Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer


vaporcloud said:
I added 8 inches of whip tubing to a PD stem last night and it worked well. Cooler - denser hits. I agree with Max, longer stems would be a handy option and popular. How about a custom glass stem. CD! :brow:
i was talking to pammy about possibly engraving designs or words on my PD with a wood soldering iron. im not about to buy another soldering iron after i spent 50 on the hakko 456 for my bong vaporizer :cool: but anyways longer tubing and more PD designs i guess



lurking kiwi
i was talking to pammy about possibly engraving designs or words on my PD with a wood soldering iron
:o Oh shit I can see the replys now Hennessy. Personally I would see that as defacing the unit - a thing of beauty like the Purple-Days vaporizer is way to classy to been etched with a soldering iron but each to there own there mate.

But on that ... I haven't buzz buttered my PD since ... well since I first got it a few months ago. Think I might have done it once and since lost my little tin. And all you PD onwers waxing lyrically about how it makes the unit smell nice and look great made me feel guilty. :(

Long story short - I found the tin and buzzed some butter around my cherry bomb last night and she's looking supreme. And 5 1/2 hours after my 2 bowl wake n bake I still zinging away. :ko:


vaporcloud said:
i was talking to pammy about possibly engraving designs or words on my PD with a wood soldering iron
:o Oh shit I can see the replys now Hennessy. Personally I would see that as defacing the unit - a thing of beauty like the Purple-Days vaporizer is way to classy to been etched with a soldering iron but each to there own there mate.

But on that ... I haven't buzz buttered my PD since ... well since I first got it a few months ago. Think I might have done it once and since lost my little tin. And all you PD onwers waxing lyrically about how it makes the unit smell nice and look great made me feel guilty. :(

Long story short - I found the tin and buzzed some butter around my cherry bomb last night and she's looking supreme. And 5 1/2 hours after my 2 bowl wake n bake I still zinging away. :ko:
whatever a lil PURPLE DAYS logo print on the back of the unit...be sweet..a lil trademark....whatever :rolleyes:

PD in a bong tho....:disgust: no no no. its barley enough green to even smoke a bong loads worth...vapor does make more product to fill your lungs but still hit the damn stem with tubing! :lol:


lurking kiwi
The PD is such a descreet little unit even a logo on the outside would be out of place. But this is just my opinion ... and I am a very poor artist so letting me loose with a sodlring iron on a PD would be plain lunacy!

I think both Monkey and AoZ have there PD filtering through a bong.

Acolyte of Zinglon

ive rigged something up, but honestly i enjoy the mouth bong a lot more, its still water filtration, but the warm air hitting the water is a lot better than already cooled air hitting water if that makes sense

i also think that would be why a gong joint with a bowl on it would be good, as it goes straight into the downstem and into the water while its still warm
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Acolyte of Zinglon said:
ive rigged something up, but honestly i enjoy the mouth bong a lot more, its still water filtration, but the warm air hitting the water is a lot better than already cooled air hitting water if that makes sense

i also think that would be why a gong joint with a bowl on it would be good, as it goes straight into the downstem and into the water while its still warm
tell me you swallow the water in your mouth...caus thc is absorbed into the water man!

not gross at all ;) seriously! :brow:

Acolyte of Zinglon

i swish it around a little because it has some flavor after a draw, and that helps me avoid dry mouth, then i swallow and get fresh mouthful water for each draw, its ritual, but i like ritual

btw very little thc is lost in water, as thc isnt soluble in water. the only stuff hat gets lost is actual thc molecules that come in contact with the water and for some reason get stuck
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Acolyte of Zinglon said:
btw very little thc is lost in water, as thc isnt soluble in water. the only stuff hat gets lost is actual thc molecules that come in contact with the water and for some reason get stuck
thc is sticky....not for some reason :p ;)


Well-Known Member
But doesn't the gaseous form only exist above 375 F? I think the thc would deposit in water, and the studies seem to show that. People don't drink bong water because it's nasty, but vapor water should be ok... sounds like a cool technique.


so i ordered the 13 volt! :/ ill test her out...prolly wont leave it on 24/7..will i still be covered TOM in case this thing explodes in my face :lol:

im gonna hook it up to a bong or sumthing...get fatty hits....


Reindeer, reindeer, reindeer
Yeah, what is the highest voltage recommended? I have a pretty nice variable dc power supply on my bench and it would be fun to play around. Have only used the included wall wart so far.


? & beyond
alcatraz, thanks for those power adapters....

Tom, can you chime in.... will those work for 13volt experimentation? Your input is much appreciated.


SpiralArchitect said:
alcatraz, thanks for those power adapters....

Tom, can you chime in.... will those work for 13volt experimentation? Your input is much appreciated.
i think he said it will work up to 14 volt


vapor junkie
Staff member
Tom said:
Yeah, if you have a 13Volt @ 1000mA and the right plug hook it up, no problem but don't go higher then that. Like I said 13V is harsher. I think once you are in the vapor zone, going higher just releases more of the stuff you are trying to avoid.


