Changing topics, while I don't own one I'd leave the Neo alone. It's a ceramic heater paired with an ecig box mod. You're supposed to go find a pipe or bowl of some kind that makes a decent seal with the heater and then figure out how to coax your airflow so that you get even extraction and consistent clouds without scorching. For the $150 price you can (I mean you already have done) find less fiddly options that won't have you feeling like a beta tester.
To be fair, the heater is not ceramic, it is a metal alloy ribbon type coil I believe, within ceramic zirconia shell (as opposed to wood like a splinter) and it also comes with a silicone seal for the tip, so you can connect it to most any bowl piece, well it also actually cost more than $150 now! Just had to pipe in with those corrections
amazing! thank you. also the button on the Eagle hurts my hand&fingers. i hope the first lighter i ordered
( is softer. i cant grab another one til next week.
i turned up the flame on the Eagle and it heats quicker. but it still hurts my fingers

Yeah that's the thing with butane vapes, it entails the hunt for the right torch, trouble with the triggers and my hands is a big part of why I hardly use them these days, but hopefully those zico torches I linked will be reliable, because those buttons are the easiest to press for me!
oof! i definitely see your reasoning, thats unfortunate. its a very nice modern-style design
however i did see this quote in the Neo th:
"Got an OG stickybrick recently, and the Neo works like a charm with it! I don't love using the Neo with my flipbrick as it can get awkward to hold, but the OG brick really shines with the Neo."
Yeah there are a lot of people, who use the brick as a wood glass pipe for other vapes... Unklmark on Instagram uses his brick with like everything, including his Elev8r in fact! And yeah there are a lot of these wood pieces, like the O'Connell Vapes, that other people have said seal well with the Neo and there is also the Purr glass company who make a 14 mm bowl for it, and I believe are working on other glass pieces for Neo...
Ps I am super conflicted.
When it comes to the mighty.
I certainly don't miss the harsher smoke and having to drink a very tough milkshake.
but... it did give me a slow, warm high. the Dynavap hits me like a slap in the face lol.
But it's less warm. More pointy and punchy.
somewhat ashamed to admit, i kind of miss the high of the Mighty!
Haha yeah, it's good to have a session vape in the mix, but there's no reason to have one as expensive as the mighty... Down the line you may want to look into one of the budget session options, for more variety and those situations where it is convenient, like using with friends (I myself bought the mighty specifically for a trip to Colorado for my buddy's bachelor weekend, so I wouldn't have to worry about travel or mailing my more precious vapes, also thinking it would be good for sharing... However I was basically the only one who used it, aside from my friends taking a few puffs here and there, they just smoked joints and a bong instead, then I sold the mighty a few weeks after I got back home lol)
i am hoping/wondering what the Brick and Elev8r will do. i expect the Brick to have flavor but
if it can provide a longer warmer high that would be amazing as well. as
@Shit Snacks mentioned
Yeah you are getting a variety of experience now with different vape types, the brick and the elev8r really will feel totally different from the DynaVap and the mighty, so I don't want to give you too much expectation lol keep mind open!
I actually use most of my portables in a similar manner to the supposed Neo use case, it's just that the smarter way to do that is to get a fancy j-hook and then use one of the super punchy and consistent on demand vapes like the Tinymight, Firewood7, Tetra P80, Splinter Z, Milaana, or even a cheap Vleaf Go.
Yeah I also didn't feel like it was such a novel design for that reason, Tetra and the RBT Vapes (plus other pure convection mod-based vapes) can already be used in the same way... Simpler with standard glass connection, along with potential temp control! I was tempted for a neo, with that purr glass bowl, but the price kept me away...
Also like with the Tafée Bowle, everyone raving about the top down convection heating, I'm also like why is that such a big deal, because I use my logs, splinters and tetra upside down so it is the same thing lol (also elevape and haze square did do it first, having the heater be on top in proper use orientation, so it is a good feature don't get me wrong, just not like that novel or game changing imo though of course it must depend on the individual's own experience!)
so for us impatients, we can use 2x/3x flame and get quicker results? does this apply to most butane vapes?
For the vap cap yes, but I would not recommend using anything but a single flame for the brick, and I would not recommend using anything but the big shot torch for the Elev8r (and quartz dabbing) Also another reason a lot of people use a single flame torch for the vap cap, is that it gives you a bit more control, to aim the flame and take longer to heat it, giving you deeper extraction... However if you want to avoid that scorched char, then yeah a multi-flame torch could be just what you need!
see this is the kind of critical thinking VAS blocks in my brain
Haha yes you are deep in it now, let the VAS flow through you and control you!
i'd really like to know what puffing on one of those portables feels like!
they are some of the most esoteric, well not esoteric whats the word...lesser-known or obscure?
they feel like "niche" products with an immaculate reputation, like - not many people will mention them
but the ones that do, absolutely love them!
When I first got RBT Zion and Milaana (beta tested them way back when) after my buddy had gotten his Daisy and I got my Lily, we were comparing them saying they were just like battery-powered versions, electric daisy (electric lady lol) with that strong full-bodied pure convection vapor signature that comes from a great heater with plenty of power...
Unfortunately yeah them being niche products from one man show handmade made it difficult to get into the mainstream and form a sustainable business... However fortunately RBT is not quite dead! He found an old friend to take over sales (via Instagram and email now I think) for the remaining stock of Milaana3 (~50) SplinterV2 (~20) and Milaana2 (which are being built first, and waiting for a stem delivery, there may be a hundred even? The other two I listed first were the outsourced models made in China) and thankfully they can be found for sale here and on Reddit fairly regularly though they move fast!
But yeah as bossman said, tinymight came after them, and really is a great evolution, why it is my go-to portable now and a strong recommendation for pure convection on demand!
i also can't wait to experiment with my j-hook between the Elev8r, Dyna, log...the options are dizzying
Yeah I have so many j-hooks now, on top of all the different vapes, sometimes it is actually a tough to decide which one I want to use just like it's stuff to decide which herbs with all the easy variety here in California lol
at first i thought the Mighty was too simple.
but after hurting my hands trying to handle this lil Dyna i see the value in simplicity!
i'm hoping the Sticky is more in-between...not totally braindead but more fun to use.
i can't imagine Dynas being "fun" ever...but maybe i dont have the right equipment&stuff.
Haha yeah it's a pretty big contrast, don't get it twisted, there is learning curve involved with the brick and elev8r as well, personally I find Brick simpler and more rewarding than a Dyna, but it still could take some time to hone in your technique... Although maybe not, you could take right to it, that's the benefit of trying so many different types! However it's worth keeping in mind, when you get a vape that is not like anything else you have, you really want to focus and spend time with just it to learn the ins and outs... So especially tough to do, when you have a lot of new ones arriving at once!
Also just to play the devil's advocate, remember there are a whole lot of options with vap cap, you just have a basic version, why it was so cheap, but yeah I don't think it's really worthwhile paying all the money to get those fancier versions of the vap cap, personally, based on my own experience with them in the past... I am glad I still have my OG all glass version, to use every once in awhile for fun, maybe I should whip it out again, it's been over a year...
i can see a point where i just want quick easy clouds, not session conduction, at the push of a button. sounds very different than the Mighty.
Yeah that's what I came to learn, but you may want to have a session vape in your collection at some point too, Fury Edge or Rogue maybe, IQ2 is my favorite fancy one! Remember this is just the beginning for you, plenty of time to have it all