@~vapeslut.xo~ !! What a great first post !
introduction on this forum with a good question : " I need advice about a potent vape" and there you are !!
OG is a great choice ! i cross-read this post and came to the same conclusion as all others here.
This is my little journey throught vape devices so far :
1. SSV - my first vape ever, reliable, beloved, great steamboat, powerfull, versatile, rock-solid if you take care of the glass parts and such a good looking shape on a desk ! You never can't go wrong with an SSV. I
2. Multi dynavap's for "stoner-lego" play. for these ones, less versatility on use to my point, BUT portable and that's the point i do care with that vape.
3. And then, OG WALNUT GENTLEMAN ! Analog "serious" butane vape, great wood looking, magnets just act and lock device like you were vaping with a wooden-optimusprime
It really can melt your face. Carefull with it and your tolerance ! ^^
Rip it hard and you get what you deserve. face smashed !
Rip it carefully and… no, no way, it gonna melt yo face anyway...!
You surely will enjoy your brick as i do enjoy mine, no question about vapor potency with this one.
My question is "do i wan't to take one more hit before quit or not ?"
And any times i answered "HELL YEAHH" ended up with a damn knockout !
With restrictor disk, you "nearly" CAN'T combust.
I've got mine for month now and it's really dumb-simple to use !
dump flowers, add whatever little pinch of concentrate you like or not, warm it for 3 sec - gentle and then hard inspire and BOOOM ! Massive clouds and massive sedative medication especially with the end of the bowl and my actual indica... Have a look on the sticky brick thread, full of good advices on how to start and how to master the "technique" and become an "OG VAPE master"

(for bongs, they althought have the flipbrick... )
You might althought be interested with the combo : elev8r and e-nail controler. Seem's tempting to me and very potent too…
Collyland aromatizer seems to make consensus about vape potency and it's bong shaped...