Discontinued Lil' Bud by Vapwood


Vapo Rising
@Summer , here's part of Alan's post regarding his Lil'Bud a few pages back .

My new Lil’ Bud performs so well too. Very comparable to the iHeat which is no surprise as they both use the same spiral coil design. I’m using my LB as much as my IH now. My Lil’ Bud weighs 123 grams with and 77 grams without the battery. It is amazingly light in weight and so easy to use.

Here is another mention of LB from Alan in the iHeat thread

@Bravesst - Glad you got to try out the HI (in addition to many others) while you were here. Thanks again for the Lil’ Bud. It is a part of my daily rotation. A single battery will last me for the entire day.

Pretty cool hearing Alan uses it daily :rockon:

@maxymods - where are you located ? These screens (click here) ship from Michigan. eBay search for "ariser screen" or "pipe dome screen" might yeild more results too if Link doesn't work out for you . Wish this helps.

@Bravesst - nice pic, that is one hawt looking LB ! Cherry does age well by looks of it!! Neat to see them age as the LB thread goes.
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Well-Known Member
@Summer , here's part of Alan's post regarding his Lil'Bud a few pages back .

Here is another mention of LB from Alan in the iHeat thread

Pretty cool hearing Alan uses it daily :rockon:

@maxymods - where are you located ? These screens (click here) ship from Michigan. eBay search for "ariser screen" or "pipe dome screen" might yeild more results too if Link doesn't work out for you . Wish this helps
Very much thank you
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Gentleman Of Leisure
Great DD pic @Bravesst! Do you treat the wood with anything to give the cherry that rich, rustic finish or is that just from handling it?


Just another traveller in the Cannaverse
Great DD pic @Bravesst! Do you treat the wood with anything to give the cherry that rich, rustic finish or is that just from handling it?

Handling, because of our natural oils, and light have the most effect on wood's color change over time. Remember that wood has never seen the light of day-it's been covered under bark.

The wax Mike uses really just conditions the wood to keep it from drying out. Maple won't change nearly as much as cherry, but if Mike ever uses Spruce then you can watch something go from almost pure white to a really lovely honeyed color. Dark woods change the least, but you'll notice slight changes in Walnut over time as well.

You have much to look forward to.


Full Steam Ahead
I'm setting up to cut wood bodies with this multi species batch. Going over the list, I just realized there is only 9 units in batch 6, so there is room for one more. I won't open it up on the website, but if anyone here wants to jump on, there's a spot.

Right now it stands at 4 all cherry, 3 all walnut, 2 quilted, 2 gnarly. Gonna be a good lookin' batch. Before batch 7, it's reorganization time, as well as taking a look at plans for Timber (and one other cool project).

Lil' Bud is going through a tough test. I just sold one to my weed guy (yes, in NY you still need a guy) who's never really vaped before, never mind unregulated, on demand convection. I gave him the crash course. Let's see how a total amateur with almost no instruction handles it. I shoulda told him to read the thread.


Well-Known Member
Lil' Bud is going through a tough test. I just sold one to my weed guy (yes, in NY you still need a guy) who's never really vaped before, never mind unregulated, on demand convection. I gave him the crash course. Let's see how a total amateur with almost no instruction handles it. I shoulda told him to read the thread.

and on the other hand.

there is someone like me. I haven't tried all devices but have good experience with the volcano, boundless cfx, fury 2, vapcap M, and my everyday go to right now is @DDave glass wand for vapcap, which is awesome thru water.

I am definitely curious what @Bravesst friend will think, especially his first time with vapor. I remember when a friend let me try a bag of vapor from his volcano. i wasn't even aware that vapor was a thing.

that volcano bag had me flying for hours which I think had a lot to do with me ingesting too much in my first session.

so for me, a 30 year daily weed smoker and now the past couple years pretty much exclusively vapor, I am so looking forward to receiving one of the two quilted maple Lil' Buds Mike is making right now.

It's going to be quite a different experience in that it's all wood, removable battery, unregulated, and you control much of the kind of hit you want based on technique of a single button and carb holes.

quite a difference from a cfx, fury 2 or any other vape that has electronics and some form of glue on board.

