I pre-ordered the pax 2 - Ploom stated that they were to be shopped 4-2-14 - but i have yet to receive a "Shipping number" - so what's up with that ploom will i see my pax 2 come monday afternoon? 4-6-15?
I still dont have a tracking # either. Even though card is charged stills says processing on pax website. Hoping my box is here tomorrow (i paid expedited shipping).
The Pax 2 is actually a heat-on-demand design, it's just that the oven never cools down between hits as much as the MFLB
The MFLB heats up in about 3 seconds
I've been using it the same way I'd use my MFLB, that is, take 2-3 hits and put it away
since the mflb oven cools down faster than pax2, then its going to preserve the flavor longer and to be honest.. i plan on just taking 2-3hits and putting it away just like how Pakalolo said...The Pax 2 won't replace my LB as my regular carry
with the pax2, i feel like 20seconds is a long time for the materials to be cooking while not in use which could compromise the flavor and efficiency with pax2 i believe... where as with the MFLB, it starts to cool down as soon as you release the battery (on/off switch) right after you take the draw and then heats back up in just 3seconds....In normal mode, it (pax2) starts cooling ~20 seconds after the lip is no longer sensed, and steps down the heat over a period of 60 seconds.
to me it's obvious that a heater that cools down faster and heats back up in just 3seconds with a manual on/off switch (or battery release) will minimize the overruns allot better then a device that continues to cook the material 20seconds after you remove your lips from the mpThe difficulty, I think, is in controlling the heater precisely and reducing the thermal mass so that overruns can be minimized or even eliminated.
thanks to the input here and especially Pakalolo's review... I am still combusting my erbs at the moment and brand new to FC and havn't even vaped yet.
at first i wanted the pax2 But... as of now I'm definately leaning towards making the MFLB as my very first portable vape purchase instead of going with pax2. mostly because and wonderful thanks to what Pakalolo's has said earlier in this thread about MFLB:
since the mflb oven cools down faster than pax2, then its going to preserve the flavor longer and to be honest.. i plan on just taking 2-3hits and putting it away just like how Pakalolo said...
with the pax2, i feel like 20seconds is a long time for the materials to be cooking while not in use which could compromise the flavor and efficiency with pax2 i believe... where as with the MFLB, it starts to cool down as soon as you release the battery (on/off switch) right after you take the draw and then heats back up in just 3seconds....
to me it's obvious that a heater that cools down faster and heats back up in just 3seconds with a manual on/off switch (or battery release) will minimize the overruns allot better then a device that continues to cook the material 20seconds after you remove your lips from the mp
anyways,, just my thoughts... peace
Due to the launch and the fact they've fallen behind in shipping; I hope they're working tomorrow to wrap up all the orders....
I still dont have a tracking # either. Even though card is charged stills says processing on pax website. Hoping my box is here tomorrow (i paid expedited shipping).
I've read here about using 0.3, 0.2, and 0.07 per load in the Pax2.
What are the min/max amounts that can be effectively used?
How would you compare vapour output compared to a solo?
Ok. It looks they where no that honest or they not communicating what is going on. I paid top price more than 2 weeka ago, they said no other store would have tha pax before them. Many stores sold them before launch. That all order were going out Thursday, from what I read on reddit it seems they are still shipping pre order paxes and they are not done yet. I am still waiting for a tracking number.
Sleep isn't on the agenda any time soon.
Other than Pax 2 fixing all of my hesitancy of the issues with the Pax 1, brilliantly, Pakalolo helped the last remaining issue for me with stating he could evenly vape a smaller oven load at .07g without extra screen trickery. Thanks for that info, man! You helped me make the Pax 2 decision with that small bit of knowledge.
I'll be throwing my money at the Pax boys, (and hopefully girls), by the end of the month!
You would think so, right? A (not so) funny story, actually.
When our first two palettes came in, we shipped one to VapeWorld (who has been a great partner, btw) and one to our distribution center. The design was to get our pre-orders out a few days before VW could receive and process their palette. Two problems. First, VW is a MACHINE when it comes to getting products off a palette and into the hands of customers and their head shop retailers. Honestly, it's stunning how good they are at this when they get their hands on a high demand product. We aspire to be that good here at PAX Labs. It turns out, we are not.
While VW was cranking, we had IT issues and vendor issues all due to the demand being WAY higher than we expected. Emails didn't go out. A few hundred units shipped late. Everyone here was losing their shit, largely because we knew we let down the very enthusiasts we worked so hard to build the PAX 2 for. Epic Fail. Alas.
So now all orders are headed out the door, and we're brainstorming a way to bonus back the folks who had to wait an extra day. It's definitely not the way we wanted this to go, so our apologies.
Perhaps a bit too much behind the curtain for you there, but that's how it went down. Next time, we will be much better. Your PAX 2 should be in hand soon, and we thank you for your patience.
Other than Pax 2 fixing all of my hesitancy of the issues with the Pax 1, brilliantly, Pakalolo helped the last remaining issue for me with stating he could evenly vape a smaller oven load at .07g without extra screen trickery. Thanks for that info, man! You helped me make the Pax 2 decision with that small bit of knowledge.
Just echoing that. Being able to smoke a pretty small amount, use a medium grind and not need to go through any extra steps is huge.
Ok. I am happy enough with my tracking number. Thanks paxvapor
I hope it meets your expectations. You'll probably use two and three petals more than one, and remember that inverting it will drop the load down onto the heated floor of the oven.
I think most people who use small loads will put in some sort of spacer, but if it retains heat it could really change the signature. For example, a metal spacer would bring back a heating surface above the load. I attribute a lot of the Pax 2 improvement to the removal of such a heat source.
I can definately see how the new "flat" mp that comes with the Pax 2 could be ideal for hitting this device while holding it inverted.... perhaps this is a possible technique to avoid using some sort of spacer for smaller loads?that inverting it will drop the load down onto the heated floor of the oven
First load is kicking my ass!Using flat mouthpiece (felt the hot spot on the raised mouthpiece, I think it's the direct air path hitting that metal button under the raised mp causing that, transfering the heat, the flat one has a silicone bump, so it's not as hot) , started on 2 finishing on 3, where I used to run med/high on the pax1 for the same results. Gentle, steady draw produces larger clouds on 3, med clouds on 2, set it down to type this sentence, and picked back up after it went to blue/stand by for a couple of seconds, and got instant return to purp/heating with no delay, very responsive to motion. Flavor remained strong while set at 2, after a quick stir and tamp I set to 3 and finished the load, taste dropped quickly once I bumped up the heat which is expected...still can't compain at all about the end of the load flavor, its still IMO in the acceptable range of nicely toasted but not bitter or burned tasting, load appears pretty evenly roasted. Over all I am very pleased to have the Pax2!!
my eyes are getting too red and squinty to keep typing right now
**2nd load will be barely broken up by hand, loaded in small chunks, pressed firmly into the oven to see how evenly it handles unground, denser bud the way you might do it if out and about and no grinder.
My first load was maybe half an oven full, med grind, pressed in flat with my finger.Just curious, how much are you packing in the oven since you already finished a whole one?