Lots of aggressive cleaning! Interesting read.
@Greenscreen, crazy aggressive cleaning schedule. And I thought I was into super clean! No smells with mine and my routine over a few years now, but they've never gotten very dirty. Have you thought of PBW instead of ISO? It's better, stronger, faster and cheaper (but it has to be mixed accurately). I've done both 99% ISO and PBW and PBW is hands-down a more aggressive cleaner. Strong enough that it will take anodizing off aluminum

! Still mild enough that a bit of solution handling with no gloves is okay.
@letter never sent, every session! Interesting. Wow @ all the other daily changers. It makes sense though. Fwiw, my routine has been to change water after three days of use (~10 sessions), which also corresponds to once a week for me (I only vape Friday after work through Sunday). Dabbing can really taint water, so sometimes I change the water after dabbing. I always use distilled water as well. And I clean my water pieces after the same 3 days of use, which again means weekly. PBW and hot water mixed and shaken @ ~1/2 volume in a water piece, then rinsed X3 (plus a dw rinse X3).
My overall vape setup and vaping/dabbing routine is really clean. Whole vapor path parts cleaning after three days of use, ultrasonic cleaner, PBW, etc. Fast & simple too. My biggest problem is the herb grinder

Doin' it dirty bong style here!
HMC i try this smoked drink [NSFW]
u/Rredite in