I am sure this is probably not true, but I am thinking with the Lil Buds arrival, it might be the last vape I buy for quite some time as adding it to my volcano and vapcap glass wand would seem to have me covered for many varied vaping experiences. (although I understand there are many other experiences i am not mentioning like log vapes, sticky bricks, showerhead, etc.)


Well-Known Member
Mine just arrived. The fit-n-finish is fantastic. Very clear that a lot of love went into building these. I really like the magnetic battery door.

The unit is maybe 1/8" taller than the Mi, about the same width but 1/4" thinner.

The button looks very similar to the one on the InstaHeat but it's firmer, which is probably a good thing since it will mean less accidental presses if you neglect to take the battery out in transit. (don't do that)

I didn't find the shim for the battery door but I can easily make one myself so I'm not too worried.


Well-Known Member
After a couple of hits I can say that the experience and vapor quality are both very good.

It's pretty similar to the vapes you'd think, iheat, mi, etc. It feels a lot like what it is on the surface, a riff on the Mi with a bunch of little design changes that make it its own. No glass, no mica, no glue, no thumbscrew to tighten, and a very nice magnetic door. The 18mm wooden connection seems perfect and has no wobble. You can shine a light through one of the air intakes and see the whole heater, perfectly coiled.

My only complaint, and it's as minor as they can be, is that the side with the battery door isn't as comfortable as it could be. The battery door has 90-degree edges and the door sticks out past the wings that hold it in place. If that whole side was curved and the sides met up smoothly with the door the lil' bud would feel better in the hand.

But that's it, that's the only thing I'd change, and I'm kind of a picky person. This is a great vape, Mike should be proud, and if you're in the market for a high surface area, manual vape I'd say you can't go wrong with this one.


Full Steam Ahead
Thanks for the honest review. I'm glad you're enjoying LB. I understand about taking down back plate down a hair more if that feels right for you. If you'd like to round it down a bit more yourself, I'd go with 320 grit sandpaper to start, then to 400 grit and finally 600 grit, work with the grain, and with the lid on the unit so it pairs nicely. You can probably just hit it with some heat from a blow dryer to even out the beeswax.

My shop has become my hide away. I'm all set up with my favorite *vaping* chair, and everything else I need to steel away for a little bit.

I've got all the wood for batch 6 picked out and cut to rough thickness and width. Next two days are busy for me with family, but next day in the shop (Sunday) I will layout and cut mortises for the battery, and it starts all over again. This time, all coils are already formed for the entire batch plus a few. Definitely thinking about batch 7 - it's wide open, and I'll start contacting the waiting list as soon as batch 6 is complete. For now, it's first come first serve.
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Well-Known Member
It feels a lot like what it is on the surface, a riff on the Mi with a bunch of little design changes that make it its own. No glass, no mica, no glue, no thumbscrew to tighten, and a very nice magnetic door.
Definitely not a riff on the MI as has been well detailed. The heater design is unique. So, fundamentally different than the Mi. Ok, on the surface similar - a wooden rectangle with an 18650 battery.
Going with a *coil mesh* that I form myself. With the help of @Alan, I was able to come to an easy decision, on what I feel is the best overall option. It's much nicer to work with, heats up faster, easier on battery. For me it's a win, win. The mesh isn't bent, rather rolled, much easier to get a consistent, even heat in my prototypes. I'm really excited about the coil, and anyone who's got any of Alan's vapes knows, his heater is top shelf. The iHeat is a sensational unit....

@Shit Snacks
I've been thinking about the Lil vs Little... I will go with the consensus here. So... what do you think FC?

Little Bud
Lil Bud

I found sources for everything thanks, even the raw material for the coil heater...


Well-Known Member
@chimpybits I literally said "what it is on the surface, a riff of the Mi" and then detailed the internal differences and talked about how that makes it it's own vape. Surface implies that yes, they look like very similar vapes despite what's underneath.

It's no secret that Mike started as a giant Mi fan and the first iterations of the lil' bud were using Mi parts. That's the inspiration, pure and simple, but the end product has a lot of design changes and improvements including a totally new heater design. I know there's bad blood between vape makers and fans over this but I'm sick of it and over it. All vapes are iterative. Lil' Bud is iterative of the Mi. It's a huge iteration with a lot of changes and features people wanted, and it's a success.
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Vapo Rising
Speaking of giant fans, I was expecting a package from @Bravesst having received a tracking number on Monday . It came in today , I am speechless! Wow, What a "care package" ! Mike said the brand new LB is to replace my unit I had dissembled to share pics of and to get some user feedback on LB's performance progress , thanking me for support .

