Speaking of giant fans, I was expecting a package from
@Bravesst having received a tracking number on Monday . It came in today , I am speechless! Wow, What a "care package" ! Mike said the brand new LB is to replace my unit I had dissembled to share pics of and to get some user feedback on LB's performance progress , thanking me for support .
so you know on these forums it's sometimes difficult to express sarcasm or that you are stating something in jest because it's written words.
so I want to preface my comment that it's tongue and cheek.
you are welcome.
I say that just kidding because I want to take like 1% credit for your new post-denver little friend.
On a few occasions thru email and when I ordered my LB and on this forum I told
@Bravesst that it was your YouTube videos that pushed me over the top to order one.
anyone who is reading this thread and still undecided about purchasing a LB, watch
@P.A.M. youtube videos, it gives you an unsolicited experienced person who knows how to show off what this little wooden device is capable of.
(plus the soda bottle video is very cool)
you deserve something like this...
I appreciate your thoughts here and thru email (thanks)
and to Mike
exactly what I said a few posts earlier,
when you deal with Vapwood, maker of the Lil Bud and future projects, you deal with the owner, Mike, a craftsman and all around caring guy who is kicking ass in a quality product and personal customer service.
maybe I am guilty of gushing about this, especially since I am just about to get my LB in batch 6 so I can't even comment about actual first hand experience yet....
but it's posts like
@P.A.M. that just are so refreshing in our current societal landscape....
I know
@P.A.M. you seemed like you were probably going to eventually want a post-denver LB.
and now you have one.
how great is that...
now the big question is..
are we going to get new videos of dueling LBs....one in one hand, one in the other....
one last thought....not sure of this, maybe Mike can chime in,
@P.A.M. you might be the first person to individially own two LBs, that's very cool as well....
CONGRATS again, you gotta love forums like this, such good, thoughtful caring people here...