Cloud Lounging
So it's been about 2 weeks but I finally got a suitable reply today. I sent an email to a higher up 7th floor employee who used to post here, and he has sorted it out for me. He said the incident I referred to where the Aus customer had his shipping paid for was during a period when they had a 'known issue' with the LSV cords and were repairing and shipping them back for free. Even though that period has expired he has made an exception and will cover the return costs.
Seems to me like this cord issue is still very much a problem, as I only bought my LSV 6 months ago and upon it's arrival I had to adjust the element as well as fiddle with the power cord frequently to get it to work properly. I hope they redesign their cords in the future as I don't think the current strain relief does very much of anything.
What was wrong with your cord? My cord is bent sorta about 5 inches from the relief strain. It curves a certain way and if I try to move it back, it goes right to it. I know its hard to explain but I can take a picture in a few. Basically its crooked and doesn't stay straight, hopefully it doesn't mean anything.

As you can see the cord is twisted due to it hitting the couch and bending over time. The picture where you can see the whole cord and it is bent in the middle, the cord won't go back how it was. Its a little off the ground and it should be straight but I can't get it to go back, theres another part of the cord that is lifted off the ground after that part of it too. Maybe its not a big deal, it just is bent really bad where I showed you though. I can take better pictures but I can't really explain how the middle part is bent but I tried my best, it should be flipped over and put in a straight line with the rest of the cord, but it doesn't stay.
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