WOW. Okay so. Lemme break it down.
Hi Ava - wow....I haven't bought an HN yet as I have two controllers and many other things to pay for right now (like new carpet...sigh LOL).
But it has been on my radar for quite some time and I did see and use the HN-01 at
@mutten840 and really liked it.
I guess I just want to express my not-so-important vote for a control head. Personally, while I don't mind apps as an addendum to built in controls, I would almost certainly not be interested in a controller that depended on an app or browser connection.
Little bit of feedback, for what's its worth.
I know you haven't. I've been trying to snag you since we started posting here a year ago.

@mutten840 is greasing the wheels a bit. Haha.
Really glad to hear you like the unit though. Don't think your feedback isn't important or welcome. The hardest people to please are often the most die hard fans once you give 'em what they want.
I like the idea of a small headless unit that still provides all the functionality of the HN-01 but in a much smaller package (assuming it's much smaller).
I come from a technical background though so I'm immediately seeing all manner of ways to setup a nice vape station with an old tablet or mobile (or even cheap smart watch) mounted on a desk stand. I feel that the HN-01 all in one format should still be available in some form but personally I'm looking forward to the HN-02. Assuming there is a UK variant this may be my next purchase in conjunction with a Flowerpot Shower Head and some compact glass.
It IS much smaller. 3x4x2 (in.) vs 5x7x2 (HN-01).
Your ideas on a station...? Hit the nail on the head. As for the UK variant. There will not be.
...cuz both of our models can be used anywhere in the world with the right coil. 110 - 250v Compatible.
everytime i see the Red Queen reference I think of the british girl from the first movie, "You're all going to die down here"
Heh. There's a few references within the name Red Queen. I was proud of and you nailed that one.
Not what I was expecting or had in mind but actually it's OK. I need to adjust my expectations slightly but I'm a wood fan and it looks well finished.
Hope all the cables come out the back of the unit.
Would like a reference object to get a feel for its actual size.
Are there any controls?
At least a hardware power button?
Padauk speaks for itself. We love this wood (it's our personal favorite) and take great pride in our finish.
(Oh, and if anyone feels that their HN-01 feels dry, or you want to give it a good shine again: Grab this wonderful stuff. It can be had at your local Home Depot, etc. as well, IIRC.
Our HN-01 Prototype was also done in Padauk. I'm actually about to finally get to use some for knife scales and at some point...maybe my 1911 grips, too.
I'll get HN-01 size comparison shots up soon. Maybe a couple with a banana for scale.
Oh, and the answers about the hardware are: Yes & Yes. Full size XLR, User-replaceable fused inlet, and a power switch all on the back. Same as the HN-01.
Meant to post yesterday but realized I was missing a bolt on the back in the photos I took.
That would be pretty easy to do with the current software in the HN01 as there are already five hot keys (sounds like more than five in upcoming software updates).
Just set up a Flower-Pot profile and use those five hot keys as you see fit.
If you have another nail (ie Ligerr/DNail) set up a separate profile for them as well.
I initially thought the profiles were for multiple users in a session who had different temp preferences, but they could easily be used for different nails.
Just to clarify terms for everyone (from our side anyway)...
Profiles - Not currently used much. Setting your profile name just displays it on the Home Screen at the moment but the 2.0 software update is adding more conventional Profile options like separate UI settings, temps, etc. We've got a few unconventional ones in store for y'all, too.
Presets - Currently: User set temps, Glob Mode / Uptemp Dabs, and Cleaning Mode. There are 5 slots available on the Home Screen and they can be set to any of the previously stated 'types' of preset.
Now...2.0 will be switching this up a little. I suppose it's more like breaking it down when you think about it. We're going to have (at launch): Cleaning (High), Cleaning (Low), Glob, Uptemp, and of course, standard temp presets. So there will be 5 types instead of 3 (and more options will come with updates).
Tunings - The tunings are designed to use real-world test data (that we gather in-house from each nail) to:
1) Provide an estimated dish temp. that isn't solely based on an 'offset'. Rather it's based around the actual thermal properties of each nail / insert and it's respective material (SiC, Qtz, etc.)
2) Adjust ('tune') the duty cycle (power being fed to the nail) in such a way that keeps makes unit more responsive to changes in the dish temp. based around the same real-world data.
Some of our tunings still need work as the data was collected very early in the development process. We'll be using 2.0 as an opportunity to finally implement some of the tunings users have helped us improve, too.
If you have tuning values that you feel work better than ours feel free to let us know! We can test them in-house and if it fits, it sits.
Those of you that have gotten into fine-tuning your nails will be very happy to know that you'll be able to not only save your values for our stock tunings, but save your own new tunings for nails we haven't had a chance to test yet. ie. Qtz Bangers, etc.)
also from what I've seen the presets do not change the nail selection or select a different tune, but id expect that functionality would be simple to add on
Tunes are the custom PID settings for each different nail.
I say there is no offset as i can heat a halo and the indicated nail temp sticks pretty linear to the coil, as id expect. The liger however, the coil reaches its "throttle down" state from initial warm up and while the coil temp will level off the nail temp can be seen slowly raising, and it speeds up as heat spreads through the different mated surfaces and much increased mass.
We've found that Ligers definitely have to soak for quite some time to get to 'resting' temp. But they're also more stable than we initially thought and our tunings reflect that calculation error right now in some cases.
Oh, and we are working on the option to have Temp. Presets optionally change the nail tuning as well implemented in 2.0 (or soon after release).
Phew. That was a lot. Haha.