Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the bowl is even smaller than the Vapman. I find I'm getting 3 good draws from a bowl.


? & beyond
the difference in the high is negligable
I'd have to disagree here. Vaping leaves me with a 'clear consciousness' and the ability to connect my thoughts easier. When I smoke, my brain feels 'gloopy' almost...

It's almost like apples to oranges. :2c: Sure, both fruit, but they taste way different.

Acolyte of Zinglon

i hit it till its absolutely dead, which is probably 5-7 hits (i havent counted) but it feels like ten million because of how high i get off such a small bowl

not negligable... i meant rather small or something :ko:
words are flowing for me like they havent in a while, sometimes i confuse my connotation with the denotation
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Acolyte of Zinglon said:
i hit it till its absolutely dead, which is probably 5-7 hits (i havent counted) but it feels like ten million because of how high i get off such a small bowl

not negligable... i meant rather small or something :ko:
words are flowing for me like they havent in a while, sometimes i confuse my connotation with the denotation
i can cash a semi airy bowl in two hits....i love holding in my first HUGE green rip...ahhh gets me so baked :ko:

boom CLOUD! :o (PD kicken right next to my computer) :brow:


Vapor concierge
AofZ sounds a lot different when he's high! :lol:

I think your ability to control your high will get better as your tolerance builds up.

Acolyte of Zinglon

stickstones said:
AofZ sounds a lot different when he's high! :lol:

I think your ability to control your high will get better as your tolerance builds up.
ya, it removes a lot of the mental filters that i have put into place and dissolves most of my anxiety issues sometimes it uninhibits me a little too much and i start acting like a spaz because i am acting on every little thought that pops into my head, and thats quite a bit of static in there

its nice for me, but i sometimes get annoying to other people, or just act strange. i have to relearn control of my subconcious as well as i have lost that over the 6 months

either way, i write horrible runon sentences, thats just how my mind works, thoughts flow into each other as the bees do their work buzzing around in the massive hive mind
Acolyte of Zinglon,

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Hey y'all. Been missing this place, you all and your associated shenanigans...still no working personal computer for me, but hopefully that will be taken care of in the next few weeks.

AoZ, congrats man. I've been checking back about once a week (and let me say it's getting impossible to keep up with what's happening here without showing up every day--there's lots of new faces and lots of activity on FC...awesome!!), more or less in anticipation of when you would enter the world of vaporizing. I know you were saying November previously, so I was hoping it would come through for you man.

Good on ya for choosing the PD; I'm sure you've found the perfect companion in the PD...the great thing about it in your situation is that, since you're more or less just starting your consumption (starting to be a "regular" Cannabis user), your tolerance is extremely low. Not only will the PD help you dose efficiently, then: since you're a "new"--albeit educated--user, you can be conscious about your usage right from the beginning, and try hard not to overindulge (continuously, at least), thereby maintaining your tolerance. The PD is undoubtedly going to be a strong ally on this front. It's worth trying to do, as well...let me assure you of that: I'm finally now abstaining from Cannabis use (after years of daily usage), and part of my reasoning for doing this is to help lower my tolerance (for I will be a user again...Cannabis is my ally, and I don't doubt that anymore). If you don't overindulge in the first place, which is sort of hard to do using a PD, then you should theoretically not have to take long, extensive breaks from medicating to "reset" your tolerance down the road.

Abstinence from ANYTHING is hard when you build up such habits around that thing, so I hope you use the PD to the best of your advantage and make it your ally right from the beginning: a tool to help you, rather than a device for you to further previously existing destructive habits. The PD surely is such a tool. I can not WAIT until the time when I'm using mine again...it is such a pleasure and a thrill to suck on that bitch :brow:.

On that note, Tom you might be hearing from me soon! I'm trying hard to convince a friend (who is still a habitual pipe smoker--but who also has about the lowest tolerance I've ever encountered in a "regular" user) to pick up a PD. He's tried mine and loves it...so I'm slowly chipping away at him. Unbelievable how people are still reluctant to "believe in vapor". I'm actually thinking of picking up a second PD myself...and I really don't know why. I don't have a spouse, so there's not normally anyone else vying to use my PD...but something in me wants to pick up another...I don't know!!! I think after owning this unit for a while I just appreciate the shit out of it, and at the price it's going for...well, it really is quite unbelievable. I've almost got myself convinced that picking up PD No. 2 would be an investment, for down the road when these things REALLY start hitting the mainstream, and then who knows what will happen. Maybe I'll keep my eyes out for a piece of hardwood to send down to ol' Tommy boy his self? Who knows...but Tom, I might have some questions for you soon (and without a personal computer, spending time here is becoming increasingly difficult), so I'll probably send off an e-mail when I've got the chance.

