Well-Known Member
How do you activate the second party mode? I rolled on its side and the light show came on. What about simon (hopefully not funky town)
How do you activate the second party mode? I rolled on its side and the light show came on. What about simon (hopefully not funky town)
Also, the "black / Charcoal" is not at all as expected. The color seems to have more of a purple hue to it.... almost a bronze. hard to explain, but not at all black as expected. Looking at the pictures online I though it would have been black like the PAX 1.
waiting to learn more about this "capacitive lip sensing" - I mean the ideas are endless in that being capacitive sensors can be soooo sensitive as to pick up voice vibrations and/or adjusted to detected movement within a certain "proximity" of the sensor the sensor area would be covered by the tubing
waiting to learn more about this "capacitive lip sensing" - I mean the ideas are endless in that being capacitive sensors can be soooo sensitive as to pick up voice vibrations and/or adjusted to detected movement within a certain "proximity" of the sensor location....
so many questions... proximity detections and/or possible voice/humming vibrations that carry through a silicone draw tube would open up a new branch of on-demand water tubes experience
Yeah I'm curious about the lip sensing function too.
Nice! Was having a hard time deciding on a color and was leaning towards the red, which just seems a little off somehow. Now that I know the black changes in light to gunmetal, bronzes and chocolates, my mind is made up.
I'm such a sucker for that kind of color/light interplay, especially when there is a bronze involved...
Other than being MAGIC. COMPLETELY. MAGIC?
You can see in the P2 teardown vid on YouTube what is going on. At least a hack electronics hobbyist like me has found it, and I am by no means extremely knowledgeable and have so much more to learn.
Luckily, the PCB is pretty clearly marked as to what is going on. You can see a PCB lead on the power button ribbon cable marked: "PWR_BUTTON" & "CAP_SNS_INNER". The electrically conductive silicone (think iPad stylus fat tip) of the mouthpiece stays in contact with the electrically conductive silicone power switch cover. The power button is itself electrically conductive, being what appears to be a stainless steel dome switch, which doubles as the contact for whichever of those little black squares is the capacitance sensor chip. (I marked what I think mayyyyyyyyybe it, but have no knowledge without clear numbers on all of the chips to decipher. So don't quote me as thinking the arrowed chip IS the correct one, since I am wrong so often!)
Hope I am not offending any rule about posting the following teardown screenshot from a YouTube video, (if so, Pak can delete the link without complaint from me.):
I was curious too, much like all ya'll, so did the above quick bit of research to quench the curiosity thirst for myself and others. (Please note that I have no idea from watching the video if there is a "CAP_SNS_OUTER" anywhere in there!)
Anyway, hope this helps answer some questions and doesn't run afoul of any sensibilities I am unaware of. Just cracking out since I don't have one and this is acting as my balm until one is in my hot little hands.
And just a final word to the Pax Vapor Engineers, solid effort and execution, mates! Applause all around!
Must. Get. Back. To. Drywall. Sanding. Hell!
Thanks for confirming my theory. I have one correction: the top isn't electrically conductive silicone, at least not according to my multimeter.
First load is kicking my ass!Using flat mouthpiece (felt the hot spot on the raised mouthpiece, I think it's the direct air path hitting that metal button under the raised mp causing that, transfering the heat, the flat one has a silicone bump, so it's not as hot) , started on 2 finishing on 3, where I used to run med/high on the pax1 for the same results. Gentle, steady draw produces larger clouds on 3, med clouds on 2, set it down to type this sentence, and picked back up after it went to blue/stand by for a couple of seconds, and got instant return to purp/heating with no delay, very responsive to motion. Flavor remained strong while set at 2, after a quick stir and tamp I set to 3 and finished the load, taste dropped quickly once I bumped up the heat which is expected...still can't compain at all about the end of the load flavor, its still IMO in the acceptable range of nicely toasted but not bitter or burned tasting, load appears pretty evenly roasted. Over all I am very pleased to have the Pax2!!
my eyes are getting too red and squinty to keep typing right now
**2nd load will be barely broken up by hand, loaded in small chunks, pressed firmly into the oven to see how evenly it handles unground, denser bud the way you might do it if out and about and no grinder.
My first load was maybe half an oven full, med grind, pressed in flat with my finger.
Thanks for doing this! I'd love to know about how you packed the first load (fine, tamped down?), and how you will proceed with those results as well!
Try not to eat anything for the next few weeks. Save money on food AND keep ur teeth clean. Two birds one stone. Your welcome.VAS is a horrible thing. I have been on the fence between the flowermate pro + the flowermate mini ($150) and the pax2.
It has been a torturous decision.
I have decided to not to get my teeth cleaned, and with the savings, but all three.
yeah so far, if I rotate 3 times towards or away from me on first try, I get party mode, if I then rotate it 3 times towards me, I get a red light that flashes from one side the other, had I rotated it 3 times away from me on the 2nd try, it would give me a green light that flashes from one side to the other. If I then rotate it a 3rd time it gives me the motion paint light. If I rotate it 3 times away from me a 4th time, it appears to go back to the first party mode. That is all I've figured out so far. I've tried rotating from a center axis instead of rolling, and didn't get more than battery readings, same with shaking so far. I'm sure there is more to discoverAfter a session, I like to turn on the light painting mode in the dark. Its very entertaining to watch the light trails change color when you wave it around quickly
yeah I'm pretty happy with the charcoal finish too, I've favored gunmetal over silver for a lot of things, my small vector hand torch, my grinder, when ever I get that option it's usually the first choice so I am pleased with this finish.Just purchased the last one my local dispensary had, they got it in the mail just yesterday. I got the black one and I had the original black pax. I was curious about the silver pax 2 until I opened this thing...
Man o man. The black is more a polished gunmetal and now I'm real happy I went with black again for the pax 2. The device feel so much more solid in the hands and has an aluminum outside as opposed to plastic really making it feel like a solid Apple style product. I'd like to do an unboxing and comparison of the old black vs. new black YouTube video and blog post.
I'm telling you guys the new gunmetal black is where it's at, screw the silver!