
SpiralArchitect said:
To be honest, my only, minor, complaint about the PD is how often you have to clean the screens (after about 4-5 bowls) to get maximum airflow.
That's funny it's more like 50 bowls for me, using some pretty resinous herb too. 150 bowls with 3 supplied tubes, super easy to clean-- no complaints here. :)

Never had problem with accidentally picking the screen out but haven't had a need to stir the tiny bowl either (could this be related to your quick clogging?). That's a cool tip though. I use a thick purple rubber band (from broccoli) to keep the car adapter cord neat when not in use.
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