Well-Known Member
Last night i tried the "mouth bong" technique with really good success, with that you kind of want the air to be hot because it will pull humidity off of the water, basically i just got some water in my mouth, sutck the pd tube under that water, took a huge hit, then swallowed and got a fresh sip of water
I just tried Acolyte's mouth-bong technique and it's great. If I had any concerns about the PD it was the stream of dry air hitting my mouth & throat.

But the mouth-bong gives sweet moist vapor. :)

You've got to pay attention to making sure that no water runs down the tube into the heater :uhoh:

It doesn't seem to impair the efficiency of the PD at all.


Well-Known Member
:mad: :disgust: :rolleyes: :( :uhoh:

Alcatraz wrote, "A Purple-days draws 8W from a 12V source, so has a resistance of around 17 ohms. That means that it would draw 8.7W from a 13V source, with a current of .76A, or 760mA."

Alcatraz does not work for Purple-Days Diffusers and cannot speak for us.

BTW if you start plugging approximations into a math problem the answer is an approximation... So, he may be close, but no cigar. :cool:

Warranty covers the use of our wall wart and car adapter only. Once you start experimenting it's your baby. What would you expect? :/

As stated the unit is made to work on 12 volts and will withstand a car alternator output, however the higher car voltage seems to be offset by more air movement and therefore increased cooling.

LEDs are vulnerable to heat, and as you increase the heat you increase the chances of LED failure.

If you want smoke, get a pipe or bong or a pack of papers. :disgust:

If you want high vapor temperature I suggest the Silver-Surfer Vaporizer, you can turn it as high as you like. And there are several sensible PD owners who own both and use them for their intended purpose.

The Purple-Days is designed to operate in the vapor zone at a 12V @ 1A input.

Folks seem to agree that it produces vapor, full vapor, at this temperature. Higher temps means the release of more toxins. That is not what we intended.

We do not endorse 13Volt. And I did not say 14 Volts was OK, ever. :mad: :disgust:

Operating at 12 Volts and at the 'right' temperature, and with the right mass and design, is why this thing is efficient.

Really, you want higher temps, get a Silver Surfer, not a Purple-Days... :2c:


Well-Known Member
I apologize if I offended anyone, no, I don't have any affiliation with Purple-Days, and am not qualified to speak on their behalf at all. Math like that is an approximation, that's true.


? & beyond
Thanks Tom,

I'm confused now... I understand that isn't the right power adapter, glad I asked.... ;)
But are you inferring that using a 13v will void the warranty? This experiment isn't worth that much too me... :uhoh:


Chief Vapor Officer
I agree with Tom, it ain't broke, so no need to fix it. I love the PD as it is, if anything, I'd like to turn the temp slightly down on mine just a teeny, tiny bit to avoid overcooking the herb (not that it does, I just like lower temp vaping and it's effects)


Well-Known Member
Spiral, we do not advise using 13V wall power. As stated the higher car voltage is offset by circulating air that keeps the temperature down a little. so you end up about even

Another point is that LEDs are coupled with a resistor that is matched to the input voltage. If the unit were intended to run on 13V all the time we would put a different resistor in. The limired amount of car adapter use at 13V isn't going to be a problem, but running the unit 24.7 at 13V would probably decrease LED lifespan.

The other problem is the wiseguy who decides to try 16 or 17 volts. 'No, Tom, nobody would do that.', you say... Sure, bet me. It has happened, and surprise...the guy told me about it...

Thanks, StoneMonkey. :cool:

Acolyte of Zinglon

bongoman said:
Last night i tried the "mouth bong" technique with really good success, with that you kind of want the air to be hot because it will pull humidity off of the water, basically i just got some water in my mouth, sutck the pd tube under that water, took a huge hit, then swallowed and got a fresh sip of water
I just tried Acolyte's mouth-bong technique and it's great. If I had any concerns about the PD it was the stream of dry air hitting my mouth & throat.

But the mouth-bong gives sweet moist vapor. :)

You've got to pay attention to making sure that no water runs down the tube into the heater :uhoh:

It doesn't seem to impair the efficiency of the PD at all.
i cant take all the credit for it, it was spiral that originally gave me the idea :cool: :tup:

and no it doesnt impair the function of the pd, when i do this, i tend to hold my pd about 25-45 degrees vertical downwards into my mouth to ensure that nothing gets down the tube, i dont share my pd with anyone, so i dont have a problem really sticking the pd tube down under my tongue in the water, and if i decide to share, thats what the cleaning bottle and rubbing alcohol are for ;) (not that id let anyone else use it like this, but just out of consideration for them)
overall, i like it much better than running it through my bong, but there is also a place in my heart for the hot, direct pipe-like hits, and the whip like hits from just an extra foot of tubing will be a method i use for a while to come as well
Acolyte of Zinglon,
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