Congrats to all of the new PD owners, and welcome to the family. Now lets keep taking this shit to those around us, and keep spreading the word. I'm editing the first draft of my "Gospel of the PD" as we speak. :p
partially veiled,


Well-Known Member
AofZ, run on man, it makes sense to me.

PV, we had a FC member send us 2 pieces the other day.

The one on the right belongs to a member too.

Several factors to consider when making wood choices, get with me and I can fill you in


Chief Vapor Officer
Tom, those alternate woods are absolutely beautiful. I might even buy one for a friend of mine who is a chronic smoker and is overweight, I think that since i can't control what he eats, maybe I can control how he smokes/vapes...


Well-Known Member
Yes that is a friend, but we can't control others, even with the best intentions.
The two on the left are both Pyinma. The far left is gonna be difficult to pick a front side. The right one is Tas Blackwood.


Out to lunch
What kinda wood is that?
Curyly Pyinma, also called Figured Asian Satinwood. Tom is discrete, of course, but I don't mind admitting that one of these is going to be my 2nd PD. Unlike pv, I do have a spouse, and I'm tired of prying my Maple unit out of her hands so I can get a hit or two in. ;) I sent Tom two 3x3x6" pieces and the pic shows them after he's turned them to approximately the right size. They were under $10 each so I bought two, hoping that at least one would have an appealing look. I like irregular grain patterns, so the one on the left suits me just fine. In fact I love it :luv:

There are a lot of beautiful woods available, but I found that two problems really cut down my possibilities. As has been mentioned by Tom, the density, or specific gravity of the wood, is very important. A wood that's too dense (high SG) will transfer too much heat to the exterior, making it a great hand warmer for the winter months, but it doesn't retain quite as much heat internally. So the vaping temp is on the low side. The other problem, after finding wood you like with a good SG (closer to .5 than 1.0), is finding a source that has the right size. I found lots of wood that was too dense and/or too small. Too big can be a problem too. It can be cut down to size, but it may be pricy.

Here's a source that shows a lot of different exotic woods and their specific gravities. As you can see, a lot of them are too dense. The Pyinma is shown, and I also liked the Lacewood and Leopardwood. Couldn't find Lacewood in the right size, and the only place I found the right size Leopardwood only had it in 4x4x15" size, for $54. Couldn't bring myself to pay that much. 3x3x12" was sold out-that would have been $24. Other woods I could only find in pen or knife handle blank sizes. Anyway, I'm very happy with the Pyinma, and I'll have fun shopping around for another pleasing wood that fits the requirements. After all, a PD for the bedroom will be a necessity one of these days. :brow:


Other sites for exotic wood browsing-

Acolyte of Zinglon

time for my preliminary review :brow: :cool:
this thing is just so damn amazing, i love everything about it, and wouldnt change a thing
first off though, id like to thank tom and pam, they helped me so much and were so accommodating when a couple of bumps popped up in the transaction, they sent me pictures and let me pick out my units body beforehand, which is beautiful and the pictures just didnt do it justice
overall, tom and pam are just truely good people, which seems to be a rarity in the modern business world where the only thing that seems to matter to most companies is the bottom line
i am 100% satisfied with my purchace and i am 150% satisfied with tom and pam and all the little (huge, generous) things theyve done for me

i got a rather unique unit, it was one of tom's earlier designs and the top is tapered rather than the whole unit being the straight soda-can style, i like it, it feels good in the hand and i love the look the taper gives the woodgrain near the top, and i also think it gives it a somewhat more delicate look, but that might just be my pride in my newest toy :rofl:

this unit was incredibly easy to learn to use, or that could have been that i had read this entire thread twice over before i ever got it
i get huge lng-splitting hits, i find the hit quality to rival my pipe, the heat makes you know that youve really got something
on the flipside of that coin, ive found my own particular favorite way (well not favorite, i like everything it has to offer, and sometimes big hot hits are what i want) which is i run it through my little bong. its a little 7 inch tall bong, more of a bubbler by any right, but it was my first piece ever. anyway, i had some silicone tubing left over from a year ago when i was trying to amass components for a hydroponic system to grow [primarily morning glories] its one of my plans that didnt go all that well, i got stuff before really thinking things through. i figure ill be able to find some use for the stuff down the line though :brow:
anywho, this tubing is the exact right diameter that it fits right into the hole on the stem, so i got a length of tubing, and i attached it into a jury-rigged diffuser into my bong (ive been making these diffusers for a while, they wrok pretty well) it also works if i just add a foot or so of tubing, makes the vapor a lot cooler
the vapor is much cooler and denser, but i can still get huge hits that will make me cough
i do find that after a session with no tubing attached, my lungs and throat feel irritated, as i thought it would, the really dry air bothers me, so i usually prefer to use the extra foot of air path

