Shipped, shipped, and shipped... I was in the post office for over an hour filling out those damn custom forms and waiting for the clerk to enter the endless info. I'll get you guys your tracking numbers later today...
Not to let any grass grow under foot, I roughed out the next batch, cutting them all to size, and creating the mortise for the battery. That was an overwhelming task when I first started, even on the last batch it took twice as long as it did today. A 1/4 and 1/2 inch pair of simple wooden spacers made the job twice as fast. Once the router was set up, I never had to touch it. I wound up cutting 15 mortises, even though batch three is 10, I like to work with extra. I can always use extra wood bodies in next batch.
This batch is all cherry, got some really nice wavy grained cherry. Not sure what I'm doing with the switch boxes just yet.
Anybody who paid (not batch 1 or 2) and thinks they rather hold out for walnut, please let me know. I have plenty of people that will take Cherry. Next batch will probably be walnut again, so it's not a long wait. Most batch 3 people have already chose cherry. I'll try and accommodate your stem request as well, but that's gonna be about what stems I have (getting a shipment soon of walnut and cherry).
Batch 4 will start to work off the waiting list. So far it's taken two weeks to get a batch of 10 out. I'm predicting ten days this time around. But either way, in a month waiting list will start to ship.
I am pretty much right on schedule from what I first predicted. I think at this point, barring any unforeseen occurrences, my projected ship dates will hold up or improve.