bongoman said:
Yes - they are both grown in plantations here. Tea Tree is largely grown for the oil which is distilled from the leaves and which has antimicrobial properties. I imagine they harvest the timber as well. I've only got to drive a few minutes and I can be surrounded by Tea Tree plantations.
Blackwood is also grown as a cabinet timber.
I wonder how Australian burls would go - I know a lot of woodturners here use them to make distinctive bowls etc
Wow that is so cool. It's kinda neat to know your living by where my PD potentially came from. It's like we are vicariously getting high together out through wood.... or something...

How often do you go out their? Is the 'forest' called something? I wanna look it up online.... I just
love this wood.
Purple-Days said:
Tea tree wood doesn't have the smell of tea tree oil though. Chime in owners, please.
It smells like Buzzbutter to me. Lovely, if I do say so myself..... I know what tea tree oil and it doesn't have that smell, I can tell you that much.
Purple-Days said:
1 in 5, wasn't there a Doors song ? ...
Ohhhhh man, one of my favorites!
Five to one babyyy one to fiveee no onee hereee gets out alivee
A lot of people don't like Waiting for the Sun but I think it's a great album. Spanish Caravan is a favorite of mine..... if I ever pick up guitar, I want to learn that song.....for the ladies.
that is awesome dude... I'm so glad I found out about this forum from you.... It introduced me to my inner-vapor. What a joy to now have two beautiful babies in the house!

I'm sure Tom will treat her with care....

When my mouth gets dry, I find I am hitting it too hard.
Hennessy1414, I've never gotten scoobs from the Purple-Days. If it's a fine dust, I could see that happening.
I do like your idea about loading up all the tubes at once. It seems like an easy way to manage how much your vaping. It's hard to keep count after 2 bowls...

I'll have to try that some time.... I have 5 tubes, so 5(days in a week) x 5(tubes) = 25 tubes a week. Wow, math is cool. So is vapor cookie pie.
edit./// Wow this thread is hot tonight. haha
As for Buzz butter, I use a coin since I always have one laying around, just scoop some up and use a hankerchief to buffer it. I love the shine and smell afterward.