You're an Aussie right?
Aus post shipping is unfortunately a rip-off, but yeah, you'll need to pay for return shipping.
7th floor will cover the shipping back to you though

When I had to ship my silver one back, they told me to remove all glass pieces, so I sent it back without the heater cover on, and the one I got back had a heater cover on it.
I can't remember if they offered, or I asked, but I also remember getting a WPA thrown in to offset my shipping a bit.
My cord on my black one just fried
I'm pretty sure it's a relatively simple fix, just need to chop out the short but of cord that shorted out.
I'm pretty sure they will require me to ship it back though.
Luckily I've sill got my silver one running strong, so no lack of LSV while it gets repaired.