Well-Known Member
Web/App controls only? That should lower the price a little.
So, since I've been late on the announcement due to some personal issues and solidifying the specs I'll just confirm.Web/App controls only? That should lower the price a little.
please, here my open question again. Just for clarification the HN 02 will not have no touchscreen anymore? Controlling only by app? If I want to start and control the HN I can do it only by using a smartphone and while going online?? Why that? I even have no smartphone and don't intend to buy one. May be this additional option is interesting for many people but ONLY by app? I'm pretty sure that would lower the interest of a LOT of potential customers if this would be the case.
Sorry, I dislike all this "i" only stuff. Modern nonsense. Hope I'm wrong.....
Is there any plans to add a Flowerpot profile?
Is the HN-02 going to completely phase out the HN-01, or will the 01 model still be available? My concern is the same as Hogni's. Don't get me wrong, I am usually sitting in front of a computer with my gear right beside me, so having a smartphone handy is a non-issue for me. What worries me is that if I'm in a situation where I can't use a desktop or a laptop (let alone join a wifi network to control it), I'm screwed!
Id imagine you can still control it via web interface too.
There are still lots of people interested in the HN-01 and as I said above the touchscreen will make a return for sure...but we've had tons of requests for a headless unit.@HexNailAva,
please, here my open question again. Just for clarification the HN 02 will not have no touchscreen anymore? Controlling only by app? If I want to start and control the HN I can do it only by using a smartphone and while going online?? Why that? I even have no smartphone and don't intend to buy one. May be this additional option is interesting for many people but ONLY by app? I'm pretty sure that would lower the interest of a LOT of potential customers if this would be the case.
Sorry, I dislike all this "i" only stuff. Modern nonsense. Hope I'm wrong.....
I'm hoping to see a smaller controller with the beautiful wood enclosure and no touch screen or anything like that. Just an MP3 player sized OLED (maybe like the MaxVapor unit). Something similar to your typical enail controller, tuned to specific nails like this so you get the performance functionality without the fluff. I honestly don't see the point of a touch screen, provided the nails are as tuned as claimed I dont have a reason to see direct realtime feedback
It has no screen, but it will have a...'modern' light ring (it's a little different than what might immediately comes to mind) that will indicate temperature, errors, hardware issues (ie. No Coil), etc.Is the HN02 going to have a small screen or no screen? It sure would be nice to be able to change/see temperature/profiles from the device without any additional peripherals. I posted this in February.
Is there any ETA or price estimate somewhere? I am ready to buy a Flowerpot ASAP and need a controller. Depending on the price I would be very interested in this with the FP profile in the works. I feel like the hybrid nature of the Flowerpot would benefit from a custom profile more than anything, so I remain curious. Maybe even a hotkey for flower hit, concentrate hit, or double decker![]()
I think you're giving the profiles a little too much credit, they are more for mass and material differences in the nails the box will heat, a flower vape sesh vs a dab vs a double decker couldn't really make that much of a difference if the nail material and mass never changes, the box is smart, but not that smart. It'd be like having a "tuning" for a certain material vs another on the same nail, there just wouldn't be enough change the tuning could effect to make any difference whatsoever. To clarify, the profiles are a benefit and do offer visible results but thats when swapping nails around and there are more variables the box can actually change.
Edit: There is no reason to hold off on buying a Hexnail of either version, just because there isn't a tune for your nail, case in point, the hex doesn't have a saph halo tune yet I get her chugging just like i can the Sic halo that does have a tune
Can users generate their own profiles by tweaking settings and saving them?
Can users share those profiles?
Is 2.0 going to be compatible with Android Wear 2.0? Tempted by a Sony Smart Watch 3 as a basic smart interface.
Did a search of this thread for "user generated profiles" but didn't get any results.
Also assume the 2.0 is going to bring new features that might include the features I'm asking about.
You can select NONE from the nail menu and modify any of the PID values (which are the tunes themselves) although I don't see where you could save them as a preset or something beyond keeping the values though a power off.
You can post you PID values for others, I'm pretty sure there have been some posted in the Twax thread and possibly the sublimator....could be wrong though as I read a lot of threads.
And I was prolly lazy to call them profiles instead of tunes, profiles in the Hexnail world typically refers to the per user profiles, where every user can have everything setup for them and have different presets and PID values.....ok, then that would be how to save custom tunes, you'd make a separate user profile for each tune and save them.
I think you're giving the profiles a little too much credit, they are more for mass and material differences in the nails the box will heat, a flower vape sesh vs a dab vs a double decker couldn't really make that much of a difference if the nail material and mass never changes, the box is smart, but not that smart. It'd be like having a "tuning" for a certain material vs another on the same nail, there just wouldn't be enough change the tuning could effect to make any difference whatsoever. To clarify, the profiles are a benefit and do offer visible results but thats when swapping nails around and there are more variables the box can actually change.
Edit: There is no reason to hold off on buying a Hexnail of either version, just because there isn't a tune for your nail, case in point, the hex doesn't have a saph halo tune yet I get her chugging just like i can the Sic halo that does have a tune
Respectfully, I'm not sure you understand how the Flowerpot works. Flower mode, meaning I might want a different temperature for a flower only hit, versus dab mode, which could be another temperature. Just as I might want a different hotkey for a one hitter flower hit, versus a flower session. This would be even more useful in this new Hex Nail device which will not feature a display.