What an honour it is to receive a new, "post Denver" Lil'Bud ! Words can't express how grateful and thankful I am , Mr. Stefano. Supporting this vaporizer is common sense . You work hard on these Lil' Buds , 7 days a week it seems. daily updates on the thread, continued cool and calm approach to various challenges and criticism you face , quality craftsmanship , etc, etc .. it shows that you not only stand behind your work and accept & welcome progress but that you also truly care about the people using them. many have mentioned similar remarks and more, ZC's just above about "changes and features people wanted" is a fine example of you caring about us , the people using the vapes. Nothing is fake, a diversion or overly embellished in your character or product . Nothing but quality product and service . I'd encourage entrepreneurs of all trades to follow your lead by example . I also encourage anyone looking for a quality vaping experience to really consider this vape.

Thank you , Mike , it is "highly" :spliff: appreciated , you are the best!

Stay tuned folks!

Wishing you and your Lil' Bud some good times @ZC , congrats on the new addition !



Well-Known Member
@chimpybits I literally said "what it is on the surface, a riff of the Mi" and then detailed the internal differences and talked about how that makes it it's own vape. Surface implies that yes, they look like very similar vapes despite what's underneath.

It's no secret that Mike started as a giant Mi fan and the first iterations of the lil' bud were using Mi parts. That's the inspiration, pure and simple, but the end product has a lot of design changes and improvements including a totally new heater design. I know there's bad blood between vape makers and fans over this but I'm sick of it and over it. All vapes are iterative. Lil' Bud is iterative of the Mi. It's a huge iteration with a lot of changes and features people wanted, and it's a success.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of giant fans, I was expecting a package from @Bravesst having received a tracking number on Monday . It came in today , I am speechless! Wow, What a "care package" ! Mike said the brand new LB is to replace my unit I had dissembled to share pics of and to get some user feedback on LB's performance progress , thanking me for support .

so you know on these forums it's sometimes difficult to express sarcasm or that you are stating something in jest because it's written words.

so I want to preface my comment that it's tongue and cheek.



you are welcome.

I say that just kidding because I want to take like 1% credit for your new post-denver little friend.

On a few occasions thru email and when I ordered my LB and on this forum I told @Bravesst that it was your YouTube videos that pushed me over the top to order one.


anyone who is reading this thread and still undecided about purchasing a LB, watch @P.A.M. youtube videos, it gives you an unsolicited experienced person who knows how to show off what this little wooden device is capable of.

(plus the soda bottle video is very cool)


you deserve something like this...

I appreciate your thoughts here and thru email (thanks)

and to Mike @Bravesst,

exactly what I said a few posts earlier,

when you deal with Vapwood, maker of the Lil Bud and future projects, you deal with the owner, Mike, a craftsman and all around caring guy who is kicking ass in a quality product and personal customer service.

maybe I am guilty of gushing about this, especially since I am just about to get my LB in batch 6 so I can't even comment about actual first hand experience yet....

but it's posts like @P.A.M. that just are so refreshing in our current societal landscape....

I know @P.A.M. you seemed like you were probably going to eventually want a post-denver LB.

and now you have one.

how great is that...

now the big question is..

are we going to get new videos of dueling LBs....one in one hand, one in the other....

one last thought....not sure of this, maybe Mike can chime in,

@P.A.M. you might be the first person to individially own two LBs, that's very cool as well....

CONGRATS again, you gotta love forums like this, such good, thoughtful caring people here...


Vapo Rising
Thank you for the kind words and for tuning in @RushVaporTrails ! I had you in mind when writing that others share similar remarks of Mike and Vapwood.

I do have you to thank along with the FC community as a whole for my new little friend . I'd name a few people who've reached out or posted their support but I wouldn't want to miss anyone , you guys know who you are . I couldn't do it without you folks . Even when I joined FC in December 2016, people were kind and helpful . Either it be through posts or private messages, it is always nice to receive words of encouragement, insight on vapes in general or just general chats. @Diggy Smalls was one of the first to welcome me on FC , he recently received a iHeat cartridge which he enjoys, I couldn't be happier for him.

