There were only two things that bugged me about the Wand. First, mine has the same problem as
@TommyDee's, that the dap cap doesn't snap into place. That was annoying when I was experimenting with the banger, but I don't buy concentrates often, and I use a Dynavap when I do, so it's not really an issue.
The other thing was that it so obviously wasn't made for a Dynavap. It takes two hands and some focus to operate, and sometimes I had to move the DV around to get the sensor to see it. Those problems are completely solved with the Skullkandy Creations adapter. I can just drop it in, the Wand sees it, and I pull it out at the click. Durability remains to be seen with carbon fiber and heat over time, but I think it should be fine.
I highly recommend one for anyone using the Wand with a Dyanvap--which, I believe, is most of you.