the unit is absolutely stunning, tas blackwood when handled right will produce kind of a holographic look under a certain angle of light, its about te size i expected it to be, and it blends nicely into my intentionally dark room when i set it up to warm up
the 30 minutes warmup time is somewhat of a double edged sword, its really not at long as it sounds, but its long enough to give me time to assess the situation and think if i really want to medicate at that moment, it also enables me to somewhat ritualize my use, as i can spend the 30 minutes preparing my conciousness for some deep meditation (i havent done it like this yet, i really should though)
on the flip side, i have experienced the negative, i had to go somewhere that i knew i would be bored, but the unit was stashed away and i didnt have 30 minutes, for these situations i think ill still keep the vaporstar on my list

now lets talk about efficiency, this thing is the definition of efficient
the small bowl is about a half to third of what i would pack in my pipe, yet one of these little bowls is all i need to have a nice high and still be able to function normally, two bowls will put me out of it, and 3-5 bowls will become psychedelic, and these states take a lot less herb to acheive than combusting
i find it easy to use up to 3 bowls in a session (session defined as within an hour) just because its so pleasant to vape, overall i try to stay away from the ceiling effect and when i dose, i try to stay just at the sweet spot on the diminishing returns curve, which is usually 1-2 bowls depending on my set and setting

im also having a little trouble getting back into my beat of use, where i would smoke only on the weekends, i guess it mostly has to do with me being in college now and not high school, and i have more free time on my hands. the control method that i use the most right now is that i wont vape till everything is done for the day, or i have to go somewhere id rather not be, i just have to get more in control of my subconcious, everything will fall in line again from there

in conclusion, fucking solid unit, superb work tom :tup:
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Well-Known Member
The other thing to consider when sourcing exotic wood is where it has come from - please don't buy tropical rainforest timbers that have not been harvested sustainably. The extent of environmental devastation of tropical rainforests in third world countries is heart-wrenching...


Well-Known Member
We agree Bongoman. It's one of the big reasons we don't stock rare exotics anymore.

Our understanding of Tea Tree and Tas Blackwood is that they are sustainable resources, hope that is true. We will be trying to get more, but we welcome your input.

Glad to live up to your expectations, AofZ. :D


Well-Known Member
Yes - they are both grown in plantations here. Tea Tree is largely grown for the oil which is distilled from the leaves and which has antimicrobial properties. I imagine they harvest the timber as well. I've only got to drive a few minutes and I can be surrounded by Tea Tree plantations.

Blackwood is also grown as a cabinet timber.

I wonder how Australian burls would go - I know a lot of woodturners here use them to make distinctive bowls etc


? & beyond
max, so are you just having one of those made into a PD or both?


Also, anyone have any luck or tips on finding that 13v @ 1000ma adapter? I'm beginning to think that those aren't even in existence... :\


Well-Known Member
Yes, the same Tea Tree that produces the oil makes the wood. (relieved to hear the plantation status, Bongoman, thanks)

Tea tree wood doesn't have the smell of tea tree oil though. Chime in owners, please.

Tas is cool too, IMO. (glad about that one too).

A problem with exotics is odor. Rosewood can have a rose like smell. Kinda neat in that case but others might not like it so much. Macasser Ebony had a peppery smell, too heavy also... So caution is advised, and expectations need to be weighed against the suitability of the wood.

I think a 60-70 SG +/- a couple of points is ideal, lower than 60, depending on the grain structure might be unsuitable. Over 70 might be getting toward the dense side and transmit too much.

Unfortunately, it ls like the vapor zone, kinda narrow. The Goldilocks Syndrome. "This bed's Too soft. this one's too hard..."

Too soft breaks down... too hard transmits too much heat...too exotic is bad for the planet...bad grain structure or not properly dried can crack...bad odor makes a bad vape...Big bucks for exotic woods can yield widely variable results...

Max seems to have done the homework and hit a home-run. But you can see one is wildly more exciting than the other. That's the way with exotics.

I have always thought that 20% waste in fine woodwork was expected, others will argue. Even in Cherry, which is pretty even, we get units (blocks, and later, turned pieces, and later bored pieces) that don't make it.

Not crying, just exposing the struggles. 1 in 5, wasn't there a Doors song ? ...

Now I am committed, pressure on, can't substitute another 'curly' Pyinma, for one of those...

