I too spent ~$1000 AUD on vapes ($600 SSV, $300 PD, $100 VG) within 2 - 3 weeks.
The PD itself has paid for all 3 in a little over a month

It's like a domino effect IMO... it's very effecient, so you vape less... the less you vape, the less you need to vape.
My usage is getting smaller and smaller since the day I got it, I'm not vaping myself retarded or getting zonked, I seem to have leveled out at ~5 bowls a day... massive difference from someone that was smoking ~1.5g a day. I'm not sure if I'm tricking myself into thinking I'm as high as when I was burning down 1.5g a day, but regardless I'm still getting vaped and the negative side effects are directly proportional to the amount consumed so @ 0.2g or so a day my mind is reasonably clear, appetite is strong and lungs are
Any aussies know where to get ISO? All my tubes are clogged to the max.
My vaporbrothers GG adaptor will be arriving in a few days, I'll be sure to post a pic/review of my new setup
PD stem -> SSV tubing (1/2 foot - 1 foot) -> GG adaptor -> Roor
This should allow me to hit my bong, then pull out the GG to clear it... stick GG back in, repeat (2-3 times)... all the while the PD is sitting upright/handsfree with the vapor stem.
It's fool proof! The only negative I can see so far VS. upside down PD method is the extra condensation in the tubing, but I hit my PD normally with 2 foot of tubing so I'm not stressed. Also got to make sure I don't pull my PD off the desk