The Lil' Bud deserves all the credit and attention it can get . It is a quality , well crafted vape. Some folks aren't comfortable posting in public forums, let alone share videos of themselves vaping, and that's ok. I can't say I'm 100% comfortable sharing vid's of myself busting lungs to the world but I do it for you guys , for "vaporization" sake, in hopes it can help people discover the Lil' Bud and how fun and effective vaporizing in general can be! reading those efforts are helping people as intended is great ! I'd do it with other vapes too if could afford VAS.

Thank you for reaching out @RushVaporTrails and for putting in a good word for me in your communications with Mike and on this thread. I know you are excited to get your LB , just as I was, it is pretty cool that you postponed a batch 4-5 unit for a batch 6 Quilted Maple LB. sweet that you'll have the first exotic wood LB, I'm quite sure you will love it .

Congratulations, Mike , you should be proud indeed! Always looking forward to read other members LB experiences as you keep building them .


Just another traveller in the Cannaverse
Just a heads-up. I'm probably not going to be on here or forums much as May turns to June and through August when I'll be recording my next album.

I've had to make some difficult decisions around how I use my hands. So until my parts are 'in the can' I'll be stepping away from the computer keyboard almost entirely.

It's just killing my hands, and voice to text isn't much better based on the frustration and editing. I love y'all and I'll lurk some, and post short things here because I feel a duty and responsibility to this community. But I can't be as laconic as I usually am. I need this time to heal and I know you'll understand. Cheers, kb


Well-Known Member
I do have you to thank along with the FC community as a whole for my new little friend . I'd name a few people who've reached out or posted their support but I wouldn't want to miss anyone , you guys know who you are .

It's very thoughtful to include me with those who you appreciate, but it's really me who should thank you.

I am not really sure how I exactly found FC and why I gravitated to this thread specifically, but here I am.

(it probably does have everything to do with LB checking off so many boxes)

I wouldn't be writing on this board if @P.A.M. hadn't encouraged me to break out of my shell and join in.

before I joined in, @P.A.M. also answered some questions and gave me some motivation thru his personal email, which he certainly didn't have to provide, really appreciate that.

and yes, the moment @Bravesst mentioned quilted maple my heart actually sunk because i had originally ordered walnut and right before mike went to denver i asked if I could switch my batch 4/5 LB from walnut to cherry.

then the triumphant return from Denver and @Bravesst is stoked about exotic woods.

I thought, oh man, Mike is going to think I am such a pain if I ask to kick me out of batch 4/5 and put me in batch 6 with quilted maple.

@Bravesst happily replied that he could accommodate my request.

Definitely getting excited to see how that quilted maple turns out!


Well-Known Member
I'm really liking the included dowel/safety pin tool included. It's got everything you need plus you can pin it or hang it on something nearby. Super simple but very functional.

EDIT: The other thing is wow the LB is really light. Every time I pick it up I have to second guess if the battery is in it or not.
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Just another traveller in the Cannaverse
I'm really liking the included dowel/safety pin tool included. It's got everything you need plus you can pin it or hang it on something nearby. Super simple but very functional.

I remember when I first got it that I thought, "how quaint" and didn't think I'd use it much at all. Fuck me-I use it constantly, home and away. It's always within an arms length. And I use it with all my vapes. It's simple and brilliant. Just like the LB.


Full Steam Ahead
Batch 6 is happening, and I'm learning something. This is the first batch that isn't all walnut, all cherry, or a combination of just those two. I've got 4 different woods going, walnut, gnarly walnut, cherry, quilted maple. I rough cut everything to thickness and width, but I'm finding it hard to make so few in each species. It's liking cooking for 1 or 2, hard to do without wasting time and effort. What I'll probably do is prepare bodies for extra units and set aside for batch 7. Most of the processes that take place in the wood shop require much more extensive set ups. I planned to layout 12 units, but it wound up being closer to 20. I started cutting mortises and before I knew it, I had half done. Maybe what's happening is it's getting easier to for me to handle more work at one time due to each process evolving and getting a bit more efficient. In the end, it really adds up.

Does that make any sense or am I just really baked?
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