First load is kicking my ass!

Using flat mouthpiece (felt the hot spot on the raised mouthpiece, I think it's the direct air path hitting that metal button under the raised mp causing that, transfering the heat, the flat one has a silicone bump, so it's not as hot) , started on 2 finishing on 3, where I used to run med/high on the pax1 for the same results. Gentle, steady draw produces larger clouds on 3, med clouds on 2, set it down to type this sentence, and picked back up after it went to blue/stand by for a couple of seconds, and got instant return to purp/heating with no delay, very responsive to motion. Flavor remained strong while set at 2, after a quick stir and tamp I set to 3 and finished the load, taste dropped quickly once I bumped up the heat which is expected...still can't compain at all about the end of the load flavor, its still IMO in the acceptable range of nicely toasted but not bitter or burned tasting, load appears pretty evenly roasted. Over all I am very pleased to have the Pax2!!
my eyes are getting too red and squinty to keep typing right now
**2nd load will be barely broken up by hand, loaded in small chunks, pressed firmly into the oven to see how evenly it handles unground, denser bud the way you might do it if out and about and no grinder.