I know this might be messed up question but I used my lsv as dab ignitor and the heating element kind at some point fallen down. Im out of warranty and never used warranty, neither I used lsv since I broke the wand, I only tried it couple times. My question is without sending it to authorized repair would you tell me how to dissassemble the unit to fix the position of the heating element ? the video posted does not suffice, thank you very much for your help anyone I thought originally it would be easier job just to put the fallen heating element to its place from beneath. I would attempt it from the top but itsnot possible since it fallen down bellow the metal and when I attempted it previously I was afraid that pressure could damage the ceramic element
In the video there seems to be a central piece which holds the heating rod in centered position, did that came only on certain versions or all versions of lsv? I dont remember mine having it, Unfortunately, in my attempts of fixing the rod position and disassembly I unscrewe one of the top three screws and kind of lost the second part of it, if anyone can help me with what type of screws are they I would be very grateful

Tl DR : I was able to fix the heater position, just wondering If my lsv is missing heating element centering pad or if it was on just some versions + type of screw used on those top three because I lost it, I would be very grateful for help
I forgot to say that there was little piece of protective sleeve on the end of the lsv heating element.