Max, I promise, it's gonna get bored in the next run... with extra care, and a touch on wood...

The Legend of the 13 Volt Transformer... Yeah, not too common. Got a couple tucked away and they just don't make better vapor, just hotter and full of more toxins. You can tell...


SpiralArchitect said:
max, so are you just having one of those made into a PD or both?


Also, anyone have any luck or tips on finding that 13v @ 1000ma adapter? I'm beginning to think that those aren't even in existence... :\
I would go beyond looking online....shit you live in alaska.....ummm ask on some kind of electronics forum...look at us we have pretty much everything down...theres gotta be another kind of experts(for electronics) online


Lets see its been about a week since I got the PD...oh man let me tell you its been a dream all along. When im with my friends and they load a bong bowl or a pipe i gasp at how much im matching/smoking...its like 8-10 PD bowls or MORE in a bong bowl :disgust:
most efficient vaporizer on the market
no doubt! I love the stony high i get from the smallest doses of bud....i still vape a shit ton ;) that's only because I love my investment! the taste and aroma..oh my :cool:
"My extreme is gathering dust next to my computer" (classic FC quote) but seriously i only use my PD at the moment because i love the small green doses you can rip apart every 40-60 seconds (lining up the three loaded stems :ko: ) its heavenly!

I added some silicon tubing to the stem but some day soon ill get that tygon silicon tubing from that tubing place online. Tom should really add some tubing or something because the small(after a while becomes THICK) bits of resins goes beyond the screen and into your mouth...i usually dont grind my bud up too fine but it still seeps thru. when I inhale it without the added tubing i get granrly resin...that can make you mouth a lil gross after prolonged use, but with the added tunbing and a lil chap stick im all good(keeps my lips from drying out too much)((colorado)).....BOOM VAPOR CLOUD!:o ploomage(large hit) every time

BUY A PD...I love mine


Out to lunch
bongoman said:
The other thing to consider when sourcing exotic wood is where it has come from - please don't buy tropical rainforest timbers that have not been harvested sustainably....
Tom's site, with all the interesting woods, sent me off on a wood tangent this year, and I've been reading all kinds of interesting stuff. Personally, I'd rather be called a tree hugger than hang out with someone who uses the term in a denigrating manner. But deforestation, as bad as it is for the ecosystem, doesn't have a simple solution and it's not about harvesting exotic woods for hand made furniture or even flooring. In Brazil for example, it's about clearing land for cattle ranching and farming. And it's mostly slash and burn. In Borneo, where the forests have been leveled at a faster rate than anywhere else, the timber goes to industrilized countries for patio furniture in countries like the US, chopsticks in Japan, and paper pulp to everywhere. The latest destruction there is millions of acres cleared for palm plantations to manufacture palm oil.

Exotic trees aren't sought out thoughout rain forests or jungles. They're harvested close enough to roads or rivers to make it reasonably easy to get them to processing. Profit/loss is the bottom line. IMO, the way to save exotic woods is to give them enough value so they won't be used for firewood or burned down to make way for farmland. The locals have to learn that there's more profit in harvesting and planting, than just havesting. If they're valued the same as other trees they'll get the same treatment.

If anyone's interested in reading kind of a unique perspective on deforestation, logging, the environment, etc., this guy's post (Jim King-post #13) says a lot about what's going on in Peru. He's been living there for 25 years. I thought this comment was eye opening- "I live in the State of Loreto in the Country of Peru which is 40 percent bigger than Oregon and harvests one half of one percent of the annual harvest of Oregon. I am not worried about the Amazon disappearing next week unless the WWF gets ahold of it.. I and others are working very hard to get the laws changed that were made by the WWF to allow people to legally harvest wood and stop the slash and burn." http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=80526

SpiralArchitect said:
max, so are you just having one of those made into a PD or both?
Assuming Tom gives this new wood his stamp of approval as far as operating as a good PD should, the one on the left will have a home with me. The other one will go to someone yet to be determined. Actually, I sent him two pieces in case he screwed one up, but I'm gonna think positive. Just kidding Tom. ;)

Hennessy1414 said:
Tom should really add some tubing or something because the small(after a while becomes THICK) bits of resins goes beyond the screen and into your mouth.
I've never had that problem, and that's with 6 months of daily use. :huh:

Acolyte of Zinglon

really? i havent noticed anything getting past the screen
it does make my mouth dry as hell hitting it straight with no water, but then its my fault anyway for not thinking ahead and getting a glass of water
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info re exotic timbers Max - good to know.

I can't see myself adding silicone or Tygon tubing to my PD mouthpieces. I do find that I like to have a glass of water handy however when having a bowl.
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