time for my preliminary review

this thing is just so damn amazing, i love everything about it, and wouldnt change a thing
first off though, id like to thank tom and pam, they helped me so much and were so accommodating when a couple of bumps popped up in the transaction, they sent me pictures and let me pick out my units body beforehand, which is beautiful and the pictures just didnt do it justice
overall, tom and pam are just truely good people, which seems to be a rarity in the modern business world where the only thing that seems to matter to most companies is the bottom line
i am 100% satisfied with my purchace and i am 150% satisfied with tom and pam and all the little (huge, generous) things theyve done for me
i got a rather unique unit, it was one of tom's earlier designs and the top is tapered rather than the whole unit being the straight soda-can style, i like it, it feels good in the hand and i love the look the taper gives the woodgrain near the top, and i also think it gives it a somewhat more delicate look, but that might just be my pride in my newest toy
this unit was incredibly easy to learn to use, or that could have been that i had read this entire thread twice over before i ever got it
i get huge lng-splitting hits, i find the hit quality to rival my pipe, the heat makes you know that youve really got something
on the flipside of that coin, ive found my own particular favorite way (well not favorite, i like everything it has to offer, and sometimes big hot hits are what i want) which is i run it through my little bong. its a little 7 inch tall bong, more of a bubbler by any right, but it was my first piece ever. anyway, i had some silicone tubing left over from a year ago when i was trying to amass components for a hydroponic system to grow [primarily morning glories] its one of my plans that didnt go all that well, i got stuff before really thinking things through. i figure ill be able to find some use for the stuff down the line though

anywho, this tubing is the exact right diameter that it fits right into the hole on the stem, so i got a length of tubing, and i attached it into a jury-rigged diffuser into my bong (ive been making these diffusers for a while, they wrok pretty well) it also works if i just add a foot or so of tubing, makes the vapor a lot cooler
the vapor is much cooler and denser, but i can still get huge hits that will make me cough
i do find that after a session with no tubing attached, my lungs and throat feel irritated, as i thought it would, the really dry air bothers me, so i usually prefer to use the extra foot of air path
the unit is absolutely stunning, tas blackwood when handled right will produce kind of a holographic look under a certain angle of light, its about te size i expected it to be, and it blends nicely into my intentionally dark room when i set it up to warm up
the 30 minutes warmup time is somewhat of a double edged sword, its really not at long as it sounds, but its long enough to give me time to assess the situation and think if i really want to medicate at that moment, it also enables me to somewhat ritualize my use, as i can spend the 30 minutes preparing my conciousness for some deep meditation (i havent done it like this yet, i really should though)
on the flip side, i have experienced the negative, i had to go somewhere that i knew i would be bored, but the unit was stashed away and i didnt have 30 minutes, for these situations i think ill still keep the vaporstar on my list
now lets talk about efficiency, this thing is the definition of efficient
the small bowl is about a half to third of what i would pack in my pipe, yet one of these little bowls is all i need to have a nice high and still be able to function normally, two bowls will put me out of it, and 3-5 bowls will become psychedelic, and these states take a lot less herb to acheive than combusting
i find it easy to use up to 3 bowls in a session (session defined as within an hour) just because its so pleasant to vape, overall i try to stay away from the ceiling effect and when i dose, i try to stay just at the sweet spot on the diminishing returns curve, which is usually 1-2 bowls depending on my set and setting
im also having a little trouble getting back into my beat of use, where i would smoke only on the weekends, i guess it mostly has to do with me being in college now and not high school, and i have more free time on my hands. the control method that i use the most right now is that i wont vape till everything is done for the day, or i have to go somewhere id rather not be, i just have to get more in control of my subconcious, everything will fall in line again from there
in conclusion, fucking solid unit, superb work tom